Showing posts with label summer heat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer heat. Show all posts

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Damn Hot, Mommy

One day, many years ago, the little princess in the blue dress (with chocolate pudding on her face) arrived home after morning soccer practice.

I greeted her with
"Hey Sweet Pea, how was soccer practice today?"
To which this little toot replied..........

"It was DAMN hot, Mommy".

At that point my assistant, you know, the mothering ten year old, (pink dress, top picture) gave me a sideways glance and whispered "Did you HEAR what she said?!!"

Ever the diligent mother, I asked the precious little foul mouthed one.....

"Excuse me, what did you say?"

I said  "It was DAMN hot, Mommy".

The conversation continued....

"Oh honey, we don't say DAMN......

We say "It was hot as fire" or "It was hot as blazes" or even "It was REALLY, REALLY hot"
 (raising my voice to sound silly and emphasize REALLY)


Finally, with a look of resignation, like... You . just. do. not. get it.....

"But Mommy, it WAS damn hot. "
And so it was, and it still is.......



All photos from my personal dream files. If I have used one without crediting you, please leave a comment for me and I will do so. Thanks!


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