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Showing posts with label Death. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Death. Show all posts

Two Faces of the Same Life

"For most gulls its not flying that matters, but eating. 
For this gull though it was not eating that mattered, but flight."
Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Today was an up and down sort of a day. My time at the moment is taken up with, amongst other things, finishing my permaculture design for the land and fighting the sale of our state owned woodlands, like The Forest of Dean and The New Forest. Go here to find out more:

I also have a poorly hen in the yurt by the woodstove, it's Mirabel. I don't think she's going to make it, fingers crossed I'm proved wrong. The vet did an ultrasound on her & we saw her heart beating! Amazing! LIFE! Still didn't find out what's wrong with her though. I'm doing everything I can to care for her.

Hens Meditation Seat

So this afternoon, to the soundtrack of busy birds, I took myself into the woods and to my outdoor meditation seat. 

View from Hens Meditation Seat

The view is spectacular and the bank comfortable. I've often sat here to practice breathing meditation or just to sit.  To me, the power of this spot is very deep. I know if I come and sit here for a bit, I'll let go of any troubles and rationale will be restored... For a bit anyway ; )

Willows' Meditation Seat

As I came out of my meditation I looked up to see Willow meditating in her little spot (on chickens, no doubt!). It made my heart smile to know she'd been there. I love Willow.

Tree Slug

I went for a little wander after my sit and spent some time looking at one of the older Oak trees in the wood. It took me ages to spot him but I found a tree slug  : )


It's been raining a lot here the past few days. Sadly, I found this poor little mouse drowned in an upturned bucket.  I don't know what kind of mouse it is, all I know is that it is an exquisite little mouse.


Look at those perfect little feet. What a beautiful creation a mouse is. 

Pink wispy clouds frame the Moon

hen xx
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