Sunday, April 26, 2020



4th of July!

We skipped the parade this year and slept in. We hosted lunch at our house. Burgers on the grill with all the fixins!

The kids and friends played with water balloons and a water slide and in the hot tub. We ended the night with driving down closer to the river to watch the Melaleuca fireworks. Fabulous, as always! It was a nice, relaxing day for a large, pregnant woman!

The 8th was Connell's 12 birthday! He requested chocolate chip pancakes, as usual. He's growing into such a fine young man. He's been passing the sacrament since January, and I love watching him. He's so mature and does such a good job with it. I love that he respects the Priesthood he now holds. He is the best big brother and we all love him so much!

He requested a chocolate poke cake. So yummy!

We went to the Melaleuca picnic, minus Connell. He was at Scout camp. It was super hot, as usual, but we got there early and got a good spot in the middle of the tent, so I didn't get too hot. JayC took the kids around to the different booths and activities. Cordellia has the right idea! Nap time!

Connell had his first Boy Scout week long camp this summer! He was gone for a whole week from Monday to Saturday. His leaders were so awesome and kept me posted through the week how he was doing. He never got homesick at all and did a great job at getting all the badges he wanted and having a fun time sharing a tent with his friend Jonas.

The kids and I missed him SO much!! It was so quiet at home and they would all get bored and want ideas what to do. We discovered that Connell keeps everyone entertained and loud! We were so happy to have him home! I'm so proud of him and that he did so well and wasn't homesick at all until the last day. He was ready to come home.

Cute hugs welcoming him home!

These kids really enjoy the train table at their dentist.

Cordellia turned 4 on the 18th!

Her first present in the morning was a mermaid dress, since she was having a mermaid birthday!

We had lunch at Artic Circle and the boys all got little toys out of the vending machines. Cordellia had a blast on the slide, but I didn't get a picture.

Her little mermaid cake! It was cute!

She got Anna and Elsa dolls.

Pretty birthday girl! I can't believe she's 4 years old! I honestly don't know how that happened so fast, but I'm so excited she gets to be a big sister in a few more months. She has so much passion for life and is all girl. I love it!

I love my pretty princess!

She took a nap with her new dolls and Anna dress.

Riding her tricycle with her new best friends!

7 months!

She still likes to cuddle with me. Sweet girl.

Connell was proud of the long root for this weed. He was picking weeds for me outside.

We love going to Dixie's Diner to eat. They have awesome shakes and yummy food in an old fashioned diner. We eat out a lot this pregnancy (once a week, probably). I rarely feel like cooking and it's something fun to do with the kids. Thank goodness JayC has a good job!

Cordellia got a couple cavities filled. We have the best dentists!

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Together Forever

Connell Celebration