WOW I haven't posted very much, but much has been going on! I have to say that I ran 2 miles in 15 minutes 2 weeks ago and feeling pretty good about it! Today I ran 3 miles in 26 minutes, could have pushed myself a little harder, but that is still pretty darn good if I say so myself!! I am down to 156 with my clothes and shoes on! So only 10 more pounds....I will get it off in time to get prego again! Ok enough about me onto my kiddos..
Adeline has been calling Robert "sugar pugar" lately and it is soooo cute! The other morning she upset me because she wasn't listening and when I was helping her get her shoes on she said, "Mom you still have angry eyes!" I told her that if she were to start listening and not whining(which she is pretty good about doing) I would have happy eyes. She was good with that!
I was asking the kids at dinner a few questions regarding myself to see what they would say and here are some results:
1. What is my favorite treat? All said something chocolate!! Brownies, ice cream, cookies
2. What is my favorite movie....Elijah and Ian said Twilight! HAHAHA
3. What do I say to you a lot? NO and I love you!
4. What's my favoritist color? Elijah looks and me for a moment then says, "Mom favoritist is not a word, it would be most favorite!" LOL I just started laughing and said yes you are right, but I have a language of my own!
5. Ian loves huggs and we hug after we say family prayer. Later that night after I sang to them he asked for another hug and I said didn't I already give you one after family prayer, "Yes mom but I need one from my bed too!" He melts my heart sometimes!
6. Gwendolyn has decided to potty train and is well on her way, she loves to take a pet with her or a baby. She also has to sleep with 15 different animals/babies at night and nap time....I try to get rid of a couple, but somehow she knows they are missing!
7. Elijah is doing AWESOME at piano and I love to hear him play! Ian is wanting to start too! I love having a piano in my house again!! I have started practicing again and can say I am getting better! Course I am still in the easy hymn book, soon I will graduate to the adult one, maybe Elijah and I will graduate together! HAHA I also love to hear Robert play.....brings back great memories from listening to him when we were dating, all those years ago!