Thursday, July 30, 2009

My first Pedicure

My mom took me to get my first was great sitting there getting pampered! I am definitely dong that again! I also got my nails done too! That will be a must as well! Thanks mom you ROCK!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Up on the River

We have been going up to the river almost every saturday for the day. We have a great time....once we get there! This time I got motion sick on the way home, NOT FUN!

These butterflies were just chillin...

I had to get one of these pic before Addy got to it!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

4 months and counitng

So I look kindof nasty in that first pic but whatever....Elijah took the second one for me! LOL! Well I am actually 18 weeks, these pics were taken last week, I am a slacker. Things are going well the kids are getting excited because I am starting to get "fat" as the boys call it. Robert thinks were are having a girl(which I would love). I still think it is a boy....we will find out on the 3rd of August!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July

We went and saw G&G Davenport for the 4th this year, nice and quiet...well as quiet as you get with three kids! We had such a great time. We went to a State Park on Saturday for a little bit and tried to fish....LOL look at Robert's HUGE catch! Vee and I took some pics to pass the time and then we went back to G&G house for some yummy grub! I know I have a lot of pics of Addy, but can you blame me?! Actually the boys wanted nothing to do with the camera. Thanks for a great 4th!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Quick Trip to the Park

In a matter of 5 seconds I decided to make lunch and go have a picnic at the Park. I used to do this alllll the time in Portland when we had a park within a 5 minute WALKING distance, but here we don't. It was good to get out last minute! However, it was already 85 degrees at 11:30 so we didn't stay long.

**More posts so keep scrolling down!


Sometimes I just like hangin' at was HOT so we ran to Target and got the boys this slip and slide...Addy would have nothing to do with it so a couple days later I went and got her a little pool, more her style!


Eagle Island

We went to Eagle Island with Jon Elijah's friend, Heidi, Rebecca and their friend. We had such a BLAST and can't wait to go back! The boys did great for not being the best of swimmers and Adeline has no fear of the water...she would have dived in if I let her!