Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hiawatha House Celebrates 100 Posts

       I just noticed that my last post was #100! Somewhat of a surprise! I started Hiawatha House in Aug. of 2008. I wasn't on the internet and had no real idea of where or how  this project would go. I didn't get on the internet until Mar. of 2009. Then I had to learn a whole lot of things about blogger. It took a while until I started to post on a regular basis.

      There are some things that were difficult and others that were easy. It was difficult to set the blog up so that it was noticed by others. I still haven't got everything done on that topic. It turned out to be easy to have topics to write about. Pictures are still a challenge.

      So I'm looking forward to my next 100 posts and hope you like reading them as much as I like writing them.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Language Rocks

         I have always appreciated all aspects language no matter if it's ours or anybody elses. There is much to learn and understand when we learn some of the language background. There are many Ah ha moments when one key point suddenly explains a whole lot of things. When we learn a second language we discover much about our own language.

        I came across a number of these ah ha's in the Alberta Retired Teachers' Association News and Views. They do not give an origin for these little pieces , but obviously someone had to do a fair amount of research to discover these gems. So here they are. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

      In the 1400s law was set forth in England that a man was permitted to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb. Hence we have " the rule of thumb."

      In Shakespeare's time , mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When a person pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened making the bed firmer to sleep on- hence the phrase..."Good night, sleep tight."

     It was accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding , the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead was honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based , this period was called the honey moon month. Today it has been shortened to honeymoon, without the father-in-law's obligation.

       In English pubs , ale is ordered by pints and quarts. In old England when customers became unruly, the bartender would yell at them "Mind your pints and quarts and settle down." From that came the phrase"mind your P's and Q's."

      Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim , or handle of their ceramic mugs. When they needed a refill they used the whistle to get some service. "Wet your whistle " is the phrase inspired by this practice.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

2010 Cycling Season Begins

        In Red deer , Alberta, the roads and most bike trails have dried so it's time for the cycling season to begin. Day time temperatures this week have reached plus 15 C so it is pleasant enough to begin riding.

        With these conditions in mind I opened the garden shed and pulled my bike out. I checked tires and added air and away I went for my first 2010 ride. Later I will do a more thorough bike check up. Through the riding season I continually do maintenance to be sure that I'm safe and the bike will be reliable. As you can see we still have some convenient snow banks!

       So I'm off and cycling! As I've said before my goal is to ride at least 1000 km a season. I find that April is a good riding month, but  it a challenge to get much distance in May and June.

      Happy riding in 2010!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Steven Harper: Does He Understand Rules?

       I have become more and more disillusioned with Prime minister Steven Harper as time goes by. I can accept that someone has different ideologies and appreciate how they propose and support those ideas with research and logic.

       Recently Steven Harper has been supporting issues which are somewhat suspect as to following rules and laws.

      I really wonder if Steven Harper understands anything about parliament. The operation of parliament is governed by a specific set of rules which have been developed over hundreds of years. There must be a set of agreed to rules for a parlaiment to opereate without descending into absolute chaos. For associations which have governing conventions there are agreed upon rules. An association must abide by and operate under those rules. Steven Harper is not doing that with parliament. When parlaiment passes motions which require the government to produce documents, such as the Afghganistan papers,  the government must obey. That is the law.

       One law passed by Harper was to set permanent election dates. I liked that law as it would take out some of the foolish political maneuvering on calling elections. Harper ignored his own law and broke it when he called the 2008 election. How bad can things get when you can't obey your own laws?

      Two of Steven Harper's cabinet members have recently displayed extremely poor behavior and judgement. Harper has excused them both  as having a bad day. Nonsense! Helena Geurgis had a total melt down as she was attempting to by pass security regulations. I would hate to see what would have happened to an ordinary citizen if they had behaved in the same manner. Pierre Blackburn also misbehaved at airport security. Blackburn clearly knew that he could not take on more than 100mm of  liquid. Blackburn became creepy and requested that his tequilla be destroyed in his presence. This cannot be done as it is kept for evidence if needed later. Blackburn was requesting security to break rules. Harper should not be supporting those who want to flout the law.


        A major plank in Harper's platform is to make our laws much more rigorous and that penalties would be much more severe. His behavior gives the opposite message. Leaders must support and live by those new tougher laws. If you can't abide by your own rules you end up being a total hypocrite

     I have never supported Steven Harper's position, but have gone along with his right to govern as a minority. Recently I have decide that Harper should be removed as he is not following the rule of law. Therefore, I Have joined CRUSH and hope that they influence Harper to resign.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Official Jack Rabbit Watcher

         Since I seem to post a quite few things on jack rabbits(lepus townsendii) I feel like I'm watching them all the time and might as well claim the title of official jack rabbit watcher  for myself. There are quite few jack rabbits in my neighborhood so when I run across them there's usually something to say about them. They are always interesting. Since I was brought up on a prairie farm, I've been exposed to the jack rabbit for a long time. Since they are well camoflaged we would often scare them up from a close range. They probably alarmed us as much as we scared them. To see them bounding off with long leaps and at high speed always called for you to stop and watch.

        So today, on my early morning paper, route I saw one jack rabbit under a spruce tree. It was still completely white. All of our snow has melted except for a few snowbanks. This poor specimen was rather obvious although I'm sure he thought he was still well camoflaged. There is just a  tiny bit of dark fur showing through the white so it probably won't be long until they are in their summer coat. I'm sure one will pop up in the next few days to show me how the summer coat is progressing.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Canada Geese:Joys of Spring

       For the last two days flocks of Canada geese have been flying over on the way north. After a long winter it is quite shocking to be out and suddenly hear a strange sound...Canada geese honking. It's quite surprising to hear the honking and then watch as a number of geese fly over. There will sometimes be a flock or two every hour and it tapers off by noon.
      The geese flying in at this time probably do not stay here. They may take a short rest for a day or two and feed , but they will 

photo Bill Heinsen

usually continue north. They will land on ice covered lakes and wait for the ice to thaw and then set up nests. When I lived in Inuvik the aboriginal people would goose hunt in the spring. Husky lakes were a well known hunting area. The geese responded to decoys and the hunters would camoflage themselves in white. This hunt was always quite successful.
      So with the coming of geese other species should not be far behind. Today I heard a crow so tomorrow we will probably have many crows.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jeremy Wotherspon: Congratulations on Your Retirement

       So Jeremy Wotherspoon makes it official this week and Retires! He was going to retire this year but it got speeded up a bit because of health treatment. I wish to congratulate Jeremy on his retirement and thank him for all the pleasure he brought to us over the years with his splendid performances.
       I have said before that I don't follow sports but once in a while a specific athlete will catch my attention. Jeremy is one of those athletes. He is the epitomy of hard work and dedication. Work ethic? You bet. To compete at such a high level for so long would take endless hours of training. Training takes will power. Jeremy competed with the clock. He was mentor to all younger speed skaters.

     Jeremy started his speed skating on an outdoor track in Red Deer , Alberta . There were a dozen or so kids and a local coach. Outdoor speed skating is tough. They were able to visit the speed skating oval in Calgary occasionally . I've skated on the Calgary skating oval and it's a treat so I'm sure when Jeremy as  a kid got to skate on the oval he was hooked.

     I'm sure that we will hear more of Jeremy in the future as he has much to give to speed skating.

    So Red Deer , Alberta, how does Wotherspoon Way sound for the name of a street to honor Jeremy?