Luke experienced his first really smelly and yucky poopy diaper. Since I started giving Naomi a little formula here and there, her diapers have been a little...or a lot less pleasant! She had an explosion while he was playing with her that didn't want to remain in her diaper. She was looking so intrigued with him, so I had to snap some of those faces!
Naomi loves her swing, despite the little frown on her face! She smiles a lot, I just haven't caught many on camera yet. She also is starting to "talk", making noises besides grunts. She has been so cute lately just hanging out watching her surroundings, in fact, she is staring at me right now while swinging contently in the greatest invention of all time. I can't believe how well she holds her head up. She always wants to hold it up like a little baby bird. That is what Luke calls her. She went to Disneyland for the first time Friday and lasted all day to my surprise. It was my little sister's birthday at Club 33, and the family wanted to make a day of it hitting up the rides. No rides for Naomi, but she did take a picture with Jasmine...with one eye open....haha. Grandpa and Lucy are chatting it up, which is super cute. And Naomi was so good considering we both have been fighting nasty colds. How do we prevent passing it back and forth to each other? I am worried about that....
Tonight was a fun one. Christina, Madison, Lindsey and Kelly came over to visit me and Naomi. Christina and Madison brought food and made us all yummy dinner. Her and Lindsey both surprised me with adorable Mother's Day cards and gifts. I am so lucky to have such thoughtful and loving friends! It made me even more excited to celebrate my first Mother's Day this weekend. Of course I was mad too because I didn't get anything for Christina and she has been a mom to her daughter Madison for 6 years! She spoils me...big time.
I love the feeling I get when I look at a baby sleeping. I particularly enjoy this photo of Naomi. She just looks so peaceful and care-free. It inspires me to be a better person, even at 3 a.m. I am not sure how I can get all that from this little photo, but I do. It is hard to articulate all the feelings I have as a new mom, but when I watch Naomi sleep, it re-focuses my life. I forget about some of the sadness or pain I might be feeling, even if it is just for a minute. This was a random post, but I am hoping that others would know where I was coming from. Even though I don't express my feelings in the most coherent manner!
Today we went over to the Gentry's for Max's Birthday and to see their new little addition. Piper Rose was born April 9th, one day before Naomi. Since Sandi is my aunt, and baby Piper is my cousin, I am not exactly sure of their relation. 2nd cousins? Either way they will be great friends. Hopefully we will both stay in Ladera Ranch, or near by, so they can grow together and be best friends! Naomi is long compared to Piper, especially with that afro! Her hair has grown and lightened up quite a bit. She just changes so fast! It was cute seeing them together for the first time though. I didn't take pictures at the best angle, but they are still cute!
Grandma Hansen and aunt Sasha came down from Idaho to visit Naomi for the first time this past week. We had a good time hitting up all the fun shops from Laguna to Fashion Island. Naomi liked her outings, but I will say that I am still getting used to going out in public for many reasons. I need to be eased into it slowly! Tonight we stopped by the new Bloomingdales in South Coast Plaza and was yelled at by some lady while breast feeding in the women's lounge. Apparently she was offended by seeing a blanket with Naomi's feet hanging out of the end. I mean come on. I see more boob at church! That didn't help my phobia of leaving my house, but I am glad I did it anyways! Well, we will sure miss mama Hansen and aunt Sasha, especially miss having my dishes cleaned and laundry done! It was nice to get some extra sleep too. We are excited to have them come again in June for the baby blessing!