

It starts out as a little play time out in our little patio.

She glances over in my direction with an innocent smile, but I know it's only a matter of time.

Taking her bucket inside to fill up with fun fruits.

Then it begins. Our almost flower-less, next to no direct sunlight, patio plants get attacked.

I step in to keep the little flowers and fruit we have left, and she gets a little attitude mixed with humor.

Bugs, plants and flowers don't stand a chance when Naomi is around.


We match

Why little girls are so much fun!
(stay away Tanner)

AND our finger nails match too.


Happy Father's Day

Loving, smart, handsome, caring, thoughtful, compassionate, hard working, funny. These are only some of the amazing characteristics that the fathers in my life have. Thanks to my dad for creating me, Luke for marrying me and Buff for putting up with my crazy ways!

Making mama proud

show up Fergie with a "mmm-mmm". check. (yes that is her singing, i know it's hard to hear)
turn in circles until just about to fall sideways. check.
scream from excitement. check.
single lady. check.
put your hands up. check.
booty shake. check.
clap hands. check.
can't help it, the girl can't help it!

Watch out B, there is a new girl in town and she knows how to rock the pink jumpsuits and has some mad moves to go with it.



2 month stats:

13 pounds = 90th percentile
24.5 inches = 95th percentile

Things that make Grant smile and coo right now are family pictures, the ceiling fan and doting family members smiling and talking to him. He does not like to be put down. If he is awake, he has to be walked around or relaxing in his bath tub. He hates the car, especially when it is not in motion. One funny thing about him is that he loves getting his head rubbed. He can hardly keep his eyes open once you start! He is a lot of work, but I love to be the one to do that work.


Out & About with the Hansen's

nothing cuter

he loves being blogged

Cheesecake has FRESCA!

Naomi wearing Grandpa Buff's socks

Ruby's for train watching and grub


The sweetest thing

Naomi watches PBS kids while Grant laughs at the ceiling fan, so that mommy can quickly get ready for the day. Cuteness.

Oh and don't you love Grant's bed head?


My Grant

The blessed blessing day for baby Grant

makes me smile

Lucy loving Naomi

Nana Pat

Ladera girls

Dan & Grandpa make this shot

the ladies

Jacob & Presley are too cute

love these kiddies

happy happy happy

lil G

done and done

time to relax


A very merry unbirthday

Can I celebrate my half birthday this year?  Drool.


While the boy is asleep, the girls will play

Naomi invited me over to her table today for some snacks and bird watching from the window.  
Naomi:  "Oh there he is!"