Saturday, November 29, 2008

Jo Update

A lot of people have been asking how I am doing so here is an update....
I am doing pretty good. I have been going to physical therapy twice a week for my neck. My knees are healing pretty well, I sill have a big knot on my left knee. My physical therapist did an ultra sound on it to help break up the hard mass...anyway, I am not supposed to lift a lot because of my sprained it sounds like I am falling apart, really I'm good. Thanks for all of your thoughts!

These pics don't do my cool bruises justice! They went all the way down my left leg. We still aren't sure how it all happened!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Addy's Personality at 1

I forgot to write what Addy is doing at this stage in her life!!!
*She is using walking as her main transportation as of 1 week ago.
*Still one nap a day
*only 1-2 bottles a day
*Will throw herself one her belly when throwing a fit. LOL really funny!
*When you ask her if she wants a bottle she smacks her lips.
*When she is frustrated she scratches her right ear, poor ear...
*LOVES FOOD and sometimes out eats her brothers
*Loves to be chased
*Signs more, please, potty, all done, drink, eat, fruit,and bath.
*Says bye bye, mom, dad, baba,hi, more(moe) up, hot.
*Sometimes when she wants more of something she reaches towards it, you ask her if she wants more then she nods her head.
*Does not like getting her diaper changed.
*Loves to cuddle her baby dolls
*Will stick up for herself if her brothers are bugging her
*She is folding her arms for prayer(sometimes)
*Addy like to go for a ride. If you ask her she nods her head and points to outside
*Likes to color
*LOVES to have her clothes off. She always takes off her socks and then tries to take off her shirt...silly Addy!
*Gives LOVES (hugs and kisses)
*She always walks around the house and will use her whisper voice saying who knows what!
*LOVES to climb the stairs and Elijah's ladder to his bed.
*Washes herself when she is in the bathtub
*Dances to music
*Addy LOVES LOVES LOVES to be tickled, just like mamma!!
*Likes to wear bad her mother isn't into shoes that much!
*She likes to sit on the counter when I am getting ready and pretend to put make-up on.
*LOVES grapes and eggs
*Likes to talk on the phone..pretend talk.
*SHE FINALLY CUT HER 4 MOLLERS(sp?) THAT SHE HAS BEEN WORKING ON FOR THE PAST 1 1/2 months!! Now she has 12 teeth!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

1 already?!

We cannot believe Addy is 1 already!!! She has brought so much joy into our home! We are soooo blest to have this sweet little spirit apart of our family! She has quite the personality as you can see from the pics!!
I was in a little pain today from my car accident so we just had a little party with just was great! Addy had to eat her cake with a fork, and she loves the baby dolls she got, the yellow one is from aunt Jordy and the purple one is from grandma Davenport, she made it by hand. My mom got Addy some cute clothes(the tights she has on)I can't wait to put her in her little dress from my mom!!! Thank you everyone for sharing her special day with us!!

Oh yeah, I decorated her cake with the fake flowers I had around the house....nothing like my sista can do though.... =)

Grandma Came to visit!!

We were sooooo LUCKY to have Grandma come to visit us!! She spoiled us once again with shopping and just with her love!! Jordan got Adeline a cute little cup cake for her Birthday so we had a little birthday celebration so Addy could eat it up! Thanks Jordy! Thanks Mom for coming and showering us with your love once again! We love you and can't wait to see you and dad after Christmas!

Grandma got to spend the day with Elijah at school! They both had a great time and Elijah is lucky to have such a cool grandma!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I love being taught!

I saw this on a friends blog and loved the messeage it taught and I wanted to share it with those "around" me.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Just a Scratch...

I got a call to Now I lay Me Down To Sleep and I was on my way home and BOOM!! I was going about 35-38 miles an hour and this lady pulled out in front of me to cross traffic going the other direction. I saw her and stepped on the breaks but obviously it was to late. Anywho, my airbags went off and once I could see through all the smoke, I got my car into park and slowly got out of my car. I had to get my phone out of the back seat and my camera. The lady that hit me got out of her car and was saying, "Oh my gosh, are you ok, I don't see well at night and I didn't even see you." HELLO if you can't see well at night WHY WERE YOU DRIVING?!?!?!
Through the shock I could tell my knees got hit pretty good and my chest was starting to hurt, so once Robert got there and everything was all done with the police we headed to the hospital. At this time it was 12:45am. We didn't get done at the hospital until 3AM!!!! And that is because I was being a squeaky wheel and asking how long this really should take...blah blah blah....
I am a little sore today, but I am soooo blessed that this happened when it did and the kids weren't in the car. It could have been A LOT WORSE!!! My mom just happened to be here visiting too, so the kids weren't a worry!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or TREATS

Ok I wasn't in the mood to take my camera Trick or Treating so here is a before pic and some afters!! We went to the ward Trunk or Treat then into the neighborhood close by. There was this house that had around 100 carved pumpkins, lights, music, you name it. I wish I had my camera then...o well!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween Party

We were invited to the Woodwords Halloween's their favorite holiday. The boys had a great time and their favorite part was the cake and trampoline! Addy looked so darn cute I couldn't stop taking pictures of her.