My baby is two years old today!
I'm kind of sad and kind of happy about that. I'm sad that my baby is growing so fast, but really happy to be getting out of the baby stage. The bottles are gone and give me about 6 more months and the diapers will be gone, too!
Zoey is such a sweet thing. She's my most shy child. She has this look that she gives everyone and it's really hard for anyone she doesn't know to get her to smile. We can get her to smile easily, though, and really, that's what's most important. Zoey LOVES her siblings. She loves to play with all of them and they love to play with her. Neither of my other girls were much into baby dolls, but Zoey carries one all over the house.
It's so hard to believe that two years ago, Zoey was looking like this:
Zoey was born with immature lungs and had to be fed through a tube. She would suck on a bottle and forget to breath. She hung out in the hospital for a week after her birth and that was really hard for me. Only because I had other children at home and didn't feel like I could spend much time with her.
The night before my c-section, my mom reminded me that I should get a blessing from Scott and my dad. In the blessing, Scott talked a lot about how everything was going to be ok. That is would all turn out alright. I thought it referred to the c-section and me. I never dreamed that my child would have problems. That blessing became really important over the next couple of weeks. I never once panicked over Zoey's health. I was so calm. And anyone who knows me, would be very surprised by this. The way the doctor's talked to us, was as if they expected us to be so upset and we weren't. I never doubted that Zoey would come home and be fine. It was almost as if this were a minor inconvenience. The Lord really blessed me during that time.
And now here she is turning two and she's just as healthy and happy as any other kid. She's such a joy and we love her so much.
Happy birthday, Zo.