Marion County Indiana voters have a great choice for county assessor, Becky Williams . In my opinion she is the most accomplished person our state has in this field and she is dedicated to giving fair appraisals to our citizens and running an efficient office.
She is no nonsense and does not play politics with our homes. She was a fierce ally to the property tax protesters in 2007 and showed us great compassion, while she made constant public appearances during that period. She also did tremendous outreach in terms of giving us education about the assessment process and its many flaws.
Before you vote, take a few minutes to check out her website, her impressive credentials, education, and professional affliations at her website:
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Please Vote Becky Williams for Property Tax Assessor
Posted by M Theory at Thursday, October 28, 2010 4 comments
Thursday, October 21, 2010
The Big Business Wall Street Won't Discuss
Posted by M Theory at Thursday, October 21, 2010 2 comments
Fair criticism of Sarah Palin and the GOP hijacked Tea Party
Posted by M Theory at Thursday, October 21, 2010 2 comments
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
When You're Holding a Hammer (Everything Looks Like a Nail)
Posted by M Theory at Wednesday, October 06, 2010 2 comments
Monday, August 9, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Bloomberg wonders (out loud) if conspiracy theorists are crazy afterall
Well well, here's another mention in mainstream press about the secret banking cabal that lurks in the darkness of the massive taxpayer funded bailout which covered the toxic AIG paper.
Columnist David Reilly writes in his column called Secret Banking Cabal Emerges from the Shadows of AIG:
"The idea of secret banking cabals that control the country and global economy are a given among conspiracy theorists who stockpile ammo, bottled water and peanut butter. After this week’s congressional hearing into the bailout of American International Group Inc., you have to wonder if those folks are crazy after all."
We "nutcases" (the taxpayers) in the general population put the pieces of the conspiracy together by at least 2008 when the first bailout happened under George Bush presidency. You remember. The one that both McCain and Obama rushed in from the campaign trail to cast their vote to save the butts of the real people for whom both republicans and democrats work...the banksters.
This is more proof that MSM works for the cabal. They should have been on this long before we figured it out on our own through the alternative media like Alex Jones' Infowars.
I guess better late than never.
Posted by M Theory at Wednesday, August 04, 2010 5 comments
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
PETE STARK: "The Federal Government can do most anything in this country"
If the federal government can force my labor to give it to another person (entitlement program) then that violates the 13th Amendment which abolishes slavery. Her question, which the Congressman stumbles to answer, directly asks him if the federal government can do THIS, then what can't it do?
And if the federal government can do anything it wants, then why do we even pretend to have a Constitution anymore?
Posted by M Theory at Monday, August 02, 2010 2 comments
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Brzezinski: "Its easier to kill a million people...than it is to control one million"
Scary words from the old man, huh? Here's a decent article about the newly political awakening masses from today's offering on InfoWars
Posted by M Theory at Thursday, July 29, 2010 2 comments
Taxed Out! Limbaugh dumps NYC real estate
WSJ reports that Rush has had it with NYC taxes and sold his condo on 5th Avenue.
Limbaugh complains on air about his numerous tax audits and decided to put his money where is mouth is and is getting out of Gotham. In a March 2009 rant he called "El Rushbo to New York: Drop Dead" he vowed to sell. And true to his word, he did just that. He even cut his price to get out. Gotta love a guy who owns his words.
Although he's pocketing a few million, he will have to pay tax for selling it. The NYC and New York state "transfer taxes" add up to about $300,000. It is reported that NYC also charges El Rushbo tax every day he works in NYC, which he cut back to just 15 days a year. I'm reasonably sure that few souls in NYC miss the guy.
Last week, Rush speculated that LeBron James bypassed NYC over the tax burden and joined the Miami team to save $12 to $20 million a year in state income tax.
In other El Rushbo news, InfoWars is thrilled that it seems Rush finally caught on to the great and powerful Oz behind the curtain and now preaches the truth that both parties are controlled by weak old men behind the curtain, with our political system as nothing more than an illusion designed to make us think we have a choice.
Relatively, while taxes aren't low enough here, Indiana is a deal. Heck, El Rushbo is #1 in Indiana, Steve Hilbert's mansion and Tim Durham's place is up for grabs, and no doubt he would make plenty of friends here among the anti-tax crowd. Indiana would make for a fine refuge during the upcoming Florida hurricane season!
There is a professional virtual tour of the Hilbert Estate with old photos from the 2006 Decorator Show House in case you are curious. The place is selling "as is", an indication there might be maintenance issues. Conseco accepts sealed bids up to August 27th on the place, and if you want it, you need to enclose just a $100,000 deposit. That's chump change for El Rushbo!
If you would like to invite El Rushbo to buy a fine estate in Indiana, write to him at and tell him we have a decent record of fighting taxes.
Posted by M Theory at Thursday, July 29, 2010 0 comments
Baldwin to launch national directory of Patriot Businesses
Ok, I love this. Pastor Chuck Baldwin is launching a directory of patriot businesses! It's free advertising! I work in internet advertising sales and I know the biz pretty well. This is a great opportunity to get free internet exposure, drive new web traffic, or find honest hard working American small business owners who deserve your business.
In a column he penned today, he writes:
"we will list patriot business owners State by State, so fellow patriots across the country can locate and support those businesses that are friendly to the cause of freedom. Frankly, I am sick and tired of supporting businesses (many of them big businesses) that have absolutely no fidelity whatsoever to the cause of liberty or independence. In fact, some of these businesses openly (or even clandestinely) support freedom's enemies. And while we may never be able to totally stop trading with these Judases, it would be nice to know which businesses in my area are owned and operated by honest-to-God patriots. I would happily trade with such people. How about you?"
If you own a business and want to be listed, he asks that you submit your information. Click this link to read the details. It's easy, quick, and just might help you land some new freedom loving clients and new friends who value liberty.
Posted by M Theory at Thursday, July 29, 2010 1 comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
The day the Marion County Libertarians & City Councilman Ed Coleman left me
Last night City Councilman Ed Coleman voted for the convoluted water transfer that ties our water to bonds in the millions (we're still not sure how much) for short term sidewalk updates to be paid for with 30 year notes.
Did Ed Coleman create a dialogue with the Libertarians before he took a vote? Not really. He discussed it behind closed doors with the Marion County leadership. I wrote to Ed last week and told him where I stood on the issue and that if he voted for this screwy deal, he would no longer have my support. To which he replied that he didn't appreciate the threatening tone coming from a "friend". I had to remind him he was my city councilor. Afterall, that's how we met in the first place.
Ed told me I would have to wait until the vote to know where he stood on the matter. So much for Libertarian transparency, accountability, etc. The whole thing about where Coleman stood on this vote was cloaked in secrecy for some reason. I found the secrecy disgusting as if the Marion County LP is now some kind of insiders club of the outcasts. What the LP is supposed to be is open and accountable. It's supposed to espouse small government, not more debt.
They know there are massive problems with this deal, yet their insider group decided to go for it anyway and had Coleman keep it a secret until last night.
Ed Coleman had a chance to create a dialogue before the vote with all of you here. I gave him keys to the blog more than a year ago. He promised to write about important matters in the council in effort to create an open dialogue with citizens. Did he do that for us? Nope! Did he keep his promise to me to communicate with the citizens? Nope!
In fact, Ed Coleman made just one entry. He promised the following to HFFT readers:
"I personally plan to post once or twice a week. I will be posting on the big issues that pertain specifically to Indianapolis. I plan to keep you all informed on the goings on in the city council and provide my own take on each issue. I hope to get great feedback as I will be using your opinions and advice to help in my decision making process to help make Indy the great city that it can be."Ed Coleman proved on Monday he is just another politician full empty promises.
Most citizens who comment in the newspaper articles and on blogs across all party aisles seem to think the water deal is a shell game with the people coming out on the losing end. We were all over the blogs posting opinions. Yet, Ed with keys to talk directly to you, did nothing.
The insider political elites were the ones gunning for for this deal that will enrich God knows how many people at our expense. Even Melina Kennedy, poised to challenge Mayor Ballard in next year's election, was in silent support of it. But then, her employer is going to handle the paperwork. That's gotta be worth a few mil, huh Melina?
Here's an encouraging word I got today about my agonizing decision to sever ties with the LP and declare my Independence. It didn't come too soon.
"Consider yourself liberated from the narrow-minded political patters of the 20th Century! We are going to do what George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and so many other patriots could only dream about: Develop an America where all of it's citizens are enabled and empowered to fulfill their ambitions for the greater good of the whole community, without being inhibited through cleaver lies and friendly imposters posing as advocates of justice. So, let the pain of your Libertarian betrayal become the catalyst of change in our attitudes and actions as we develop the beloved and ideal community, starting with the most vulnerable our republic; the poor!"
Posted by M Theory at Tuesday, July 27, 2010 10 comments
Friday, July 23, 2010
Why Not Another World War?
Why Not Another World War?
Peter Schiff suggests we launch an all out WWWII and if we can't find any takers, we go ahead and have another Civil War...but with a twist. You gotta read his column! It's quite brilliant!
Posted by M Theory at Friday, July 23, 2010 2 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Public "Servant" Andre Carson rudely ignores his employer...the U.S. taxpayer!
How rude! Carson not only ignores the young man, but he gets on the cell phone and pretends this taxpayer (his employer) does not exist! Race aside, this shows the utter contempt Andre Carson places on people who aren't in his "elite" circles. Say what you want about his grandmother, but she would never behave this way! You might not agree with Julia's policy ideals, but she didn't treat people as if they did not exist like her seed does.
Posted by M Theory at Thursday, July 22, 2010 4 comments
Monday, July 19, 2010
Feds to start tracking gold and silver purchases
It is a good idea to buy as much gold and silver as you can over the next year and a half.
…the Health Care Bill mandates, according to, Starting on January 1st in 2012, S federal law will require coin and bullion dealers to report to the Internal Revenue Service all gold and silver coin purchases and sales greater than $600.
No that is not an error, they tacked the gold coin tracking regulations into the health bill. They are just tacking stuff on wherever they can.
Hat tip:
Posted by M Theory at Monday, July 19, 2010 0 comments
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Expulsion of race baiting tea party infiltrator
Race is being used to divide America. The left sends infiltrators into the tea party to pose as racists. Here is a racist poser who admits he is not with the tea party. He is repeatedly asked to leave and told his beliefs will not be tolerated.
Posted by M Theory at Sunday, July 18, 2010 3 comments
Friday, July 16, 2010
Welcome To My Tea Party blog gets awesome facelift !
Diana Vice is still blogging away at Welcome To My Tea Party. The blog looks better than ever with a big, easy to read font and packed with juicy details of the activities we see from wayward public servants.
In my opinion she's one of the best around. Her speciality is reporting on school administration and school board corruption. Her constant target these days is James Mervilde. From junkets to Israel on taxpayer time to the cover up involving the private security contract given to Securatex, Washington Township Schools (above all) protect the political patronage without looking out for the taxpayers' interests.
Posted by M Theory at Friday, July 16, 2010 2 comments