Monday, November 23, 2009

Pics of Kate

Well, she is finally here. I don't think I could have lasted much longer because I was getting very uncomfortable. It is good she came three weeks early because she would've been pretty big had she gone full term. I had contractions all Saturday night, but I wanted to wait as long as possible before going into the hospital, and I didn't want to wake up my neighbor to come watch the boys. Finally at 5 am the contractions were getting really painful so we decided to go to the hospital. I was dilated to 6 cm when we got there. After having Tanner natural by default, I thought I wanted to try it again because I felt so much better afterwards. The nurses were very good to help me breathe and I was freaked out of my mind because I had made a conscious decision to go without an epidural and I wasn't sure if I could do it. Well, it didn't take long because she was born at 6:05 am. But I have to admit that it was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life and I didn't think I was going to make it through right there at the end. Anthony says I only had to push through two or three contractions. And I do feel pretty good now afterwards. However, I don't know if I will have the guts to go natural again. We'll have to see next time it comes around. You'll be happy to know that Anthony made it through this delivery without fainting. He is such a good guy and has been a huge help. It is good to be home now and I am looking forward to sleeping in my own bed. Grandma and Grandpa Anderson came down to see Kate and they took the boys home with them so I can rest. The hospital is limiting their visitors because of the swine flu, so my boys won't get to see their sister until Wednesday. I am excited for them to meet. Thanks to all those who helped out. What a great little gift for our family to welcome this new sweet spirit. It really is something to be grateful for during this Thanksgiving season.

Waiting to be nursed for the first time, she went to town on her thumb. It was so cute!
Home at last. I know these pictures aren't very good to actually see what she looks like, but I will post more throughout the weeks to come.

Baby Kate is here!

Kathryn Holly White was born yesterday, Sunday November 22, 2009 at 6:05 am. She weighs 6.14 and is 20 inches long. She has dark hair (something new to us since our boys were bald) and and fat little double chin. She is a sweetheart and a cutie. Labor and delivery went well and mom and baby are doing well. I will try to post pics this afternoon when we check out of the hospital. Love you all!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween 09

This Halloween was so fun for me to watch my boys enjoy it so much. Tyson loved handing out the 'trick or treats' to everyone that came. Tyson wanted to be a cowboy and Tanner was a monkey (Tyson's costume from 2 years ago). We couldn't find any boots to borrow that would fit Tyson's fat feet, so he just wore sneakers. It turned out good, though, with all the walking we did. We decided to take Tanner in the stroller because he is the slowest walker in the world. He lasted about an hour and then fell asleep. Tyson was full of energy and wanted to go to every door, whether anyone was home or not. When we finally came home, he wanted to go around our town home complex. With all the walking I thought I was going to go into labor, but I felt a lot better after some good sleep. I can't wait until next year to share this spooky-kooky holiday with my children again.