Our Christmas morning started out with me waking up before anyone else, of course. I can never sleep well on Christmas Eve. Luckily Weston woke up about 15 minutes after me, so I didn't have to lay in bed for too long. Unfortunately Davin wasn't awake yet, so Weston and I went out and I got him some breakfast and he watched Elmo for almost an hour until Dav woke up. It was kind of weird. Oh well.
This picture is actually from Christmas Eve. Weston picked out some cookies to put out for Santa.
Here's Weston seeing that Santa came and filled up the stockings. He thought it was pretty cool.
Davin loved getting to play with all the things in his stocking too.
This was Weston's favorite thing that Santa brought. His toy wand. He found it in the check out line at Walmart and decided he needed to ask Santa to bring it. Ian and I knew that this $3 little thing would be his favorite present and sure enough. . .
Davin got a hat and cute little pound puppy in his stocking.
Weston really was excited about his RC car, but I didn't get a single cute picture of him because he had a runny nose and is sniffing in all the pictures I captured.
Weston had a blast tearing through his presents. He got the RC car, a couple Disney movies, a camera, and slippers from Santa. He was also spoiled by his grandparents and other relatives. Davin got stacking rings, which he LOVES and a xylophone, which Weston loves. :) This is the aftermath of opening presents.
We then sat down and had souffle and coffee cake for breakfast. We got showered and played and played. Then the power went out. It had been snowing really hard all morning. We lost power for about 2 hours. Luckily I had already showered, so it wasn't that big of a deal. It did get a little cold though. Later that night I made a Christmas ham dinner. It turned out pretty good, but I did question whether it was worth it to make all that food for just our little family. We ended up just staying home and playing with our new toys all day. It was a nice Christmas at home. We missed both of our families, but spent some time chatting with everyone via webcam before the power went out, so we didn't miss out on seeing them completely.
Here is Weston playing with his car. Davin thinks it's really cool too.
The weekend after Christmas we overhauled the house and have been organizing and cleaning. All of a sudden Sunday night I got sick. Today I am pretty bad. I'm trying to take it easy and get better since I just found out last night that my parents are making a surprise road trip up here to see us and stay for New Years! Yay! I am so excited to see them. Anyway, I have loved reading all your Christmas posts. Sorry mine was so belated. I hope everyone has a fun and safe New Years too!
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
1 year ago