Ok so I missed posting about Payten's 10th bday and Jason's graduation, Avaries transplant party and Father's Day. I just have spent so much time doing other stuff that it all just got away from me. I promise to post pics from all the events later but for now I just wanted to at least post and say I am here still and still want to blog but I have felt so buried and have felt like I have been carry the weight of the world on my shoulders lately. Hopefully all of you have been following Avarie's blog so you are all aware of her situation. Jason graduated and although that was a wonderful occasion it has been very difficult for new grads to get hired ANYWHERE. We are pretty sure we are going to have to move to some random location. The problem is with the recession so many retired (experienced) nurses have come back to the work force snagging all the jobs with them. And the hospitals have cut a lot of their new grad training programs so that leaves us with some RN jobs but none for new grads. I am not sure of where this will take us it's pretty much the situation we found our self in when he was applying for schools and we got in to NC. I had NO IDEA that we would find our selves in this similar of a situation again but apparently the Lord has certain places in mind for my family and this is how we get to those locations. So again my faith is in his hands and all I ask for is Safety and Security for my whole family. In the mean time we leave to Hawaii in two days and will try to put some of these earthly concerns aside while we enjoy some relaxing in the tropical sun.