On Tuesday Adeline had a Halloween Party at Preschool and she won the award for most Elegant costume! She was Cinderella this year and Grandma Thomas made her costume!
I was a proud momma of that hair-do too! Actually on Friday I did an even better job!!
So I have to tell you this story! My mom found some costumes last year at Walmart for elCHEAPO and one of them was a Dorthy costume that would be the right size for Gwendolyn this year! I was soooo excited too! First I had to buy some red sparkly shoes and looked and looked at all my AWESOME second hand stores here and had NO luck so I had to break down and get them at Target. Then on Thursday night I try her costume on and it wouldn't fit!! AHHHHHHHH so I call my friend Connie on the way to the gym(she is also my gym buddy) and she is a sewer so she told me to bring it to the gym and she could she what she could do.
We came to the conclusion that we would have to cut the white shirt part out and reattach the blue to a white tshirt or onesie.....um sounds good to her but I was like uhhhhhh k so is that easy to do?. So bless her heart, she took time out of her busy day to come and fix the costume that actually looked better than before! So thank you thank you Connie! Mwuah Love you!!
So here is my cute Dorthy!
This picture makes me laugh! Totally them!
Gwendolyn as Dorthy...Ian as a Ninja....Elijah as Optimise Prime....Adeline as Cinderella
Oh yes my coconuts! HAHAHAHAH Connie and I were going to go to ZUMBAWEEN on Saturday, but I realized I had to coach Elijah's game and couldn't make it.......sooooo sad. So I wore the outfit to our CHURCH Fall Festival Party instead!
Yummy Cookies
Cool rooms to go trick or treating too, Gweny was so cute! I love the first year they start getting into it!
HEE HEE my prego friend a nun! HAHAHAHAH Loved it!
Oh Yeah Tully Park Ward ROCKS!! The Nerd, yep he is in our Bishopric!
Then on the actual Halloween my friends said we had to come down to Harrison Blvd. for trick or treating! I will have to say it is like you see in the movies...tons of kids and all that, but the waiting in line to get a candy and the actual amount of candy received didn't make it worth it. We headed out after about an hour and the kids went around our neighborhood for another 45 minutes.
Elijah came and gave this to my and said, "Mom you have GOT to try this! It is sooo good it tastes just like paper!" LOL I started to laugh and then when he caught what he said he laughed and said, "waite it tastes like...a whole meal in one!" I think he had a little too much sugar goin' through his brain! heehee