Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monkey Business

Ian turned 5 yesterday and we surprised him with a trip to Monkey Business where he has been DYING to go! We had a great time! Happy Birthday Big guy...we love you!
We had Ian blind folded so it was REALLY a surprise and this was his happy dance after seeing where we ended up!
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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Elijah had a fun run for his school. This was Elijah's first year doing it and he had a BLAST! Ian was excited because he got to run too.
I only caught a picture of Robert and Ian because I didn't know Elijah had ran ahead!
Adeline wanted to run too so I let her run on the track a bit and just as she started to run the big kids were starting to finish the race and people started to cheer. She thought they were clapping for her and said, "Mom they are clapping for me!" I said yes they are run Addy run, so she ran faster with a HUGE smile on her face!
After the race, I wanted to get Elijah in action since I missed him earlier...they all wanted in on it.
Gweny is soooo smiley...I took this pic to show off the cute headband I made for her!

Elijah had his Science Fair again and this year they are studying life cycles and matter. He chose to do his on the Moon Jellyfish. Good job Elijah we are proud of the great work you do! He drew all those pictures!

We started some ticket jars for the kids...which is working wonderfully(so far) and Adeline decided she wanted to help!
Last weekend was BEAUTIFUL so we decided to hit a park for awhile, man was it nice to get out!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gwendolyn 4 months

I can't believe she is 4 months already! They say the more kids you have the faster time flys! That's for sure. Here are some of the things she is doing:

*cutting her two bottom teeth
*loves to chew on fabric
*loves to cuddle in blankets
*3 naps a day
*1 feeding at night
*starting to grab for toys, your face, anything....
*watches you walk around the room(the kids get a kick out of this one)
*while on her belly she can turn herself in a circle and she does the superman(arms out legs up...kicking)
*sleeps on her belly
*rolls from belly to back and almost back to belly
*has to sit up ALL the time, she rocks back and forth...so cute!
*loves to be held...more than the others did
*14 pounds 11 ounces
*26.25" long
*cries for mommy....already!
*She is such a joy and brings a great spirit into our home. We are so greatful to have her be a part of our family! We love you miss Gweny!

Gwen got her first taste of cereal tonight and she LOVED it! All the other kids made a yucky face but not Gweny! She couldn't get enough of it! Oh and miss Adeline was such a good "helper"!


G&G Thomas came to visit on their way through to California! Ian got to go on his 5 year old trip to Sea World and Lego Land...he had a BLAST! Thanks for taking him and thanks Jordy for letting them stay and play!

Adeline and Gwendolyn in their Easter dresses.

The kids had an Easter egg hunt over and G&G Hallenbergers and Adeline was so proud of all the eggs she got.
Ian what are you looking at?!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


So I was sitting at the computer, I do that a lot lately(house hunting)and Adeline comes up to me...
"Mom can I have a popfart?"
A what?
A popfart! It took me a second to get into Adeline lingo and realized she meant poptart! I couldn't stop laughing and she just stood there looking and me like, well....?
I finally got ahold of myself and said, "you mean a poptart? She said yes, a popfart! LOL they make me laugh!