Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Randomness in August

My mom saw this idea in a magazine and I thought it sounded cute so I wanted to try it out. It's BEE nice to your siblings. You write a little note to each sibling about something you like about them. We have only done it a couple of times, but it's fun to read what the kids come up with.
Ian told Adeline she was an evil ballerina...I was about to protest, but she started to laugh and say thanks Ian!
 I watched my friends little baby the other night for a bit and my kids had more fun than I did I think. They would just sit there and laugh at all the little noises he would make. They probably watched him more than me too! Addy even helped me feed him his bottle when he got hungry. After tonight they told us they were ready for another one and I just had to laugh!
 Look at those CHEEKS!!!
 Boise State was having a scrimmage and it was open to the public so he decided to take the boys! They had a good time, just the boys! GO BRONCOS!!
 I was cleaning out in the garage the other day and this is what Gwen came out in!
Now THAT is style!

Last time @ Lakeview Water Park..for the Summer

Heidi, Corrine and I all met up at the water park for one last time this summer! I have such fun with these gals and my kids have a great time with theirs! Thanks for a great time ladies!

 Gweny took a slip....I was meaning to get Edmond on the water! HEE HEE
 Adeline and her little friends were in a swim group. There were about 8 in all. They would go around to different parts of the pool and do different things, it was fun to watch them!
 Corrine you lucked out on this shot girl! To bad you were catching kids off the water slide or you would be here in all your glory too! NEXT TIME!!

Swimming with friends

August 10, 2012
We went to Monica's pool this time and had some great fun! Thanks Monica for inviting us along!

 They were playing a rescue game! Help I'm drowning.....I kept telling them not to yell that to loud or we would have a lot of worried people on our hands!
 Gweny finally will wear wings! She loves being out by herself now and so does mom!
 She did NOT want to take off the water wings...hee hee.
 Jake and Elijah, this is how they get warm.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Robe Party/ Late night

Adeline told me the other night that we should have a robe party because we all have robes! I thought that was a very good idea, so we got our robes on, I made some cookies and then we had a little dance session! We had a great time, to bad it was close to bed time and we had to cut it short...
Great idea Adeline!!

 WOW I look prego in this picture! NO I am not prego!

 Later that night we went to the Aderson's for a late night. Em and I made strawberry freezer jam while the boys played then at 9:30 we went to their pool for some late night swimming! The outdoor lights weren't on so I downloaded a flashlight to my phone and used that, worked pretty well, but it was still a little dark so we called it quits after a half an hour, but they still had fun!

Randomness the first week of August!

WOW did we love to watch the Olympics!! Addy's favorite part was to watch the gymnastics! This was Adeline in her Olympic competition! She was an Olympian to us! Great Job Addy keep it up!

 The boys have been playing with the girls really well lately, especially Adeline! They even made her a bed in their room and invited her over for a sleep over! So cute, I had to get a picture of this moment! When I went in there this is what I saw.....
 Ian made himself a bed behind is pulled out bunk...He said it was really cozy!
 Elijah was on Ians bed....
 Adeline got these glasses at her cousin Allison's birthday when she was in California for her 5 year old trip. She loves to wear them and even went to Walmart with them on. To cute!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Roasting Marsh mellows

July 30, 2012

So Em had this great idea of roasting marsh mellows together for an FHE activity. I thought that should be fun even though it was the High 80's!! Well I think we roasted like 5 marsh mellows and called it good. As you can see we went with ice cream instead!

Pioneer Day

July 23, 2012

Since Pioneer Day was right around the corner I decided to do Family Home Evening on Pioneers! We read a story and talked about the trial they had to face and the trials we have to face today. Then we played some Pioneer games....we had a great time!

Stick Pull

 I will let you guess who won this one!
 Clothes pin toss
 Sack races
 My cousin made this pioneer game years ago and you play it with chocolate chips aka buffalo chips! It was a lot of fun and we all made it to the promise land......even though our chips were melting!
 Then we made covered wagons......those were a mess, but fun!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Badger Creek

July 28, 2012
(I'm almost caught up to date....almost!)
We planned a camping trip with Heidi and Aaron and they ended up getting a flat tire and couldn't come, so we made the best of it without our camping buddies! We played in the river all day Sat, I forgot my camera...lame, anyway played kick the can, roasted mallows, and the kids got to stay up late every night! I finally beat Ian at Mancala!!! Dad caught some AWESOME fish and we played with the flashlights and my s...l...o....w shutter speed, that was fun! We had a great time even though we did miss our cousins....A LOT!
I don't know what it is with our family and flat tires! YIKES!

Eagle Island...AGAIN!!

July 24, 2012

We thought we would go to Eagle Island while Grandma was here so she could see our "beach" in Idaho! We had the Anderson kids that day and my friend Connie and her kids came along too! We had a great time playing, reading, sunbathing, building sand castles, and eating watermelon!

Thanks for a great time!

Playing in the River

July 21, 2012

Our most favorite place to be is in the Mountains camping or on the river playing and having a good time! We came up for a Saturday and spent the whole day having a great time! There were some other people there, but it didn't get crowed until 15 Hispanic people parked there behinds right in our bubble....they were nice and fun to watch so it was all good! The water felt great and I payed the kids .25 to go ALL the way under! HA the things they will do for $$.

Randomness in July

This is how my children have decided to eat their apples! HA at least it gets the job done!
 My kids....ALL 4 OF THEM were PLAYING so NICE TOGETHER the other night I had to get a picture and document!! They were camping....
 Grandma came to visit!! We had so much fun with her and she spoiled us rotten! We took her to Eagle Island and she took the boys school supply shopping! The last night she was here I took her to Kneeders for dinner, just me and my mommy! Then we hit 5 different stores because we had NO KIDS!! WAHOO!!
 We love you Grandma and glad you could come stay with us for a bit! Can't wait to see you again! We love you!
Adeline calls these picture the "Goodbye pictures"