Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 3....First day at Disneyland

We were lucky and the rain held out for us for just a bit...a wee bit on the first day(like an hour!) Here we are in all our cute shirts my sister did!
Mr. Toad...our first ride!
Still no rain! Storybook Land
The tea cup! The ride was closed so we settled for this!
Toon Town.
Nice to meet you Minni Mouse!
Addy loved her house! It was pretty cool! Even I felt like a kid again!
On to Mickey's house....and the rain started!
Pirates of the Caribbean.....yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me!
Only Me, Elijah, Ian, Grandpa, Ben, and Allison braved Thunder Mountain in the rain!
IT WAS AWESOME! See I have this thing where I have to scream the whole time....soon my boys caught on too! LOL it was great!
Despite how wet we were by about 1pm....Gweny was all smiles!
It was a short lived day because of the rain....but we enjoyed time together at the house! Elijah stayed a bit longer with Jordan, Allison and Grandpa and Grandma and had some hot chocolate!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 2 @ the house

My mom put together little gift bags for all the grandkids so that's what we did first!
I took my sisters family pics....a little stuck on location because it was raining but it's all good!
A brief laps in the rain so we headed out to the heated pool then ended up in the hot tub!
Watching How to train your Dragon!
Dog pile grandpa and grandma!
My mom was turning 60 in 60 days so my sis thought it would be fun to throw her a party since we were all together! Good times and great pie!
Yeah...............ummm I don't know!
I took around 470 pictures so it was hard to choose what ones to put on here! Good thing I am making a book for us to enjoy!

On our way to CAL-I-FORN-I-A

Ian thought it would be fun to take Hoops with us! LOL
Waiting at the airport...the flight attendent was AWESOME! We ran out of snacks so I asked him if he had a small bag of those airplane crackers. He didn't but came back with 3 fruit bars, a bag of chips, and a bag of ritz crackers.....also a full can of apple juice!
The girls (i love how robert waits until I am ready for a pic....NOT)
The boys
Here we come!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Random pics of my girls

Just some randomness from a couple weeks back!

The girls right before church....Addy was not coopertive, but aren't her socks CUTE!!

Gweny opened one of our presents from grandma Christopherson.......
Ahhh the joys of a dish towel!
This is how I caught them the other day..........ohhhhhhhhh how cute!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hey Santa!

Well for starters Ian drew this Awesome reindeer! Next Cabella's was having free pictures with Santa so of course we went! They even let me take one with my camera!! After that we came home and decorated our Christmas tree!
Adeline really wanted to put the star on the tree this year!

Tea Party

Adeline got a tea set for her birthday and she loves having tea parties! Well hot chocolate parties in this case.......she is so cute and I love having a girl so I can do girly things again!

So proper!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gwendolyn turned 1

I know I always say this when my kids get older but...I can't believe Gweny is 1 already! She is such a ham....everyone just loves this little girl and her cute personality! Happy Birthday big girl...we love you!
Things she is doing:
*took her first couple of steps on her birthday
*still only has 8 teeth
*likes her passy now......not sure about that one!
*loves stuffed animals and blankets
*still sleeps through the night
*goes to bed by herself
*size 4 diapers
*size 12-18 months clothes
*21 pounds 8oz
*30.25 inches
*says hi, hot, mom, dad, jesus, no and signs more please and all done
*eats pretty much anything...loves grapes!
*likes to play chase with her brothers and sister and the dog
*still does not like me to do her hair
*lets dad cuddle her and put her down to bed!
*pretends to talk on the phone
*1 bottle a day
*loves to splash in the bath tub
*nods her head
*waves bye bye
*likes to color
*gets around my side stepping with her knees


Elijah and Y ball

Elijah did basketball this year too and did well! He is a little more timid than Ian, but he is a good leader....his coach made him point gaurd! He has improved so much...we are proud of you buddy! Keep up the good team work!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas party and Good bye

We had a Christmas party over at Jessica's house this year and there was sooooo much yummy food! I was in Heaven!!! We had a great time! Thanks Jess you ROCK!

The girls!
Addy and her best friend Brooklyn (Adeline is sqeezing her becuase we told her to give Brooke a hug....hence the face)
Me and one of my best friends April
Then a couple nights later we went and had a cleaning party becasue April is moving to Utah......  =(
Don had accidently thrown away a bag of frames, a clock, shelves and some other decorative stuff she had for me! YAAA we were going to go get it...........duh!!
That vacume needs a drivers manual! You have to put it into nuetral to push it around the house! LOL my the end of the night I had become friends with it and hated to see it go too......
Oh ya the trade mark pic!