Connell and I just returned from our 2 1/2 trip to Idaho to see Uncle Leland get home from his mission and to spend time with him and the rest of the family. It was so nice to be home for awhile. Connell especially had a great time playing with all the animals and getting dirty outside everyday!
Connell playing with pickles at Grandma Lloyd's house!
My parents and Ross recently got a bunch of goats and chickens and rabbits. Ross built a barn to milk the goats in and to keep the rabbits in. That's also where the kittens like to hang out, so Connell did also. He loved these kittens and followed them around everywhere until he caught one! Then he'd cuddle with it and chatter with it in baby talk. So cute!
Cousin Nia and Connell at the piano. They played so well together! Nia would follow Connell around and say, "Connell" all day! Or when he'd get into trouble, she'd say, "Careful, Connell!" They were especially cute in church together, where they'd share snacks and color together.
Connell and a lion sleeping at the Idaho Falls Zoo.
Feeding the goats at the Blackfoot fair petting zoo with Grandma Danna. That night, we got to see Huey Louis and the News in concert!
At Grammie Del's house in Roberts. Connell had a blast playing outside in her back yard.
Connell helping Leland open his birthday presents from mom and dad. It was so fun to see him get off the airplane in Salt Lake! He is so tall and grown-up! He did such a good job on his mission; we're so proud of him! Now he's at BYU-Idaho already and getting into the groove of "normal" life again.