I am so glad tomorrow is election day. I have not yet voted, so I will be charging the iPod to entertain myself while standing in line tomorrow at the local Baptist church.
Get out the Vote - FAILMy own attempt to "get out the vote" (admittedly feeble) failed because the elderly person I encouraged is -- I believe -- intimidated by the electronic voting machines.
I like you as a boss, but not as a political punditThere are a few things I don't care to talk to my boss about, and one biggie is POLITICS. I had this awkward situation on Boss' Day when the boss kept trying again and again to engage me in a conversation about the boss' favorite candidate -- who just happens to be my least favorite candidate. Really, there are no good options in that situation. I'm not the best liar, so I just sat silently and smiled. If my candidate loses (and the boss' wins), the only good part will be, perhaps, not having to listen to how stupid people are who voted for the opposition.
Infomercials, blechDon't like 'em. Not for the perfect push-up device, not for the perfect pasta cooker, and certainly not for political candidates.
23,000? 3 cents?Am I the only one who finds the great-things-are-happening-here-in-WV commercial by the current governor rather amusing? I admit I know next to nothing about business, like how many jobs there are in the state and that sort of thing, but to me it sounds weird to tout the creation of 23,000 jobs in 4 years. It doesn't
sound like much, especially when a research firm
announced today that we are in recession and could lose up to 10,000 jobs in the next year.
And then there's the bit about responsible tax cuts and knocking 3 cents off the 6 cent food tax. I'm sorry. I know I'm too pessimistic, but that doesn't make me shout, "Hot damn, we've turned this thing around, Joe!"
Maybe next time dig up some bigger numbers -- anything where you can say
millions instead of 3 cents.