Hancey Family

Adam and I have been married since 2003. We met while attending Utah State University. I graduated in 2005 with a degree in Sociology and Adam graduated in 2007 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I am currently a stay at home Mom and Adam is a Engineer working in aviation. We have three wonderful daughters, Riley, Kaitlyn and Eden. Riley is 6 and enjoys playing Barbie and going to Kindergarten. Kaitlyn is 4 and is a ball of energy who enjoys getting into trouble. Eden 18M and enjoys being the baby and getting all the attention.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Our yard!

We (Adam) finally finished our yard this last weekend. Adam has been working hard on it for five months. He installed automatic sprinklers, playground, edging, bark, sod and rock. He did all the work on his own except hauling the rock. I think it looks great, he did a fantastic job. Riley and Kaitlyn are really enjoying it.
Green Grass !!!I love looking out at our green grass. We don't see much green here in the desert.

Automatic Sprinklers ( a must in New Mexico)

Our play ground (Thanks Uncle Mike!)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Riley had her first day of preschool today. She has been so excited to start and finally the big day arrived. She will be going to school Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:30-3:30. Kaitlyn takes a nap from 1:00-3:00( Yeah!!). I will also be taking a nap from 1:00-3:00, I'm so excited. Riley had a good first day and was exhausted from all the fun. I can't believe she will be going to kindergarten next year.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Family Reunion (Grandma and Grandpa's house)

We just got back from our final trip of the summer. We spent the last weekend in Colorado at Adam's parents house for a family reunion. Here are a few pictures from our trip. We had a lot of fun. Riley and Kaitlyn especially loved playing with there cousins.

Fun in the pool!

The kids at the Hawaiian Luau! (Adam's mom always enjoys a good theme)

Colorado Trip (Park and Picture Day)

We spent one of our days at the park playing and getting family pictures. Kaitlyn slept in the car while we were at the park, but Riley had a great time.

Riley playing at the park. I thought this was a pretty cute picture of her.

Analee, Chloe, Jacob, Riley, and Aaron

Hancey Family Picture

Grandma, Grandpa and the Grandkids (I love pictures like this, it shows all the kids little personalities)

Colorado Trip (Denver Zoo)

We went to the Zoo as part of our trip to Colorado. It was fun for the kids, but Adam and I are done with Zoos for awhile. We have been to the Albuquerque, San Diego, and Denver Zoo in the last six months.

Kaitlyn exhausted after a hard day at the Zoo.

Kaitlyn and Jacob in the wagon.

Kaitlyn looking at the polar bears!

Dallin, Luke, Sadie and Riley

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Adam!

Adam turned 27 today. Riley, Kaitlyn, and I threw him a little party today when he woke up. We decorated some chocolate cupcakes to celebrate. Here are a few pictures of our little family party. We are so grateful to have him in our lives. He is a great husband and wonderful father.

We woke him up just a few minutes before. The night shift is so hard, but luckily we will not be dealing with it much longer.