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posted by scubacuda
on Tuesday January 18, @12:37AM
from the dept.
The Biological Innovation for Open Society, or BIOS, will soon launch an open-source platform that promises to free up rights to patented DNA sequences and the methods needed to manipulate biological material. Users must only follow BIOS' "rules of engagement," which are similar to those used by the open-source software community.
Anonymous Coward
on Saturday January 29, @01:06PM (#1669)
Open Reminder to All Patent Holders to be Proactive
It is your obligation under the US Patent law to enforce your patent rights which includes public and
private notices to possible infringers of your patents.
For example, years ago I set out on a path to reinvent data storage in a new light ready to exceed the capacity, speed, bandwidth, cost, and having 1 media specification to handle this.
In 1998 I patented the world’s first and only concept for using ferroelectrics for 2D and3D infinite rewritable data storage.
As a 25 plus year pioneer in the creation on many current market peripheral storage devices I knew the demand for data storage is a never ending necessity for the information age.
I would be Columbus setting out for the new world in a storage nanotechnology of my own creation beholding to none.
In 2005 it became known for the first time that most all Phase Change media uses ferroelectric Ge2Sb2Te5 material. The DVD/CD/MO/Blu-Ray Phase Change only knew if they heated it up and cooled it down something happened to the surface of the material.
It is important that your patents totally define a new concept for our rights to be enforceable using industry proof as necessary. In my case ignorance of science and the materials being used by companies for phase change data storage could place an extremely valuable price tag on my patents.
2 links are provided for evidence that in 2005 the data phase companies didn’t know they were using ferroelectric media.
I suspect the Phase Change companies who are actively licensing and charging royalties for their Blu-Ray and Phase change technology to acquire a license from Colossal Storage in the next 5 years for our nanotechnology.
I like other inventors will need to protect our intellectual property by letting the world know where we stand.
Michael E. Thomas
Colossal Storage Corporation
Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be
lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition.
- Isaac Asimov