Thursday, October 16, 2008

We feel your pain, PA

It sucks when Hollywood paints you as bunch of racists (see last post).

It sucks even more when your own congressman calls you racists.

"There is no question that western Pennsylvania is a racist area."
--Rep. John Murtha, to Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
He, of course, apologized (well, apologized and then went on to say we can't deny race is a factor in the election).

Monday, October 13, 2008

Express Fiction

When you have a compelling TRUE story, why create fictional scenes -- especially ones that portray others in a negative light?

The Express is a movie billed as being "based on the true story," but there are several very untrue things in the movie, including an incident in West Virginia that apparently never occurred. And of course the fictional incident depicts West Virginians as racists.

Thanks for piling on, Universal Pictures.