Friday, May 1, 2009

Polar Express

Our family traveled to Williams for a special trip to the North Pole this year. Williams has the Grand Central Railroad that offers scenic trips to the Grand Canyon. In addition, a special train is decorated and called the Polar Express during December and January. Our first year here, we wanted to do this with the kids. However, you have to purchase your tickets a year in advance...they sell out that early! Therefore, we picked December 22 a year ago and decided that it would be our BIG gift for the kids this year. As the year continued we found out that we were having another baby....due on December 22. Go figure! Fortunately, Noah arrived two weeks early and we had a very young baby to take with us. We also had LOTS of snow to greet us in Williams. We arrived early enough to play in the snow for a bit before dinner. Snowballs, snow angels, snowmen, oh the possibilities!

Miah LOVED the snow!

Ian and Miah changed into their jammies and we went to dinner. Later, we waited at the depot for the 8:00 train to arrive. The wet snow was coming down hard and the wind gave the air a bite that our Arizona bodies weren't ready for. We welcomed the hot cocoa and cookies that were waiting for us on the train. After about 25 minutes of riding in a neat old train, they announced that we were approaching the North Pole and that the children should look out the windows on the right side of the train. They huddled together in anticipation. Finally, the lights of the North Pole came into view and Santa Claus is Coming to Town played on the speaker.

They just announced that Santa was actually on our train!

Santa gave each child a silver bell from his sleigh! What a magical evening.
We sang Christmas carols and enjoyed our ride back to Williams.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Noah Arrives Earlier than Expected!

The morning of December 6 was like any other day. I felt great and wanted to take the kids on a small hike up Thunderbird Park to visit Santa and have a photo. We had just put up our tree a few days ago and were really getting into the Christmas spirit...even in our shorts and T-shirts. :) You gotta admit, it's kind of funny seeing Santa in the desert! Santa was a saint that day. It was pretty warm to have on the full suit. The kids waited in a long line (about an hour) to have the chance to sit on his lap and say hello. (And remind Santa of the Tinker Bell doll and Spider Man costume requests!)

Fortunately, we had our friends, Samuel and Spencer to dig in the dirt and explore with while we waited to see Santa.
Though the hike was mellow, it may have been just the trick for starting my labor. Later that night, about 1:00 a.m. I dashed out of bed and tried to run to the bathroom with my legs squeezed together as tight as possible. My water broke...and truthfully I wasn't sure if I had wet the bed or not. I wasn't having contractions and it just didn't feel like labor. I spent the next hour on the internet, looking up signs of labor...ruptured membranes...and any other pertinent info. The big question: Should I stay or should I go? We had childcare lined up, but didn't want to wake everyone up for a false alarm. Matt stayed home and I decided to drive myself in. If it was the real deal, then Matt could get a ride to the hospital from one of our friends.
By 5:30 the contractions had started and I was admitted to a labor and delivery room. Things were moving pretty quickly from there. Matt took Miah over to Criscell and Caleb's and Ian spent the day with Mandy and Will. Matt arrived at the hospital at 7:30 and by 9:30, our beautiful baby boy was here...two weeks early!

Welcome: Noah Kendall
8 lbs. 1 oz.
Ten Fingers and Ten Toes!

The first two days at the hospital were wonderful. I spent time healing and holding our beautiful baby. The days flew by. We were so fortunate to have Mandy and Criscell watching over Ian and Miah while I was away. It was a special moment when Ian and Miah met Noah for the first time. They were so excited to have a baby brother of their own and were very proud.
I talked with Ian and Miah over the phone each morning while I was at the hospital. On the second day, Miah asked me if Noah was talking yet. :)

Miah is such a big helper! She wants to be there for everything.

Ian is a proud big brother!

Ian and Miah are glad Noah is here and are ready for both Mom and baby to come home. However, Noah's bilirubin levels were climbing and he was having a problem with jaundice. They decided to admit Noah to the Stork's Nest and begin phototherapy about two hours before we were supposed to be discharged. It was a pretty sad day. I can't believe how hard it was to walk out of the hospital without our baby. He stayed an extra two days and I went back and forth for feedings and visits. Looking back, it was crazy busy for us after just giving birth. After a first child, you can come home and rest, rest, rest. After a second child, you can still come home and rest, but not as much. However, after a third child what can I keeps on going and it just isn't easy to find the time for rest. Besides, there are two precious little ones that missed their mommy while she was away and they can't wait to catch up on their time together! Is three busy? Yes! But we wouldn't have it any other way. Our lives are blessed.

Guess Who Just Turned 3 ?????

Miah turned three in November and celebrated with a few of her friends! We made our invitations (nothing fancy... but so much fun!!!) That's the thing about being three. It doesn't have to be impressive, just made with love. We decided a dress up party would be a fun way to play and celebrate Miah's special day.
Miah being her spunky self during lunch!
Do you remember the punch balloons that we played with as children? Well, they are still out there and they are still just as fun!
Though we didn't have much space in our apartment, we used every space that we had.

Sweet Miah Miah loves her fancy shoes. The funny thing is that they were way too big for her. She didn't was more about the click click clicking sounds that they made on the tile. :)

Our sweet Miah. She loves dressing up, pretending, and just being a firecracker of a kid.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tinker Bell and Anakin Charm Glendale!

Halloween in Arizona is so different from our Montana days. It is still so hot here (90's) and our costumes never involve wearing anything for warmth. We were so lucky to have so many opportunities to get dressed up this year and celebrate with our friends!Ian dressed as Anakin, the young Darth Vader from Star Wars. Miah was Tinker Bell, a fairy. She loved the sparkles in her hair and on her skin. This is the first year that she really got the whole idea of Halloween and trick-or -treating. She loved it!
Midwestern had a carnival for the kids to attend on Halloween from about 3:30-5:00. They loved playing the games, winning prizes, and seeing so many of their friends in costumes.

Earlier in the week, we Trunk-or Treated with our friends at the church. More games, treats, and fun was had with so many good people.
Ian, Miah, and Caysja

Miah won a cupcake at the cake walk!

Bobbing for donuts, anyone?

We celebrated Halloween night at the Jensen's. Their beautiful home had festive decorations which put us in the Halloween spirit right when we walked in the door. Miah was thrilled to be wrapped up in toilet paper like a mummy (Thanks, Diane). Ian and Miah loved dancing and playing with all of the children that were there. The food was great as well as the conversations! It was such a fun evening.

Spencer, Samuel, Taylor, Caysja, Miah, and Ian were excited to watch Diane make the home-made rootbeer. The dry ice kept their attention for a long time. Ian was especially fond of the mummy dogs. He ate 4 hotdogs that night!

Matt took the kids around the neighborhood to trick-or-treat AGAIN! Their favorite part wasn't the candy.... it was visiting a haunted house that one of the neighbors set up in their garage. I'm sure it took a lot of time to set up, but they sure made a lot of kids happy that night.

Pumpkin Fun!

One week before Halloween, we carved our pumpkins. It is still so hot here that we were afraid they would rot if we carved them too soon. Unfortunately, they were looking a little rough after about 3 days. Our neighbors carved theirs at the same time so it was kind of like a little party!

Miah's expression says it all. They loved getting their hands messy.

Ian wanted a scary jack-o-lantern and Miah wanted a happy one. They picked the shapes for their eyes, noses, and mouths and Mom helped with the carving...

It was so fun!

I know you can buy the electrified jack-o-lanterns at most stores now, but I have to say the mess, smells, and the thrill of lighting a candle inside brought me back to my childhood for a bit.
Happy Halloween!

Sonward Ho!

We had our first experience with school programs this year! Ian dressed as a cowboy, (Wranglers and all!) and joined all of the students for a school-wide concert. We waited in line outside the doors of the church almost an hour before the program...just to get a seat. (His teacher told me that it would be a full house and to get there at least 30 minutes early.) Can you believe it????? The show started a little after 7:00 and was over within 15 minutes. Short and Sweet!

We had plenty of time to visit with our friends.

It was fun to be on the parent side of the school program for a change. The teachers did a great job and the kids were proud.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Back to School!

Our Summer was great, but we were ready for the regular routines of Fall. Ian started pre-school this year which has changed our routines dramatically. He goes three days a week from 9:15 - 1:15. It is perfect for him this year. I love that we still have a break on Tues. and Thurs. and Ian looks forward to going back to school every week!
Miah was a little lonely at first but really enjoys her time alone with mom. It's amazing how easy it is to grocery shop with one little one instead of two!

We are thankful to have plenty of time to play after school and on the off-days. It has been fun watching their relationship change over the past year. They still fight.... a lot, but they also laugh together and have a lot of fun, too. I'm thankful for that. :)
Miah has her own schedule of things to do while Ian is away at school. Our library does great things for toddlers and pre-schoolers. She and Caysja played at water day in the library courtyard. They washed baby dolls, fished, and had fun with bubbles. She also goes to story time whenever we can make it.