Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Elyse Jane Hanchett

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Way too long...

It really has been way too long since I have written on my blog and there was a while there that I thought it was lost forever but thankfully it is back and I didn't loose all the memories already posted here, so now it is time to add a few more!

It has been almost a year since my last post and as most of you know that last post we announced we were pregnant and expecting a baby in June but sadly shortly after that announcement we found out we lost that baby. I will post more about that experience sometime soon. While that was an awful experience we were blessed to get pregnant again in February due in November. Of course I had a lot of anxiety this pregnancy and a few complications at the beginning but my doctor was great and very supportive and we made it

In fact I have a beautiful little three day old girl sleeping in the next room this very moment! Since that is the biggest news as of right now that is what this post will be about and I will try to fill in some blanks over the past year as I get to it.

So here is the events of the past week. Last Wednesday, Nov 14th I had my 38 week Dr. appt. and during that check up we found out that I was dilated to 4 cm and was 75% effaced and after looking back at my previous pregnancies Dr Hazelrigg said you didn't make it this far with the others you stayed at a 3 until you went into labor, I think you are going to have a baby this week! He also told me that he was on call from Fri - Sunday and that was encouraging because he had yet to deliver one of our kids even though I have been to him for all of them! Anyway I called Mike after my appt to let him know what was going on and then decided it was probably time to start getting ready for this baby to arrive. I know what you are thinking, you are 38 weeks shouldn't you have already been doing that kind of stuff?, and yes I should have but hadn't so now was the time. I did go to the carters store right after my appointment and bought a cute little outfit to bring her home from the hospital in. Then I proceeded to wash and put away baby clothes, pack a hospital bag, tried to get more organized for preschool since I would be taking the next month off,  and I needed to get a nursing bra and diapers, you know baby stuff!

I had pretty regular contraction the rest of that day and even went walking with my friend Sara that night to see if we could help things along and after walking 2 miles things were feeling more intense but later that night things slowed down. I was okay with that because I knew I had to teach preschool in the morning and had some other things I wanted/needed to get done before hand! After preschool I went to get my hair cut and colored and then later that evening Sara and I went to get a pedicure and it was wonderful! Again I was still having contractions pretty regularly 5-10 min apart but they didn't hurt so I knew it wasn't quite ready yet.

Friday morning I guess nesting hit because I wanted to get my whole house clean and even posted on facebook about how if anyone wanted to come help clean my house they were welcome to it and seriously not 5 min later Sara showed up and said hey I'm here to help you clean! The best part of that story is that she didn't even know about the facebook post and is just that AWESOME of a friend! So we spent the rest of the day cleaning my house and it really needed it! I went to go pick up the kids from the bus stop at 2:45 and it wasn't until that point that I was stopped and sitting looking at a clock that I timed my contractions and they were now only 3 min apart. I could tell they were getting more intense as we were cleaning but I just figured it was all the getting up and down and stuff.

I called Mike and at first he didn't answer his phone so I got on the computer to send him an instant message then a few minutes later tried calling again to let him know that he should probably come home because it was time to go to the hospital. I guess he had gone to the bathroom and his coworkers were all standing around his desk when he got back and were anxious because they just knew it was his wife calling and that I was having the baby! Well he finished closing up what he was doing  and they couldn't understand why he wasn't just running out the door, he said it would be okay we had at least a couple hours before the baby actually got here and one of the girls said "well that's not like it is in the movies" too true!

Anyway Sara went to go get her kids from the bus and I decided since I was all gross from cleaning all day that I needed to take a shower first so I did and was finishing getting ready when Mike got home. Sara took the kids with her and some of their stuff to stay the night if need be. Mike even took the time to shave before we left since he had 2 weeks growth and knew he would be in a bunch of pictures soon. We went to the hospital and checked in at about 4:15 and they checked me out and I was at 5.5 cm and still contracting 3 min apart and in the next 40 min that we were there I dilated to 6.5 cm so they admitted me. We told the nurse that at least our Dr was on call this time and he could actually deliver one of our kids since he hadn't gotten one yet and she thought that was hilarious! Once they admitted me they were in a rush to get fluids and antibiotics in me thinking the baby would be here soon because I was progressing so fast.

It wasn't too long before my contractions were hurting for real so I got my epidural at around 6 pm and was dilated to a 7. Then that is where everything kind of came to a halt, I stopped progressing and stayed at a 7 for the next 12 hours!!! They even put me on pitocin to see if they could help move things along but to no avail! My doctor came in  about 5 am and decided to break my water to see if that would help anything. At this point I was starting to get a little anxious at how things were going and asked Mike to give me a blessing. I am so grateful for him and his worthiness to hold the priesthood. I love him so much and am glad to have him as my partner throughout this life and the eternities to come. After an hour still nothing so they put me back on pitocin then at around 7 am I finally dilated to a 9. It wasn't too much longer then and they had me use a peanut ball, which is an exercise ball that is shaped like a peanut to put between my knees which is supposed to help open up your hips and bring the baby down, well it worked because at 8:30 am the doctor came back in and wanted to see how things were going and asked me to try a practice push and I did then he said well that was some practice because she is crowning! They hurried and got all the stuff ready and then I only pushed 3 more times and our little girl was born!

Elyse Jane Hanchett was born on Saturday November 17th 2012, at 8:39 am. She weighed 7 lbs 7 oz and was 20.75 inches long. She had brown hair but not as much or as dark as Rory or Paige. She was beautiful! The nurses commented on how nicely shaped her head was and it was probably because she didn't really spend anytime in the birth canal! They handed her to me right away and she immediately grabbed on to one of the many my cords coming off me and wouldn't let go it was cute. Of course we called / texted everyone to let them know and then got to spend those first few moments together! Holding a new baby in those first moments is such a precious thing, it is such an amazing experience and it hard to put into words but nonetheless it is priceless!

Oh yeah by this time it had been 20 hours since I had eaten anything and even then I had only had half a costco muffin for lunch the day before at 1pm so I order breakfast a lot of it but even then it took another 45 min to get it, I was one tired and hungry girl! They moved us to a recovery room around noon and rested and welcomed visitors. My kids came over about 2pm and they were so excited to meet their new baby sister! Caleb got to hold her first and he was so sweet with her. We got him a "Big Brother" shirt and had him put it on, he was so proud! Of course Rory and Paige each got to hold her too and everyone just loves her.

Needless to say we are all very happy to have our newest addition to our family and welcome baby Elyse into our home and our hearts and of course we think she is perfect!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

News for the New Year!

Our Big News is that we are expecting Baby #4 this summer!  We actually had the kids help with the announcing, they each had part of the message on their shirts. Rory's said "We R..." Paige's said "Having..." and then Caleb's said "A Baby" We had them wear them to my side's family Christmas Party and it happened to be at a park so they were just running around playing and it too everyone quite a while to put it all together! Then they wore them to see some trains with Mike's family and his mom actually took this picture and didn't get" it" at all, we had to tell her to stop taking pictures and read the shirts! It was fun anyway and we are due on June 28th and are very excited!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

If Love.

If love.
If love is the answer, you are the question
If love conquers all, then you are my queen
If love is blind, then I am sightless
If love  is without end, then you are infinite
If love is patient, then you are forever
If love finds us all, I am already found
If love saves us, I am reborn
If love.

*** I found this poem waiting for me on the computer the other day... I love my husband! ***

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

To the most wonderful Dad in the world...
we couldn't ask for more! 
We love you so much, thank you for being our Dad!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mighty Mud Mania

This last Saturday we went to Scottsdale to participate in the 2011 Mighty Mud Mania! It's been going on since 1976 and was a promotional thing for "Shout" stain remover but later Johnson and Johnson had to drop out because they AZ mud was just too tough to get out for the pre-treater! Anyway Scottsdale liked it so much they just kept doing it and we have to say we enjoyed it too! They basically have a mud obstacle course, mud slides, mud pits and so forth. They had water slides too and a sand castle building area and the fire department was there to hose everyone off when they were done and it was all free. Rory was totally excited about the whole thing but Paige needed some extra encouragement but ended up liking it afterall. Caleb wasn't too interested so he was just along for the ride. We went with some new friends of our the Marbles and it was fun to have someone else along for the ride! So if you are up for some good "clean" fun, keep it in mind and maybe you can come along with us next year!

Mighty Mud Mania Pic's

Friday, May 27, 2011

AZ Summer Reading Programs

Here is a list of several of the summer reading programs available around the valley this year so sign up your kiddos and get reading!

Barnes & Noble - Summer Reading Imagination's Destination
Grades 1-6
Read 8 Books, Get 1 FREE

Borders - Double Dog Dare Challenge
Kids 12 and under Read 10 Books, Get 1 FREE

Half Price Books - Feed Your Brain
Kids 14 and under Earn $5 Back-to-School Bucks summer reading reward

All Year Long
For every 10 books you read, we'll give you one free
+ Sign up for Kids Club to get discounts and a $10 certificate on your birthday

READ, PLAY, WIN! 2011 Summer Reading Program
Ages: Birth-18
Apache Junction Public Library, Chandler Public Library, Glendale Public Library, Peoria Public Library, Phoenix Public Library, Scottsdale Public Library, Tempe Public Library, Wickenburg Public Library
Maricopa County Library District
Maricopa County Library District (Aguila, El Mirage, Fairway, Fountain Hills, Gila Bend, Goodyear, Guadalupe, Hollyhock, Litchfield Park, North Valley Regional, Northwest Regional, Perry, Queen Creek, Ed Robson, Southeast Regional, Sun City, White Tank) Buckeye Public Library, Desert Foothills Library-Cave Creek, Mesa Public Libraries, Morristown Volunteer Library, Paradise Valley Community College, Tolleson Public Library, Wickenburg Public Library, Youngtown Public Library

Pima County Public Library Summer Reading Program
"One World, Many Stories" Kids Program
"You Are Here" Teen Program
"One World, Many Stories" Adult Program

Tempe Library Read & Renew
Adult Reading Program

Scholastic Summer Challenge
NOW - 8/31/11

Pizza Hut Book It Summer Break Reading Challenge
6/15/11 - 8/15/11
*Also if homeschool, can sign up for 2011 program here, otherwise offered at your child's school. Check if your child's school is participating here

Friday, May 13, 2011


***So you know I teach preschool out of my home & with the school year wrapping up it's time to think about how you are going to fill those long summer days...well I'm here to help! Check out my summer day camps ***

Creative Kids "Summer of Science" Day Camp

Summer of Science Day Camp is for children ages 3-6 years old and has 7 one week themes. 

We will meet in the afternoons 3 days a week, Tue/Wed/Thurs, from 2:00-3:30 pm. 

Tuition will be $15 a week and can be collected on a week by week basis.  

The themes for summer day camps are:

At a Glance - (May 31st - June 2nd)  Seeing things grow larger or smaller by looking through a lens is an amazing thing to young children. In this unit, they will explore and compare how natural things change when seen through magnifying glasses, microscopes, mirrors, and binoculars.

I'm Sensing Something - (June 7-9th) Everything we know comes to us through our senses. This unit contains materials that allow the children to learn about taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell. They will also learn about differing abilities and how people overcome the loss of one of their senses.Not only will they experience new and exciting things they will learn how their different senses help them understand the world around them.

I'm Stuck on You - (June 14-16thMagnets are magical to children. In this unit, they will explore magnetic forces by using a variety of magnets on metal and non-metal objects. They will learn how magnets work, what they work on, and some uses for magnets in the real world.

It's going to blow! - (June 21-23rd) You can't have a summer of science with building your very own volcano, In these experiments your children will observe the chemical reaction of baking soda and vinegar in different situations and predict it's outcome.

What's the matter? - (June 28-30th) During this class children will discover the difference between a solid, liquid and gas as well as experiment with mixtures and compounds. Children will also investigate the properties of a mystery substance called Goo and will use their scientific process skills to investigate the substance and determine if it is solid, liquid, or gas.

Kids' Kitchen - (July 5-7th) During Kids’ Kitchen, children will learn about the food pyramid and how to make healthy food choices. They will sample different types of foods, as they prepare recipes for healthy snacks. 

Animal Antics - (July 12-14th)  Children will learn all about animals and their homes. Not only will they learn about animals in their own neighborhoods, but they will explore animals that live in areas faraway. Animal Antics gives children opportunities to explore the habitats of animals, what animals eat, what sounds they make and how they move. 

Class size is limited! 

Contact me today to reserve your child's spot!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy Birthday Paige!

On March 8th my little girl turned 4 years old, I can't believe how quickly time has gone by and how much she has grown. I certainly love my little Paige!

March... a quick review

In March we had some good times (Paige's birthday) and some not so good! The hardest thing was having Caleb in the hospital again! He was there for 3 days because of RSV and the Flu. My poor little guy is such a trooper though and thankfully we are all better now! Rory lost 4 teeth in a about a weeks time, Caleb also go his first hair cut! I was sad to see his little duck tail go but he looks so handsome with his new look too! He also feed himself spaghetti for the first time too, although since he got sick he has become a very picky eater!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Minute to Win It Date Night Edition

In February I was in charge of a Minute to Win It Date Night Edition for our RS Activity turned ward party. It was so much fun and the challenges were hilarious to watch here are a few pictures from it but if you really want to see the fun in action check out our ward blog for the video (Mike did the editing and is very proud of himself). If you are looking for a fun activity to do, this is a winner!




Happy New Year ( 4 months late...)

Here are our new years ever pictures and some of Caleb just cause he's so cute!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pretty Tee

I got addicted to all of these t-shirt refashioning posts a while ago and have them all saved on my computer and even taught my mom, sisters and my ward how to make them but have only actually gotten around to making a few, not that I don't have big plans for doing many more but I though I'd show you the ones I've finished so far. I think they turned out pretty cute in spite of my procrastination!  
 This one is stamped
The dark spots you can see are water I ironed flat after washing. But the "flowers" are layers of knit and tulle and the white is the back of one of Paige's shirts that I cut apart since the front was stained.

 This is ribbon folded and sewn down then beads hand sewn on around it.

 This one is has corsage look to it made up of a bunch of circles stacked and gathered together.
 This one I did for Mike and Caleb has one to match for Easter, I used the cricut to cut out the letters and the chicks I printed off the internet and traced onto freezer paper and ironed on as a stencil.
This one is Paige's and I did the same saying for Rory too again freezer paper made it happen. And my friend Sara for wanting to do it to so it got me a little more motivated to actually get it done!

Making up for lost time!

I know it has been forever since my last real post and I'm trying to catch up so here are a few pictures from Christmas ( I know... I said it's been forever!!) and yes we went swimming on Dec 28th thanks to a heated pool!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Shelf Reliance House Party!

Hey Guys - I'm hosting a Shelf Reliance House party and want to invite you! Come and enjoy a fun and tasty cooking demonstration using Shelf Reliance food storage products and see how delicious freeze dried food really is! Seriously my kids just eat it right out of the can! Plus if you bring a friend you will get a yummy treat homemade by yours truly! Whether you are just starting out, adding to or finishing off your year supply, you will learn tips and tricks on how to make it happen! It will be at my house on Thursday May 5th at 7:30pm. Let me know if you can come, I hope to see you all there!   

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Creative Kids Preschool! Now Enrolling for Fall 2011!

It's only February 3rd, is it really time to be thinking about a fall preschool class...YES!

I have started pre-enrollment for my classes starting in the fall. 
Class size is limited so reserve your spot today!

Now offering 2 classes!!!  
  Classes are  2 days a week for 2 1/2 hours each.
 3-4 year olds T/Th from 9-11:30 
4-5 year olds T/Th from 12-2:30

 Tuition will be $65 a month if paid by the 10th. There will be a $20 registration fee. There will be a discount for families enrolling multiple children. 

I am a certified elementary education teacher and taught for 3 years before starting a family and becoming a stay at home mom. During those 3 years I covered kindergarten, a 1st/2nd grade combo class and a 4th/5th grade combo class where we taught at around a second to third grade level, so basically I've covered a lot of ground in those few years. This is my second year teaching preschool in my home. I also participated in a co-op preschool with some friends  a couple of years ago with my oldest was preschool age. In addition to my professional teaching experience I have plenty of experience with young children as I am the mother of three children ranging in age from 16 months to 6 years.

I am very excited about this new adventure and hope you will join me! 
If you are interested please contact me at 480-250-0157 or rachelhanchett@gmail.com
Don't forget to tell your friends!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Report Card Rewards -- Companies That Give Your Child Free Stuff for Good Grades

I know report cards just came home in our house so I thought I'd pass this along to reward your kiddo's for all their hard work too!

Report Card Rewards -- Companies That Give Your Child Free Stuff for Good Grades

Report card rewards are frequently given out by schools or by parents, but did you know that there aremajor companies that give rewards for good grades? These are usually free items, and can be claimed by your child showing the manager or an employee his/her report card with A’s or B’s.

Below is a list of national and well-known companies that give report card rewards: 

1. Krispy Kreme Donuts. In most areas, Krispy Kreme (the retail donut stores only) will give your child a free donut for an “A”. 

2. Limited Too. On their website, Limited Too (a clothing store for “tween” girls) states that they want to “congratulate girls on receiving outstanding grades.” Report cards with passing grades must be brought to a girl’s local Limited Too store within 30 days of when she receives it. The girl will receive $5.00 off her purchase that day.

3. Blockbuster Blockbuster will give one free movie rental for A’s. The movie must be from the “kids” or “families” category. 

4. Chuck E. Cheese Chuck E. Cheese locations give away free tokens for good grades. They accept all types of grading systems, and will give away a maximum of 15 tokens. Currently, an “A” or equivalent is worth 3 tokens, a “B” is worth 2 tokens, and a “C” is worth 1 token. Note: You must make a food purchase for this offer.

5. Family Video They give out a free rental in the summer for A’s on a report card. The child must bring their final report into his/her local Family Video store. 

Remember, that the above list is subject to change at any time, and may vary depending upon where you live. There may be local businesses in your area that reward good grades. Check with your child’s teacher, school, or PTA. Some schools give out rewards at report card time such as free meals to local restaurants.

Report card rewards are a great free way to motivate your child to get good grades, or improve his or her school performance. 

Friday, December 17, 2010

Visiting Santa...Not so Merry

Tonight we went to Bass Pro Shop to let the kids see Santa. We went with all of my family and in so doing we got there later then planned so there was a line but the guys took the kids around to look at everything while the girls stood in line. It went by pretty quickly and right as it was our turn to talk to the man himself Caleb decided to throw up all over the place! It got all over me, Mike, Caleb and splattered in Paige's hair and on Rory's shirt as well as on the floor obviously. Well I immediately took him into the bathroom where I tried to clean him off but Rory, Paige and my mom followed me so I sent my mom back with the girls because we didn't wait in line all this time not to get a picture! I stripped Caleb down and wiped myself off the best I could and went back out to meet the rest of our group. Needless to say we decided to forgo the temple lights and straight went home after that. My poor little guy, I was really hoping to get a picture of him with Santa this year, well maybe next year!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Card

I got Photoshop for Christmas a couple years ago and have been trying to learn how to use it since but I am happy to say that this is a custom Christmas card, thank you very much! The pictures are courtesy of Liz Farnsworth of Red Bucket Photography, she is amazing! Thank you again and again Liz! We may have to road trip it to TX for next years photo shoot! On here is may be hard to see but the arrows nest to Santa's list say naughty and nice, Mike's only request was to put something funny like that he has been naughty since 1978, he did make the naughty list but just with out the year, love you babe!