
Monday, December 20, 2010

December Happenings

Had trouble posting slideshow so enjoy above!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Idaho Residents

So after a crazy summer of not knowing where we were going to end up I'm happy to say that Jason got a wonderful job here in Boise. He has been there for a little over a month now and it has been going awesome! He finally feels the validation that he has deserved. The kids started at a new charter school this year and it has been great. They wear uniforms and look so cute in them every day! It is still hard getting used to them being gone during the day, but I really feel like this is what is best right now. My little girls are getting so big! Addalyn is talking more all the time and Camden is standing and starting to cruz! We are pretty happy so we have decided to purchase a house! We have one offer in right now, checkout the previous slideshow, it's a shortsale so we are still ready to offer on others. We still miss living by family but are trying real hard to recruit family to come here! I think that ID has a bad rap and if people realized how truly awesome it is here more people would move here! This next year should be interesting for our family but I'm am excited to find out what's in store for us!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


My life is and was not meant to be boring. Jason is searching for a new job. So most likely we will be moving most likely by the end of summer. He interviewed with a hospital in Nebraska and with two in Arizona. There are also some possible ones in Alaska and Kansas. I took a few weeks to morn and now I am ready to go where ever we are suppose to be. We had no idea how much this economy would affect the nursing industry. I still love telling people how hard this economy has been on us and when they ask what my husband does they are always completely surprised when I tell them. I swear I might sue some of these nursing schools for still advertising that there is still a nursing shortage! Seriously it makes me CRAZY! So here we are pretty close to where we were a year ago. I know so many people in nursing school right now and I can't help but pity them. If it's bad now it will be worse for them in the future. Nursing grads are one of the highest unemployed degrees, isn't that insane! I really hope that tomorrows interviews go well but if the outcome is not what we hope then I am sure that the Lord needs us somewhere else and I am in a good mindset about that, now. I've been torn about where I want to be AZ or WA. In some ways going where ever Jason gets a job frees me of any guilt. I really just want to be settled. I dream about decorating a house again, painting, hanging all my stuff up, no boxes in the garage oh my! My trial of patience is still continuing and I'm sure that the blessings will be worth it. Oh where would I be without my faith... that's right the nut house!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Boot Camp!

So Here I am Day two of Boot Camp. Today went much better then yesterday. What can I say it's early it's cold but it needs to be done! I am so grateful for Jason and Payten for allowing me this tome to take care of myself. I really have no grand delusions about how much weight I'll lose but I am giving it my all and really hoping when it ends in 4 weeks that I will be a lot healthier and perhaps fit in some summer clothes! 2 down 18 to go!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I Love a Man in Uniform

Jason will kill me for this post but I couldn't resist!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Temporary home

I have decided I am so ready to be done with temporary living. Things are perpetually changing in our lives so it's for the best that we have been only living in temporary homes, but I am so ready to be in our forever home. I long for the stability it will bring to my family. I'm not sure where we belong but I really want to belong somewhere. With our house in WA selling it makes me feel rushed to know where we want to put down our roots. I wish I could just make what I want to happen but I am well aware that that is not how it works. Patience is a virtue right?! It is truly hard to want things that are out of my control. So in the mean time I rely on what I know best, trying to make the best out of every situation. I really hope a year from now I'm blogging about my new home and that the only temporary home I have is this Earthly