We were lucky and the rain held out for us for just a bit...a wee bit on the first day(like an hour!) Here we are in all our cute shirts my sister did!
Mr. Toad...our first ride!
Still no rain! Storybook Land
Toon Town.
Nice to meet you Minni Mouse!
Addy loved her house! It was pretty cool! Even I felt like a kid again!
On to Mickey's house....and the rain started!
Pirates of the Caribbean.....yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me!
Only Me, Elijah, Ian, Grandpa, Ben, and Allison braved Thunder Mountain in the rain!
IT WAS AWESOME! See I have this thing where I have to scream the whole time....soon my boys caught on too! LOL it was great!
It was a short lived day because of the rain....but we enjoyed time together at the house! Elijah stayed a bit longer with Jordan, Allison and Grandpa and Grandma and had some hot chocolate!