“Take a Letter, Mr. Jones”

Title Screen

In addition to his classic role on AYBS?, John Inman also appeared in two other British sitcoms, Odd Man Out and Take a Letter, Mr. Jones. In the latter show, Inman played Graham Jones, the dedicated assistant/secretary (“a computer and a wife”, according to the show's theme song) to Eight Star executive Joan Warner (Rula Lenska). Other characters included Ms. Warner's seven-year-old daughter Lucy and her Italian housekeeper. Six episodes were produced by Southern (ITV) and aired in 1981.

Graham Jones was basically a variation on Mr. Humphries (without the mincing walk), except he didn't have Croft and Lloyd writing for him. Nevertheless, Take a Letter, Mr. Jones is a pleasant enough diversion. The theme song [MP3, 1 MB], however, can be rather irritating.

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