Monday, March 7, 2011


He might tell you he's five, because he likes to bend the truth, but he really is four. His birthday party was absolute chaos. All of his little mini-friends are just as reckless and crazy as he is. Life is good, Rush is four. Yay!!!


Bubba is seven!!! This kid is pretty flipppin' amazing. Brookie's birthday extravaganza included; three parties (family, class and neighborhood friends), several celebratory meals and an exclusion from any sort of discipline or parental guidance for about a week.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Where's my Mother of the Year award?

Here's Brookie with her cute Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Lambson on her first day of school. She arrived an hour and a half late because her Mommy is a spaz and read the schedule wrong. Her first day lasted about 18 minutes. She did get a milkshake to recompense her for her lost time.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back in the saddle

Okay Julie, I'm going to make another attempt at blogging. I'm back....again.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin is my new best friend

I just watched Sarah Palin's speech at the Republican Convention. I can now vote for John Mccain and not feel like a sellout. I pray there are no skeletons in this woman's closet. So far, I am super-impressed, and Brooklyn thinks she's absolutely pretty enough to be the vice-president. There's my politics for the day.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Here are a couple of pics from our Cancun trip. We are obvioulsy excellent at capturing the essence of our beautiful surroundings. I hope no one is considering a trip to Cancun and using my blog as a reference source. Cancun was (and is) absolutely gorgeous. I even got a tan (which in Andrea world, means my skin finally had some pigment). As I mentioned in my previous post, Cancun was fun.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Public Potty

So, my kids like to pee pee on my bathroom floor. Rushie seems to have mastered the pre-bath, post diaper magical pee pee moment; and Brookie has become too busy playing to remember to make it all the way to the potty. My question is this; is my floor cleaner because I disinfect it twice a day, or dirtier because there are more soiling incidents? One might think it's cleaner, but public bathrooms are cleaned several times a day, and I'd say they're pretty skanky. There's what's going on in my mind today. I need to post our Cancun pictures; Craig and I had an awesome time. I did not get to taste Iguana, but I did get to hang with my cute husband without being summoned to yet another potty disaster cleanup. Life is good.
