Saturday, December 24, 2011

Randomness in December

I was telling Robert he should get out his guitar and make a habit of it every Sunday so the kids will have that memory. So he did and Adeline wanted to play did Ian. I loved it and I hope this continues for the years to come!

My friend Connie found her girls cooking stuff from when they were little and thought my girls would enjoy it, and they do! Thanks so much for thinking of them, they love it!
So I was doing Adeline's hair the other morning and heard Gwen behind me so I turned around to see what she was doing and she had dumped the bubble bath alllllll over the place...even her hair..we were getting ready to go to the gym so I did a quick clean up and noticed I didn't get all the soap out of her hair so I took advantage of the situation! Hee Hee!
She wanted a picture with her sister too.
Later that day after lunch I walk in on this....Gweny had brought Addy a diaper and wanted her to change her! AHAHAHHA

Elijah Turns 9!

Elijah came up to me this year and asked if he could have a friend birthday party and have it be Beyblade theme. How could I say no to that....and that he hasn't had one for about 5 years.

They had a tournament for the first hour of the party...I had to convince them to do some other things, like.....

Ian was so into his battles and was so excited to beat Elijah for the Grand Champion status!
Beyblade battle participants...Shepard, Riley, Kaleb, Shane, Abraham, Hayden, and of course his brother!
Onto the bubble blowing contest! HAHAHA I got some good laughs here!

Then the yummy cake! I was planning on buying Elijah a cake because lets face it, mine aren't that cute, but Elijah said I make the best cakes and he wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting! How sweet is that.....under 2 bucks too!

I received some great presents too. A remote control car, tornado beyblade, beyblade, nerf gun, paper airplane making kit, and an airplane thing....Happy bday you!

Christmas Tree

Well we FINALLY decorated our Christmas tree for family home evening on the 12th....A little behind this year. We were soooo busy this was the first night we were home all together.

I love 2 year olds and Christmas because this is the time when they are really getting into it! I love how Gweny says Merry Christmas to everyone! So cute!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gwendolyn turned 2

When Gwen woke up this morning we made a big deal that is was her birthday! She was also told that the passy fairy came and took all the passy's away because she is a big girl now!

The girls watching a cartoon while I make Gweny's birthday cake!
She was soooo excited! "Birthday Me!" is what she would say all day! Soo cute!
Time to blow out the candles!! Love those little cheeks!
Now for the gifts! We were at FredMeyer the other day and she saw this dog or "goggy" and HAD to hold it! It was way soft and smelled great can heat it up, has some herbs in it!! Anyway I went to put it back and she was NOT having it so I bought it for her birthday gift...she forgot about it, but when she saw it again she said, "Uhhh MY GOGGY, look mommy my Goggy!"
She got a carriage from G&G Thomas! WOW big hit with all 4 kids!
So now she is a big girl with a big personality and we love her to pieces!! I am enjoying her toddler years to the fullest! She is full of love and a smile that will take your breath away and make you want to sqeeeeeze her so tight! Onto the potty training!! We love you Gwendolyn!!

Last of the BBall Season

Well this is my team, minus Jacob....we finished the year with a WIN and I had 2 more boys score that hadn't yet so that was exciting too! They did such a great job and improved so much! Can't wait till next year! Elijah is a really smart player and can make things happen! He is quick and knows how to rebound, do help defense, and block the ball! He is a good shooter too! Now we just need to get him to dribble more with his right hand!
Ian is a little star! His coach said he is so sweet and so coachable, he was one of the only boys that she could tell him to do something and he could do it! Minus the way he runs with his quick little steps and he crazy swingin' hands he is a pretty good little bball player! He had about 4 baskets in his last game! Good job buddy!

Count Down Till Christmas

I saw this on pintrist, pinterist..whatever it is and thought I would give it a try! Made out of toilet paper rolls!
It was fun and my kids are excited to have a countdown calender with candy this year! The only thing I would change for next year would be the location of it....candy falls out if you close the pantry door to fast.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A pass time that will last forever......I hope!

My kids love this and so do I because I love capturing them doing it and then of course I have to do it just once! I love the faces they make!
To bad I look freaky and not cute like my kids....o well!


One of the many reasons I love Idaho is for the sunsets...I don't get up and out early enough for the sunrises, but I bet they are just as breathtaking! Cool thing about these is that my kids got to see them and they were in awe right along with me.

Randomness in November

My mom flew in for Adeline's birthday party and I got this pic when she was here! Love it!
Daddy and Gweny having a burrrito!
Kids learning about Angry Birds.......ya we are a little behind in the tech world.
I hear moving of furniture and find this......
Gweny relaxin' in the laundry's a wonder why people spend sooooo much money on toys when kids would rather play with these, measuring cups, and cardboard boxes!