Thursday, April 28, 2011

I do love these two

This just makes me happy.  We don't have many pictures of them together because they are wiggly and not fans of posing. But here are two stinking cute kids sitting in the same place and little-big guy happens to be snuggling little miss.  This is nothing out of the ordinary, but catching it on camera is rare. Just thought I would share.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's been a long time, so here's a long post

So I have discovered the challenge of my new posting plan... I always wait for pictures from other people or sources so that I can have a complete page for the month to put it in my book, but clearly sometimes the wait is long.  I am so sick of seeing that same page, so here is a long summary. (and hopefully one day I will have the completed pages.) *Sorry, I've spent too much time on the computer, I'm not going to proof it or format it... don't judge :o)

And it's REALLY long... I don't blame you for just looking at pictures.

I'm waiting on most of the February pictures, but February was great! We went to Washington for Brian and Megan's wedding and had a blast spending time with the whole Skeen family. 

When we got back to town our friends, the Johnson's, came to town to visit us! We had a great time hanging out at home and towing the kids around for a few outings.
March 19th we celebrated my birthday with participation in a 5k
 and dinner at Red Robin.
 March 25th-28th Kevin had an extra long weekend so we tried to make the most of it.  Friday we went to Red Rock to go hiking but when we got there is we terribly cold and windy.  We decided to just drive the loop and enjoy scenery.  While driving we thought we ought to brave the weather for one short hike and I'm so glad we did.
 The hike was short and easy but the kids loved it.  We hiked to a little waterfall and there were huge sandstone rocks and sand that Madi liked playing in/on.

Monday we went to the Bellagio to see the new spring display, and again it didn't disappoint.  The flowers were beautiful and we loved seeing the butterfly garden.
Now it is April and Shayne has is really discovering himself and his many personalities.  He is such a character and goes from happy singing baby to maniac in moments (or between pictures).

 Madi loves to help and this is what I found the other day when I finished my phone call and came back to the kitchen.  He started crying because Cheerios weren't cutting it so Madi got some food out of the fridge and a spoon and started feeding Shayne.  (She lost interest after a couple spoonfuls, but still, she's great!)
 Shayne is also trying to be a big "helper".
 And we're attempting to grow some veggies.  This is Madi telling the tomato plant to grow as big as a beanstalk. (If I remembered to water it that would be more likely.  When you see this you can choose to be impressed that I am trying to grow something and you don't need to notice that it is looking mighty thirsty.)
 Zuchinni is showing signs of life....Aren't green tomatoes cute?

Tiny buds on the bell pepper.  I've heard growing anything is kind of a joke here and certainly not cost effective, but for some reason Madi was passionate about wanting to grow something.  Sounded like fun to me, so we'll see how it goes.

One last update and you'll be caught up... the Johnsons are here again (we know we're lucky!) and we just got back from Chuck E. Cheese.  Their son gets awesome potty training rewards like going places, so the kids and I got to go along too.  Madi was in heaven. 

This is great! When I only post every few months it sounds like we are really busy, fun people. :o) We actually have been much busier than usual, but we like the slow life too. 

Anyway, life is good.  We are having fun and enjoying each other.  The kids are growing too fast but we are loving the different stages (well, most of them) and just enjoying watching them learn and interact.  We feel tremendously blessed.