Thursday, February 23, 2012


I finally did it, I got on the band wagon and started to you can see my kids are having a great time as well. We found the boys up one night couponing after they should have been asleep! At first they were just cutting anything out with a number so we had to explain couponing a little bit more to them, but now they have their own folders and coupons...just in case I need one!

Some of my great deals!!
This was at Fredmeyer If you buy 10 items they were at a curtian price and then you get a 2$ catalina to use on your next transaction!
5 pizzas @ .99 each + a 1.00 of coupon bringing them to .75 each!
The deoterant was on sale for $1.69 and I had a $1 off one so .69!
The shampoo was on sale for 1.50 no coupon
The gatorade was on sale for .79 each
Then I got a 2$ catalina for my next purchase

Movie was $22.99 on sale for $16.99 and had a $4 off coupon and a coupon for free popcorn and Nuts with movie purchase! Then I used my 2 dollar catalina from my previous purchase. That brought my total purchase to $10 BUCKS!! Savings of $20!!
They had the toothpaste, toothbrushes, and hand soap on sale for .88 each I had six .50 off one toothpaste coupons which brought them to .38 each!! The rest I payed the .88.
This product is usually 6.49 each. They were on sale for 3.99 each and in the paper there was a 3.00 off coupon off one so I got all of these for 5.24 and that's with tax!

This was my first experience with doublers at the end all this cost me $40.00!!

Valentines Day

I saw this idea years ago and my boys never wanted to do it, Adeline did!! I already know how I am going to do them different next year, but they were still cute!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Workin' Out!

I love that my kids like to work out like their mommy! Here they are doing push-ups.....if you want a good laugh ask a kid to do one of these!
Some sit-ups
And not sure what they were doing here

Friday, February 10, 2012

Late Night

My boys had a late night with their good buddies and since I am good buddies with their mom we had a late night too! They played Pokemon, Beyblades and watched Kung Fu Panda 2.....Great fun they had!(we don't do sleep overs so this is a good alternate!)
Me and Em!
We found this idea on Pinterest and liked it so we did our own.....I still need a picture of Emily's!

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