I forgot to write what Addy is doing at this stage in her life!!!
*She is using walking as her main transportation as of 1 week ago.
*Still one nap a day
*only 1-2 bottles a day
*Will throw herself one her belly when throwing a fit. LOL really funny!
*When you ask her if she wants a bottle she smacks her lips.
*When she is frustrated she scratches her right ear, poor ear...
*LOVES FOOD and sometimes out eats her brothers
*Loves to be chased
*Signs more, please, potty, all done, drink, eat, fruit,and bath.
*Says bye bye, mom, dad, baba,hi, more(moe) up, hot.
*Sometimes when she wants more of something she reaches towards it, you ask her if she wants more then she nods her head.
*Does not like getting her diaper changed.
*Loves to cuddle her baby dolls
*Will stick up for herself if her brothers are bugging her
*She is folding her arms for prayer(sometimes)
*Addy like to go for a ride. If you ask her she nods her head and points to outside
*Likes to color
*LOVES to have her clothes off. She always takes off her socks and then tries to take off her shirt...silly Addy!
*Gives LOVES (hugs and kisses)
*She always walks around the house and will use her whisper voice saying who knows what!
*LOVES to climb the stairs and Elijah's ladder to his bed.
*Washes herself when she is in the bathtub
*Dances to music
*Addy LOVES LOVES LOVES to be tickled, just like mamma!!
*Likes to wear shoes...to bad her mother isn't into shoes that much!
*She likes to sit on the counter when I am getting ready and pretend to put make-up on.
*LOVES grapes and eggs
*Likes to talk on the phone..pretend talk.
*SHE FINALLY CUT HER 4 MOLLERS(sp?) THAT SHE HAS BEEN WORKING ON FOR THE PAST 1 1/2 months!! Now she has 12 teeth!!