I am back from summer, and whatever else I got up to.... email and internet was scarce this summer. Very. Cabins on uninhabited islands tend not to get wireless connections...
But there it was, a summer of (sort-of) sun in the North (I would SWEAR it is called MIDNIGHT SUN coz it came out mainly, er, AFTER midnight .... save a few crazy dazzling nights work on the oh-so-scary puffin cliffs in mad golden light).
So, Summer 2008 was 5 weeks on Hjelmsøya, an island far north in Finnmark (Norways most northern county), after a few weeks dodging snowstorms on Hornøya.... Then, wonderful times with friends: thanks to Randi for her looovveely sofa ;) Tomas, Anna-Katrina & The Boys for good times in the mountains in their secret valley ;) to Ane and Jan for just about the Best Eggs that a free-range chicken can lay (and so much more, including a very sober introduction to Odd-Inga, MY HUSBAND-TO-BE... cheers guys, and yes, I am embarrassed if he is reading this! Sorry Odd-Inga but the set-up was all too crazy for me!) ;) thanks Tore for treeplanting times (... so... making me an Almost Lumberjack now!) and Maret for a blueberry-tastic 6 day Lyng-ing trek in the big hills (worth every last hobbling step!, and each time we threw ourselves flat out on those super comfyLyng-ing patches.... oh! How I 'Like Long Lynging Lazily Lion-Like (eating 'Lion' bars!)' - I recommend lying on Lyng to anyone ;)).
This is starting to sound like an Oscar speech... so I'll quit while you are still listening (perhaps too late??).
Seems I have a few people to THANK big time after I finished work for NINA this summer and was out and about visiting new places in Norway and getting to grips with just being here and soaking up the trees, mountains, and a few Isbjørn beers. I missed the family, but hey, Christmas is just around the corner!!! And I can't wait to see how Nephew 1 is sprouting, and see if Nephew 2 has any clue who Aunt Helen might be! (likely NOT).
Regretfully, I find life gets in the way of blogging these days. I have so little free time that generates good blogging success (i.e.stuck in front of a computer and wishing for distractions...) and seeking out computers in libraries, begging access off friends etc., for the sheer sake of it just ain't my thang, as those who know me know.
I will post a few pics, etc., at times, as I really want to chitter and chatter away to those who want to hear my ravings!.... but please bear with me. It will not be frequent!
My New Job Til Almost Xmas is training sled-dogs in a camp in the forest, no shower or fancy trimmings, but with sauna and woodstove. I'll never make a million at this game, but you should join me there. It's pure magic.
Vi snakkes senere (..."we'll talk later"...)
Much love