Sunday, June 28, 2009


So there are a million things I could blog about, but I will choose to discuss my children. My boys are cutie pies, but it was that time of the month again for them to get hair cuts. Because their hair grows so fast, and because I am so frugal (aka cheap) I opt to cut their hair myself. I dread this task. Tanner does just fine. He has my dad's hair, thin and fine, so it doesn't take much to cut, and he thinks the clippers tickle. Also, as long as a movie is playing for him, he would sit still all night for me. He is a TV addict. Sad, but true. Tyson is a whole different story. I have never been able to cut his hair without him crying through the whole thing. It really is quite frustrating. The more he cries and moves around, the longer it takes. Then he will try to rub the hair off his face with the cape that is also covered in hair, getting it in his mouth, eyes, nose, etc. He has a thick head of white hair just like his daddy, so it gets all over, and he can't stand it on his neck itching him. By the time we are done, I am yelling my head off at him and he is wiping his tears with more hair all over his face and to top it off, a runny, snotty nose ends up all over his face from the crying. Arghhh! What to do with this child? I am tempted to take him to a salon, but know he would cry the whole time anyway, so I save myself the public embarrassment. Then, Anthony is always last because his takes the longest. He has the thickest hair I have ever seen and I refrain from cursing it now because I know later in life when we are old and gray, I will be so happy he still has a full head of hair. However, in my haste, I nicked the one side and then had to shorten both sides. It ended up looking like what he called a marine haircut. It is not horrible, but not how I usually do it. Luckily, his hair grows at a record pace, so it will be fine in a week. I think if this next baby is a girl, I will just let her hair grow down to her bum so I don't have to deal with more haircuts!

The beginning of the torture.

Doesn't he have such a hard life?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

One baby shower, but no baby?

I've been in Beaver all week with my kids. This actually was quite relaxing because my boys love uncle Brian and became his constant companion all week, thus leaving me with some peace and quiet--well, it is never actually quiet at my mom's house. The purpose of my trip was two fold: one sister was due to have her baby, while we were throwing a baby shower for another sister who is due in 4 weeks. The shower turned out really well. We decided to do a fruit, veggie, and crackers and dip bar. It was so colorful and so yummy. I don't think I stopped eating all day.

This is my sister (on the left) that is due with a little girl in 4 weeks.
Some of the delicious food. This is my sister (and mom) that was due yesterday on the 13th. When we planned the shower, we thought for sure she would have had her baby by then and would be showing it off. Nope. The rest of us have all had our babies 1-3 weeks early. She is now officially past due. I was hoping she would have it sometime during last week while I was there, but the baby girl just isn't ready yet. So, no baby yet. Four of five pregnant Anderson girls. We really missed having Andrea there, but she helped by making all the cute invitations.

It was the father and sons camp out in Beaver, and I decided to let Tyson go with my dad and Brian. He was so excited, but Tanner was so so sad he couldn't go with the boys. Next year he will be old enough. Anyway, Tanner found this hunting beanie and had to wear it around the rest of the day. I didn't sleep very well because I had dreams that Tyson wandered off and got lost in the woods. No need to worry, they were home by 7 in the morning to do chores and Tyson came in as chipper as can be. The clothes I sent him in came back soaking wet and drenched in dirt and mud. I still haven't gotten the full story, except Tyson said he was trying to jump across a puddle and fell in. It must have been a big puddle, because his clothes were wet up to his chest. Then my dad thought his jacket was going to melt off of him because he stood so close to the fire. He had a great time! Maybe next year Anthony can go too.