German Week Glossary

(Click to hear the German national anthem.)

Willkommen zum Deutschwochespezialwörterbuch!…er, I mean, Welcome to the Virtual Video Vault German Week Glossary! I don't think anyone at Grace Brothers will ever forget German Week. While we in the Gramophone Department were trying to shift all those Herbert von Karajan records (not to mention anything put out by "Deutsche Grammophon"), the staff of Gents' Ready-Mades and Ladies' Intimate Apparel had all those "strumpfs" and "bustenhalters" to deal with. Have you ever wondered exactly which German words were being mispronounced in that episode? Did you catch every German word mentioned? Below are the German words and phrases used in "German Week":

Guten Morgen, meine Herren Good morning, gentlemen
Manschettenknöpfer cufflinks
mit der Hand gewaschen wash by hand
Ausfahrt/Einfahrt exit/entrance
sechs Unterhosen six knickers
Büstenhalter brassiere
klein small
Schweinhund dirty dog, cur, etc.
Willkommen zu den Grace Brothers Welcome to Grace Brothers
Raus schnell! Get out here quickly!
Wie bitte? Pardon?
Sie sprechen Deutsch. You speak German.
Ich möchte einen warmen Wintermantel. Das Wetter hier ist sehr kalt. I'd like a warm winter coat. The weather here is very cold.
westfälische Strumpfhosen Westphalian tights
weiss white
schwarz black
Strumpf sock
Kleiderbügel clothes-hanger
Korsett corset
pfennig penny
Guten Abend, Herr Grace! Good evening, Mr. Grace.
Here are some German words and phrases that might be useful the next time the German Week sales promotion is used…if there is a next time:
Are you being served? Werden Sie schon bedient?
Are you free? Sind Sie frei?
department store Warenhaus
lift Aufzug
counter Ladentisch
floorwalker Aufsicht
salesman/saleswoman Verkäufer/Verkäuferin
customer Kunde
till Registrierkasse
sale (transaction) Verkauf
department Abteilung
hat Hut
glove Handschuh
sweater Pullover
fur coat Pelzmantel
scarf Schal
suit Anzug
trousers Hose
jacket Jacke
tie Krawatte
bow tie Fliege
shirt Hemd
breast pocket Brusttasche
handkerchief Taschentuch
collar Kragen
size Größe
display Auslage
mannequin Puppe
pussy(cat) Mieze

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