Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Form versus Function

If ever it needed proving that form does not always follow function, the 2009 Formula 1 cars show this quite nicely. Obviously, the cars function well - amazingly well. But just as obviously, they are completely ugly.

From some angles, the things look like freight trains. From the front, they look like anteaters. I can barely stand to watch an F1 race this year, because of the sheer failure of form displayed by these cars.

However, sometimes form does (beautifully) follow function. BEHOLD, IFBB Fitness Pro, Mindi O'Brien!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Women and Horses and Power and War

There is an utterly brilliant article by P. J. O'Rourke today, about the failure of the American automobile industry. In actuality it is, as O'Rourke posits, a failure of Romance. Not only does this article contain Truth, but the writing itself is spectacular.

Politicians, journalists, financial analysts and other purveyors of banality have been looking at cars as if a convertible were a business. Fire the MBAs and hire a poet. The fate of Detroit isn’t a matter of financial crisis, foreign competition, corporate greed, union intransigence, energy costs or measuring the shoe size of the footprints in the carbon. It’s a tragic romance—unleashed passions, titanic clashes, lost love and wild horses.

Foremost are the horses. Cars can’t be comprehended without them. A hundred and some years ago Rudyard Kipling wrote “The Ballad of the King’s Jest,” in which an Afghan tribesman avers: Four things greater than all things are,—Women and Horses and Power and War. Insert another “power” after the horse and the verse was as true in the suburbs of my 1950s boyhood as it was in the Khyber Pass.


Thus cars usurped the place of horses in our hearts. Once we’d caught a glimpse of a well-turned Goodyear, checked out the curves of the bodywork and gaped at that swell pair of headlights, well, the old gray mare was not what she used to be. We embarked upon life in the fast lane with our new paramour. It was a great love story of man and machine. The road to the future was paved with bliss.

Then we got married and moved to the suburbs. Being away from central cities meant Americans had to spend more of their time driving. Over the years away got farther away. Eventually this meant that Americans had to spend all of their time driving. The play date was 40 miles from the Chuck E. Cheese. The swim meet was 40 miles from the cello lesson. The Montessori was 40 miles from the math coach. Mom’s job was 40 miles from Dad’s job and the three-car garage was 40 miles from both.

America’s romantic foolishness with cars is finished, however, or nearly so. In the far boondocks a few good old boys haven’t got the memo and still tear up the back roads. Doubtless the Obama administration’s Department of Transportation is even now calculating a way to tap federal stimulus funds for mandatory OnStar installations to locate and subdue these reprobates.

That would be me ... and my son.

Among certain youths—often first-generation Americans—there remains a vestigial fondness for Chevelle low-riders or Honda “tuners.” The pointy-headed busybodies have yet to enfold these youngsters in the iron-clad conformity of cultural diversity’s embrace. Soon the kids will be expressing their creative energy in a more constructive way, planting bok choy in community gardens and decorating homeless shelters with murals of Che.

If you care about this once-torrid love affair between Americans and the automobile, please go read the entire article!

Friday, May 29, 2009

OF COURSE it is worth it!

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. - Romans 8:18

For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; -- 2 Corinthians 4:16,17

One of the things I love about bodybuilding is that it is a fairly precise microcosm of life itself. It is very difficult and, if done properly, yields glorious results. There are many times that one is tempted to give up, but Judgment Day (Contest Day!) looms ever closer, and we dare not stop to rest. Life is like that, of course, but on such a long time scale that it seems impossible for me to really get it into my head.

I think my parents first introduced me to the concept of "life is short; eternity is long" at about age 4. Still, Death and Judgment seem very far off. However, July 18 seems very close (about 7 weeks). That is when, God willing, I will step onto the stage at the
Redford Theatre and be judged by certified judges of the National Physique Committee. There will be no place to hide. If I have cheated on my diet, or skipped cardio sessions, it will be apparent to the judges and to the audience. My bodily glory will be less, my reward (if any) diminished.

The picture below is from before my 2008 contest, but I am coming into that same approximate condition right now. I am down to 164 pounds today, with more fat to lose in the next 7 weeks. There often have come times (usually while on the treadmill) when I just consider stopping and heading out to the nearest Dairy Queen for a Heath Bar Blizzard (1260 Calories ; 510 Calories from Fat) ... but, somehow, I don't. The potential for glory is too great. It draws me onward. Is it really all worth it?, I think. OF COURSE IT IS WORTH IT!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Obama is Lying about Cost of New Fuel Economy Standards

In an article dated May 20, 2009, Drew Winter of Ward's Auto reports on an independent study of what the new Federal fuel economy standards will really cost consumers:

The Obama Admin. claims the stricter regulations will add $1,300 to consumers’ cost for a typical car or truck by 2016 and that those costs mostly will be offset by savings at the fuel pump over several years, but independent engineering firm Ricardo Inc. says the technology required to meet the new standards will add $5,000 to $12,000 to the price, depending on the vehicle’s size and use.

Ricardo is one of the auto industry’s top technology-consulting companies and provided technical support to the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin. on the final 2009 light duty vehicle corporate average fuel economy rulemaking process.

Sandy Stojkovski, director-Total Vehicle Fuel Economy Practice, Ricardo Inc. presented a paper on the price impact of fuel-saving technologies at the recent SAE International World Congress in April. She says she does not know how the White House arrived at its conclusions.

(Emphasis mine.)

By the way, I think I know how President Obama reached the $1300 number: He made it up.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Eight O'Clock Anglicans

Here is a poem I just wrote. In case it is not clear from the poem (and it probably is not), I love Anglicans who worship at the early service!

Eight O'Clock Anglicans
©2009, Paul Erlandson

Eight o'clock Anglicans rise before dawn;
Early to eucharist their hearts are drawn.
At seven-fifty they cross the church lawn.
One hour later, they've worshipped and gone.

Weekly they ratify God's Ten Commands:
Stiff at attention, each worshipper stands.
Eight o'clock Anglicans don't raise their hands,
And haven't since when they were young Confirmands.

Eight o'clock Anglicans don't sing too much,
Chant the Venite, or any else such
(Preferring the plain spoken word, like the Dutch).
And then, at the Peace, there is hardly a touch.

When the Dismissal comes, there is no laughter
Rising from reverent kneeler to rafter.
No parish activity's scheduled for after,
So home goes each eight o'clock son and each daughter.

Eight o'clock Anglicans, sons of the morning,
Early the temple of God are adorning.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Eliot Erlandson - Avanti Awards - Magna Cum Laude

I am very proud of my son Eliot, who just competed in the 2nd Annual Avanti Awards , organized by a group called Stellar Scholars. Out of a large and high-quality group of entries this year, he was able to snag the 2nd Place Award (Magna Cum Laude).

It wasn't easy, either. We bought Eliot some 3D rendering software, but it was taking too long to learn, and the model of the car he had sketched months before continued to languish on his laptop, unfinished. The deadline was rushing at him. Finally, he gave up and rendered it in Paint Shop Pro. Originally, he designed it in gold, but one of the organizers requested he change it to red. Here are both versions:

And here are some photos from the awards ceremony. The theme this year was Avanti meets Mustang, and there was a very nice car show along with the event! (In the picture of the 3 winners, Eliot is the one standing closest to the young lady in the gold dress, who presented the trophies.)