
Happy Birthday

Today is Luke's birthday! I am sure he couldn't pick a better way to celebrate his 30th like digging holes in Fontana! I will have to make sure we do something fun tonight. We had a fun party for him over the weekend at my parent's house. Thanks to all our friends that drove to Irvine to join in on the celebration! We love excuses to have big parties, but we definitely don't have a house for one. With Thanksgiving, family photos and Luke's party, we've been pretty busy the last few days. It was a fun weekend, but it's nice to get back into the swing of things.

Hope you have a great birthday bubba! You are the best husband, friend and dad any girl could ask for. I am lucky to have you. Love you lots :)


Poor Thor

We finally got the poor guy fixed, but I think we will make the cone a permanent fixture. Until Stella (his wife that he procreates with) came over, he had no accidents. Of course when Stella came over he couldn't contain his excitement or control his bladder. I must say that he still can't figure out how to mark something with the cone on. It is great! I really hope I can get him potty trained again because I don't want to get rid of him. I would be sad and Naomi loves him. She cracks up when he is around. I need help entertaining this little Naomi. So to that, I give you thanks Thor.


Party time

This is the birthday month! Our friend Ian's 30th birthday party was on Saturday night and it was a very fun night of eating and chatting it up all night!

Tiffany, Meg & me

I must really trust my husband....

Naomi was flirting with Scott and he was a good sport :)

Let's bowl, let's bowl, let's rock-'n-roll!

We went bowling at Lucky Strike with the Doss' Friday night. I was very proud of myself for bowling over a 40. Yes, a 40. Don't be jealous! I'm pretty sure I am getting better. Next step is my own custom ball and matching bag. If I concentrated harder on actually bowling instead of singing the "score tonight" song from Grease 2, I might do a little better. Naomi was having a blast as usual. There was so much to look at, I never needed to entertain her.

What happens at Grandma's...

... stays at Grandma's.


Step aside Cindy Crawford

I officially started getting it together people! Today I started the Body for Life diet. If anyone has any tips or words of encouragement, I need all the help I can get! So far the food I've made has been good. I won't have much of a life 6 days out of the week though. I have to eat 6 times a day, so I will be spending a lot of time at home. I think it helps to know that I will be losing weight in a healthy way, getting all the nutrients I need and hopefully boost my energy level too. Go me! Lets just hope you don't see another post in a month from now with my admission of defeat.

Oh and...YES I will be taking before and after photos and NO I will NOT post them. I know I will have many requests for that, but if you really want to check out my hot bod in a bikini, all you have to do is call :)


Happy Birthday Katie!

I am thankful to have such an amazing sister and friend. She is one of the best moms I know, so it is great to have her just a phone call away. Hope you have a happy birthday today! Love you lots :)


And it continues...

I met up with a couple of old girlfriends at Cafe R&D at Fashion Island. It was way overdue, so my birthday was just a good excuse to finally get together. It was a fun time as usual!

Belen and Naomi

Thanks Kelly & B :)


Amy MacDonald

Has anyone heard this CD? I love this song, but she isn't on iTunes, so I'm not sure how the CD is. I might just take the plunge because I like her voice.


Thanks for a great day!

Yesterday was a great birthday, though my cold has taken a turn for the worse! Some friends from my ward met me for lunch at Pacific Whey cafe in Ladera, which was fabulous. Thanks for putting that together for me Megan :)

Then Luke took me to Ciao Pasta Trattoria in San Juan and it was so good (the little I could still taste). Little did we know that there is a man there that sings from 6-9 every Thursday night. He was awesome! Now I am at home trying to shake this cold that just seems to be getting worse! Oh well. It was a good day.

The Finer Things Club

"The 'Finer Things Club' is the most exclusive club in this office. Naturally it's where I need to be."

Andy from The Office took the words right out of my mouth. This is where I need to be. Do I need to start a club like this or is there one already created? The only thing better than a good book are related props, treats and discussion to go with it! Do I sound crazy? I am seriously going to start a "Finer Things Club". Anyone interested? I've never been involved in a book club. Is this a similar situation? If it is, I am there! Funny hat and all!


Happy Birthday Baby!

This is another one of those special manly blogging moments. My beautiful sweet wife turned 24 today. She is the love of my life, my best friend and means everything to me. Honey I hope you had a wonderful birthday. I love you!

Best commercial EVER

If this doesn't make you want a little boy, I don't know what does.