discordianism floyd anderson illuminati letters monkey business photo video writings

Operation Mindfuck and the Georgia Guidestones

After adopting his Discordian persona of Creepy the Inexcusable, our man Floyd Anderson wasted no time reviving Operation Mindfuck (OM) by way of the Bavarian Illuminati letterhead provided here free of charge at, your full service Discordian mischief provider. Intent on recreating a Bavarian Illuminati letter in the same manner as such forerunners as […]

discordianism illuminati kerry thornley zines

More On The Kabouters, Operation Mindfuck and the Lemuel P. Grant Influence Lodge

When researching the roots of Discordianism, I’ve found that one rabbit hole inevitably leads down another and so it’s best to just keep on burrowing. Such is the case of our last post about an article on the Kabouters that Lord Omar (aka Kerry Thornley) co-opted and redistributed (via kopyleft) under the auspices of the […]

book discordian timeline discordianism illuminati illuminatus! jfk jim garrison kerry thornley lee harvey oswald letters photo robert anton wilson

Alex, I’ll Take RAW on the Grassy Knoll for 23

The above photo of Robert Anton Wilson, on the fabled Grassy Knoll, popped up on the Twitter a while back courtesy of Mustafa_al_Laylah, taken during a visit to Dallas circa 1998. In said photo, RAW is situated behind the picket fence separating the Grassy Knoll from the adjacent rail-yard bordering Dealey Plaza. According to one […]

art book discordian timeline discordianism greg hill illuminati illuminatus! interview letters mary wheeler photo robert anton wilson robert shea tim wheeler writings zines

The Epistles of Thomas the Gnostic

Among the more obscure Early Discordians was Tom McNamara aka Thomas the Gnostic, who was not only of the Erisian persuasion, but also a member of the Bavarian Illuminati, and a participant in Operation Mindfuck as demonstrated in the letter below published in The Rag, a counterculture mag based out of Austin, Texas, during the […]

discordian timeline discordianism greg hill illuminati letters monkey business robert anton wilson writings

RAW Math vs. RAW Sex!

During our recent Raymond Broshears spectacular we featured a post on Rev. Billy Hargis and the Christian Crusade, a commie bashing evangelical outfit pretty much dead set against anything those dirty rotten liberals wanted to teach in school, particularly sex education and other “radical” ideas pushed by the Reds, who had apparently infiltrated not only […]

book brenton clutterbuck discordian timeline discordianism greg hill illuminatus! interview kerry thornley monkey business principia discordia robert anton wilson writings

Imaginary Sources Creating Imaginary History

In 2015, a somewhat amusing bio of yours truly was posted at Discordia Wikia that is almost 23 percent accurate and presumably written by someone identified as Miley Spears, who in reality is a sock puppet of a self-styled Discordian named Reverend Loveshade who—it appears—has not only created this Miley Spears persona, but also a […]

book illuminatus! letters photo robert anton wilson robert shea video writings

Addendum to “The Raymond Broshears Files Part 00001”

Tom Jackson over at recently posted “More wild JFK probe information from Adam Gorightly” which further fleshed out my Historia Discordia offering “The Raymond Broshears Files Part 1,” and, in specific, Broshears association with Rev. Billy James Hargis, who during the 60s and early-70s operated a ministry called the Christian Crusade. Rev. Broshears—as I […]

book discordianism jfk jim garrison kerry thornley lee harvey oswald letters louise lacey ufos warren commission writings

Were We Controlled? The Strange Case of A. Edward Horsey

One of the more curious characters (and when I say character, I mean, yeah, this guy was definitely a character) to emerge from the Oswald/Thornley/Garrison rabbit hole was a oddball named A. Edward Horsey, who somehow finagled his way into the fringes of the Garrison Investigation during the same time frame that Kerry Thornley was […]

art discordianism eris of the month greg hill illuminati illuminatus! kerry thornley monkey business principia discordia robert anton wilson

Eris of the Month vs. Pepe the Frog

One of the crazier rabbit holes to emerge from the 2016 Presidential campaign was the viral meme of a frowning frog named Pepe, who in the election’s aftermath all of the sudden got this shit eating grin on his face (his frown turned upside down) and MAGA cap planted on his head. For those unfamiliar […]

art book discordian timeline discordianism greg hill illuminati illuminatus! kerry thornley letters monkey business photo robert anton wilson robert shea writings

The Roger Spark and TeenSet Conspiracy

In The Illuminatus! Trilogy the concept of Operation Mindfuck (OM) was introduced and in many ways Illuminatus! itself was an act of OM, which included the Discordians high-jacking the Bavarian Illuminati mythos and making it their own. The method to this madness included mixing fact with fiction so that you were never quite sure how […]