Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fort Normandeau Part Three

      The setting of fort Normandeau is worth a good look. It's pretty, native habitat has grown in well and there's the river.

      The setting is pleasant and clean. There's a wide open area for picnics and hosting various functions and displays.
Size and type of teepee that was used for regular life.

A fancy large tent for larger groups

Old days transportation

Help yourself to some cool water.

      The parking lot is placed among some very healthy native habitat. There are many shrubs such as choke cherries and Saskatoons.

A cairn with a brief history

     There is an open space to the river so that you can see how a crossing could be made with horses and wagon.

The river widens here and becomes shallow

This guy is short and the water is just above his ankles.
This kid was hung up in shallow water.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Ft. Normandeau Part 2

      The second facility at Ft. Normandeau consists mainly of dioramas that give the history of the land and it's people

     This area has recently  been redone and it is bright and airy. Many of these facilities have soft light. You are more or less standing in the dark. This one is very pleasant.

 This is a replica of a trading store.

The buffalo was the main part of the culture and economy.

Surveyors appeared

Police jacket

Police saddle

Police rifle

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Where Do I Go?

    I had visitors coming for a few days last week. Quick! I need to find some places to take them .

     One good place here to take visitors is Ft. Normandeau.

     Ft. Normandeau was the first place Europeans lived in this area. Freighters had been going from Calgary to Edmonton, but there were no settlements or settlers on that route. In 1882 someone decided to set up a stopping house on the Red Deer River where the freighters forded the river. This was a place that the aboriginals forded the river. Some Europeans were smart enough too use local guides and used the river crossing. Even today, when the river is low you can wade across it. The river widens at this spot so the water is shallow.

    This location is marked by two different types of museums. One is a regular museum with dioramas and the other one has historical artifacts.  Both are small but well worth visiting.

    So on this post I'll show the rebuilt fort which is close to what the original was.

     A log house was built which was about 20 ft by 24 ft. There was a half story where people slept. It's hard to believe that the bottom story served for a kitchen, living room and work space. They crammed a
lot of stuff in a small space. A palisade was built around the building with wooden towers at the four corners.

    Our European history here is very recent as this building was erected in 1882.

The log house

The work area for washing spinning, sewing and tool storage.

A fancy sleeping area on the bottom floor.

The kitchen

A great dining table.

Now I think this sewing machine is much later than 1882.

Fort walls and tower.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

That Dang Camera

      Last fall I bought a new camera. I was so proud of my new possession   that I wrote a post about it.

      As I told you before I wanted some zoom, pixels and a good handle. I got those things and "much more."I don't know if I'll ever use the "much more." I set it up on Easy auto. This setting allows the camera to do most things for you automatically.

     Every once in a while I look at the menu and some of the options. As I'm meddling I sometimes accidentally change settings. 

     Apparently I changed something a while ago. It took me a while to notice the change  so I can't recall what I fiddled with. 

     So I recently noticed that the flash was not working. At first I wondered if there was something wrong with the flash. I went to look for the 216 page manual. I couldn't find it on my computer. I tried everything. Finally, there it was in plain sight all the time. So look up flash. There are two different sets of numbers so It took awhile to find flash. In my first session I discovered that I had probably turned the flash off but I couldn't find out how to turn the flash back on.

     So after a few days of worrying I finally got back to the challenge. It all depends on how you read the book. After half an hour today I finally got the flash turned back on. While puzzling the problem, I learned other things about the camera. So I'm going to have to go through the manual step by step to learn more so that I don't accidentally turn something off that's important.

     Well, it didn't spoil my summer!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Lily Bonanza

       My favorite flowers are  wild flowers. I'm not that crazy about the multitudes of flowers that have been developed by man. Yes, I'm impressed that someone I know developed a tulip that was accepted by Dutch growers.

      I have a lily that is fairly close to the original Western wood lily (tiger lily) (Lilium philadelphicum). It's my favorite flower on my yard. Usually they have a single flower, sometimes two and rarely three.  This year I had one that had seven flowers on the one plant. So here goes my bragging.

Singles below and seven decker above.

About 9:30 but no color


Monday, July 6, 2015

More Garden Party

      Our city has a very active arts community. There's all kinds of music from a small symphony orchestra to senior jug bands. Two theatre companies are active and the college puts on many plays in their arts program. And then there's the visual artists. This group has their own center and gallery. They conduct many classes and artists use the facility to do some of their work as in kilns for ceramics. There are several excellent galleries in town.

     It seems to me that there's a quote something like "You can judge a society by the way they support their artists." Our artists are very active. I hope that they are supported. I was part of an art show once and a surprising number of works were sold.

     So at the Mayor's Garden Party the other day there were four artists doing their thing in an effort to publicize the local arts council. The director had forgotten her camera so since I was standing around,


    I was conscripted to take some photos so that they could be used in their newsletter.

    I know that some of the bloggers I follow are artists. They are all interesting.

Saturday, July 4, 2015


      I do things just because they have to be done. I don't look for a pat on the back or even a thank you. 

      Five years ago a friend asked if I would be an emergency house in case his kids needed something on the way to school. My house is between his house and the school so it was very convenient.

     Over the five years I was not called on for any assistance whatsoever. The kids didn't have a problem where they needed to come to my place.

     On the other hand I had quite a few very good visits. If I was out in the yard they would stop for a visit. Conversation was easy with both kids. I usually went away having learned something or having a good laugh .

    The only serious incident turned out to be funny. One day after school I was talking to the little girl. Apparently somebody drove around the block three times to check on the man talking to the little girl. After three times they decided I was okay but reported to her Dad. Their Dad had a big laugh and related the story to me.

    This was the last year for me to watch the kids. They both go to another school next year.

     The other day I answered a knock on the door and the kids were there with a thank you card. I was blown away. I didn't expect anything. They both said how much they appreciated having the security of being able to check in at my house. They promised to check on me and have a visit once in a while.

    Surprise appreciation is the best.