I would like to start this post by saying that although I NEVER update my blog I am continually checking everyone elses for updates. Please do not follow my example and be a blog slacker. I like to hear what you and your families are up to.
Moving on.......As I sat at my desk today eating the most delicous salad on the planet I was overcome with the need to come on this blog and express my undying love for Bleu Cheese. Now, I have not always been a fan of moldy cheese. Actually until about 6 months ago I was one of those people that turned my nose up at the thought of it. It wasn't until I had the RIGHT bleu cheese paired with the RIGHT thing that I was even able to stomache a small crumble. For myself, and alot of other bleu cheese lovers out there I would say that it is definatley an aquired taste . It is kind of like sushi ( anyone that tells you they fell deep for sushi on the first bite is lying). The reason I am so passionate about bleu cheese today starts about a week back. Lets take the story from there.
Last Friday Ian was working late in Logan. After a good run I hurried home to make dinner. I decided to make a meal we have fairly often, pork chops, herb and parmessan pasta and sauteed zucchinni. For some reason that I am still not quite sure of I just couldn't get anything to work out. The pork chops weren't cooking right, the zucchini was burning and the pasta was boiling all over my stove. I was so furstrated because this is a meal I make all the time, I have never screwed it up. In fact as Ian walked in the door and I tossed the entire meal in the trash he made the comment, "I have never seen cooking beat you". This statement rings intirely true. Not to ring my own bell or anything but I would say I am a good cook. I always try new things and very rarely have a meal flop. In fact, I have thought on numerous occasions about starting a cooking blog. After thinking back to my dedication to this blog I decided that might be an adventure better left undone.
This brings us to the entire reason for my post today. After a meal flop like this one I needed to redeem myself and redeem myself big. I started racking my brain Saturday for a good meal to make Sunday to bring myself back to par. I remembered a recipe from the Pioneer Woman cooks website that had been posted a while back that sounded good.