Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cupcakes on Parade

Miranda has been quite the little Cupcake Baker lately
She decided to start taking treats to rehearsal each week
Her first one is "Into the Woods" Rocky Road Cupcake

These are Chocolate Peanut Butter Dressed up
for Father's Day

These are Banana cupcakes with caramel frosting
This little beauty is Strawberry cheesecake cupcake
She's getting quite good at baking ...more pictures to come!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Graduation Cake

A friend asked if I could do a graduation cake for her son. She sent me a picture of what she had in mind, a two tier with a grad cap on top.
This is what I came up with...
I added a 3rd tier because, well, I'm not sure , but I just liked it that way :)
She wanted it personalized a bit by adding the school letters. 
I was excited to use my Cricut Cake again to do this. It actually went a lot better and easier than I thought.
I decided to throw in the diploma for fun, because I thought the cap looked a little lonely on the top.
I took the school mascot and tweaked it so I could cut it out on the Cricut also. I was very excited with how it turned out expecially with all the fine details.
Overall, I was pretty happy with how it turned out.
She had a beautiful display set up all in Silver and red ...this beauty was the centerpiece of the table and fit in beautifully with her decor. 
Oh was delicious too :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Keep Your Cool

For Our Relief Society in June we had a fun Summer Activity
We had the activity in my backyard and I decorated it super fun and summer-y with lights and everything :)
I even created this fun summer banner to decorate with
The presidency divided up topics to teach
President - Summer Reading
1st Councelor - Summer Service
and me.... Summer Activities
I came up with different ideas to help accomplish fun things with your kids. I found some ideas online and others out of my little brain
This one is paper bags for each day of the put slips of paper inside with a different activity to do each day.
This is just a poster with a list of 50 things to do this summer
This cool display has the activities written on the popcicle sticks.  The kids pick a popcicle each day to choose the activity
These jars are full of activitiy ideas for each catagory.  Just pick one whenever you need to bust bordom at home
I found this fun puzzle at the Dollar store and on the back of each piece I wrote a different activity.
The kids choose the piece and put the puzzle together as they go
Spin the wheel to decide what fun activity to do today
We had little handouts for everyone like homemade Kool-aid Playdough and they made monster corner bookmarks and a Secret Summer Service door hanger with the assignment to do service this summer and pass along the door hanger.
The treats were, of course summer-ish too....
Strawberry Coconut Colada cupcakes
And Creamcicle cupcakes - with a cream cheese filling...yummy!
The night was full of ideas and information and of course fun!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Rapunzel's Castle

Miranda found this idea online and just had to test it out.
She was going to a Broadway Pool party so this treat was her contribution.
It was pretty simple to create
She's getting pretty good at smoothing and icing a cake too :)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

It's a Chick Thing

For Relief Society this month we had a "Chick Thing" activity.
The original plan was to have it before Easter, but we had scheduling issues so we made it work.
I decorated the gym in yellow, green and pink with the Chick motif.

The food table of course coordinated also.
We had Chick Pops
Yellow Chocolate Dipped Oreos
Egg Nest Cupcakes
Lemon cakes
Chicken Fingers from Raisin Canes with a variety of dipping sauces...yummy
The centerpieces were of course grass and peeps :)
Each setting had a chick napkin and chick egg filled with candy with their seating number assingment
The evening was spent playing "speed dating" and just getting to know all the cool Chicks in our ward.
It was a very fun night and everyone had a ball

Monday, May 9, 2011

Oreo Treats

A week before Mother's day, Ryan asked me if I could come up with something to hand out at church for all the mothers in the ward.
Sure, I can do problem.
I ended up doing chocolate dipped oreos. I had just enough chocolate transfer sheets to do them.
I think I ended up with 80 packages with 2 oreos each.
They turned out beautiful and I think all the mother's liked them a lot.
 They also handed out a booklet, so I bundled them all together with a cute bow and tag to complete the ensemble. 
Who knew I would have to work so hard for my own mother's day treat :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

General Conference

This month for Visiting Teaching we get to talk about our favorite talks from General Conference. There were so many wonderful ones to choose from, so I downloaded the Conference Highlights off the church website and burned them onto a CD.
Of course I had to give it a little something to "gingerize" it a bit.

I've even enjoyed listening to the exerpts from Conference. 
It's a great way to get a little spiritual dose now and then while in the car.