Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Nighty Night

I went in to tell the boys good night and this is how I found Ian.....so sweet so of course I had to take a picture! Not bad for shooting in the dark!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Addy and her goofiness

Adeline got herself into Gweny's chair the other day with her snack! So I started talking to her like a baby and she said, "Mooooom I'm not a baby, silly!" Just needed a change of atmosphere I guess.

I couldn't pick a favorite so you get to see all the ones I took.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

More randomness in January

While the kids were eating I busted out the camera and said, "K show me your food"......as you can see boys will be boys and girls are just sweet! LOL I probably would have opened my mouth too!
Gram cracker cookies are sooooooooooo good! Didn't realize they were that messy!
Then Gweny realized she could get it to stick to her face and get a laugh out of her siblings.
Who said laundry wasn't fun to do!
So she discovered her thumb........not letting that slide!
Robert and I felt like playing the Wii the other night and Ian was so good to keep Gweny away from the TV.....aren't they cute! Gweny loves her brothers......they are so cute with her.
Me and my buddy!
Adeline coloring, one of her favorite things to do.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A special day!

 Well the day has finally come....Elijah has turned 8 and wants to get baptized! We are so proud of you big guy! You are a great student, older brother, friend, and son! Thanks for all you do for our family with helping your brother and sisters! We love you....always remember this day! Thanks to all those who came to support Elijah and celebrate with us.
 Grandma and Grandpa Thomas
 Grandma and Grandpa Hallenberger
 Grandma and Grandpa Davenport

 Grandma is showing Elijah her favorite scripture....
Grandma is the bus driver on the way to school!
Having show and tell at school...

Who said Pudding was just for eating?!

I haven't done any crafts or whatever with my girls because I got out of the habit with the boys...they weren't really into it once they got a little older. So I decided we would have some fun with pudding today! Gweny wasn't to sure right at first and Adeline dug right in!

Towards the end she was all about eating it, and wiping it EVERYWHERE!! So they got a bath after....

Then they had some daddy time when Robert got home from work.

Monday, January 10, 2011

First pics of 2011!

This is the ONLY way Gweny will walk without holding on to someone...little sinker! She takes this all over the house and makes the vrmm vrmmm sound....someday she will walk on her own. *sigh*
The kids were arguing like crazy so we lined them up and they got it! LOL they thought it was pretty funny....
I knew I could get Gweny's hair into piggies, but she hates me to do her hair...well I forced her to let me today and aren't they cute!
Adeline is a Sunbeam now and she is sooooo excited! When she turned 3 this was one of the things she looked forward too!
A little about Adeline!
*She is such a poser for pics
*loves to sing
*loves to color and read books
*likes her princess's
*likes to make up stories and she is a different age every day
*has lots of friends....made up ones too
*She listens really well and is a good help with Gwendolyn
*can't wait to go to preschool
*learning her letters
*counts to 20 and can recognize her written name
*chooses a different blanket and toy to sleep with every night
*likes her room really dark when going to bed
*wants to be a mom and have 5 girls because she is a girl
*will say, "I'm a door because I'm a door." and so on
*loves to brush moms hair and her own
*loves to dance in her pretty dresses
Ian lost his first tooth! I was helping him with his teeth one morning and noticed it was loose...he didn't even realize! LOL He must have really messed with it because it was ready to come out the next day. After the gym one morning it was bothering him and he wanted it out, so we ran over to dad's office and he pulled it out! Ian didn't even make a peep and didn't even notice Robert was done.
All the kids playing so nicely together...well three of them anyway, Elijah was at school! I had to document this moment...they are rare these days!
I bribed the boys into letting me put rubber bands in their hair before we cut it short again! They had a blast with it...until we had to take them out! Adeline just went with the flow!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Last pics of 2010!

On your mark.......get set.......Go!!!  (Gweny style)
Gweny loves her noodles!
Girls sporty their polka dot pjs from Grandma Christopherson...gweny doing Addy's hair.
Aren't they cute!
Adeline loved her hair saying it was getting soooo long....lol
The boys sporting their pj's from G. Christopherson
Silly kids!
Hope 2011 is just as FUN!!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

We went over to G&G Hallenbergers for Christmas Eve. They were singing and playing the piano and Adeline came up to me and said, "Mom I want to sing I Am A Child Of God". How cute is that?! So here she is in all her glory....she did a great job and knew all the words.
Gweny had her way with the rice crispy treat and then got mad when I wanted to clean her up! I would to if I looked that cute wearing my food!
Horace, Micheal, and Robert
To Santa,
From Santa,
Adeline was so excited to get the Tangled doll as she calls her! 
 Yeah Gweny just wanted food.....notice the orange on her face?!
Thanks G&G for the cool gifts! 
 The boys asked  Santa for a Bey Blade stage and Bey Blades...they literally played it all day!
Micheal and Gena came to visit! We haven't seen them in 5 years so it was a real treat! We love you guys! It was so good to spend some time with you!
 Playing cards