Friday, November 18, 2011

"Have I told you lately... that I love them.

They fill my heart with gladness, wipe away all my sadness..."

 We took family pictures a couple weeks ago (thank you Groupon! for the deal and Heather Harris for the skill) and just got to see the gallery today. I wish I could have all of them!  If only money grew on trees.  But here are a few that got me singing that song.

Followed by a little
"You are so beautiful to me... can't you see? You're everything I hoped for. You're everything I need."

 Overkill for you, happiness for me.  Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Grandma Came to Town!

Instead of heading home after her Utah trip, Grandma made a Nevada detour.

While she was here we did a few fun things, but you know how it is when Mom comes to town and regular life is just more enjoyable... we spent a lot of time just enjoying enhanced regular life mode. (in other words, I'm lame and like to sit around with my mom). And I love when Mom visits because we get more time with Auntie too.

We did hit a park...

And of course, the Bellagio...

This is just the registration desk... below is the actual display

hmmm... poor representation of the display, it was much cooler than my pictures show.

Thanks for coming Grandma!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

October... before I get farther behind

October was certainly not our best month for photos, but we had some fun and I need to post it so I can get on with November...

October 8th we headed to Springs Preserve for a Diabetes Walk fundraiser that Kevin's school was participating in. We spent most of our short time there walking the 3 miles. After the walk we made a brief stop at the playground so the kids could wiggle after the long stroller ride and before sitting still at a dive meet.
Despite the way it looks in the pictures, they actually had a good time :o)

Then we were off to UNLV for a dive meet. Auntie had an awesome meet and qulaified for zones on both 1 meter and 3 meter. Afterward Shayne REALLY wanted to get in the pool, so Kevin humored him with a hair dip.

We love Auntie!

Random pic... this is why Kevin doesn't try to study at home.

Then the 25th was the ward Trunk or Treat. The kids didn't want any pictures, but I caught a
couple of candids to show them in their costumes...

Our apartment complex hosted a party on the 27th. We did a Raggedy Ann and Andy repeat knowing there would be a costume contest and WE WON! I felt a little bit bad about it because I knew how little effort we put into it, but the other adults in costume were even more lame. We'll take best of the worst this time :o)
We also enjoyed a few days of fall so I pulled out the water table for the kids. Here in Nevada this year fall was VERY short. From the day we turned off the AC to the day we turned on the heater was only a couple weeks. Anyway, back to the table. I put warm water in it because it was a cool day and when I went inside to get the rest of the toys Shayne climbed right in.

So I took off his pants and when I got back from dropping them in the washer...

back in. Of course :o)

The 29th we went to our friends house for a fun Halloween party. Madi loved cleaning the guts out of the pumpkin and directed Kevin in all the carving. Both the kiddos enjoyed making masks and also were lucky enough to see our friends' dogs and chickens too. It was a great party and they were tired but very sad to leave.

On Halloween we heard the best place to be was a mall called the District. The kids and I headed over there to see what was going on and it was pretty fun. All the while Kevin was a good sport and stuck with his usual study routine. The kids loved the big ghost and seeing all the other kids in their costumes. I think their favorite part (especially for Shayne) were all the dogs in costume.

Although it was late we had promised a friend we would stop by so on the way home we enjoyed a visit and cookies with our friend Julie.

And the kids were so happy to come home to our "pumpkins." Madi's is a "Potato or a ghost in a party hat" and Shayne's started as a "pppp" (his way of saying pumpkin). After I was done coloring the pumpkin face he requested a "gat" so I worked on transforming it to a cat. Then he screamed for a hat. So there you have it. Pumpkin dressed up as the cat in the hat... almost. (PS thanks Pinterest, you saved me hours of pumpkin carving and mucho dinero.)

And that was our October. Hope yours was fun too!
Thanks for stopping by.