Today I was sent a link to check out this great picture of Beezer and the Boobie! I guess the Blue-footed Boobie likes the particular fish lure Beezer was using. I just had to post this here for future laughs; especially after reading Beezer's response to catching the Boobie (from the MexFish website) "Blue Footed Booby: From Zack Thomas, this shot of a Blue Footed Booby, taken at Bahia San Nicolas in July 1999 on a blue-and-silver hoochie (their favorite) and 40-pound test. According to Zack, John Cunnison said gleefully moments before this photo was taken, "This is the first booby I've touched in months!" Seriously, said Zack, in the San Nicolas area, for some reason, boobies can become such a nuisance attacking trolled lures as to make fishing nearly impossible.
I can't wait to see Beezer and 'Brielle next month. I'd like to hear more about the Boobie catching story.