Showing posts with label drawings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drawings. Show all posts

30 September 2012

Do you need a new plant?

Trying to decide if you need more plants? 
This handy-dandy little tool will answer that question every time! (Click to see it full size)

07 October 2011

Friday Garden Cartoon: Plant those bulbs!

It is that time of year again. Get out there and start planting!

See all my garden cartoons here

15 September 2011

Chance of frost tonight

The weather man is predicting a chance of scattered frost tonight... We all know what that means.

Frost and sheets

15 April 2011

Friday Gardening Cartoon: Spring euphoria!

If any of your non-gardening friends and family are wondering why you have been running around giggling and grinning the past couple weeks, simply share with them this chart demonstrating the relationship between spring and happiness for gardeners.

25 March 2011

Friday Cartoon: Roadtrip (from the archives)

Life has been crazy of late, so I decided to dig up an old drawing for you all this Friday. And important tip to keep in mind as you start planning your summer vacations:
Road trip with a gardener

04 February 2011

Friday Cartoon: Dealing with snow

Given most of the country got hammered with snow this week, I thought I'd share how I, a native of the Snow Belt deal with snow. Denial.

07 January 2011

Friday Cartoon: Color Contrast

I love winter. I love snow. A lot. This is one of the reasons why.

31 December 2010

Friday Cartoon: News Years Resolutions


For more silliness on new years resolutions for gardeners, do check out this post from the lovely Carol of May Dreams Gardens.

28 December 2010

17 December 2010

Friday cartoon: Gardener dreams

Merry Christmas everyone! (Unless you don't celebrate it, in which case, Happy Whatever Suits Your Fancy!)
The night before Christmas
I'm taking next week off blogging for the holidays, so I'll see you all in a week or so.

10 December 2010

03 December 2010

Friday cartoon: Winter activities

We've had our first snowfall, and I'm settling in for the winter...
winter books