Friday, April 25, 2008

Curious George

It's our 100th post!!! Woo hoo for lots of blogging. We have such a fun event to blog about in our 100th post too. Today we went to the Murray Library for Curious George storytime. George came to visit and we read the first Curious George book. It was seriously packed! So many little kids. We got there a few minutes early so managed to snag a couple chairs. Weston stood along the wall so he could see, but ended up standing on the chair next to me for the story.
He was so excited about this since we have been talking about going all week. When George came in Weston waved and got all wide-eyed and said "Hi George" for the following 10 minutes, including during the story. It was so adorable. So we listened to the story then Weston got to go up (along with the hundreds of other children) to get a hug and say HI for real to George. I managed to snap one picture of Weston smiling with George without someone's back blocking the shot. Go me. No mean feat, trust me.
We had a great time and after storytime we went to Murray Park to play and then out to lunch with Dawnie and Mason. It was a very fun outing. Weston is currently having a hard time unwinding and settling down for his nap. I'm so glad that we have such fun things to do nearby.

Weston's spot along the wall.
The monkey himself and his "handler" reading the first original Curious George book.
Weston up by George.


First off, thanks for all of your comments and stories from my last post. It's good to know that I really did make everyone feel better about their parenting and I feel better about mine. It's a tough job and I'm glad that we are all doing our best, no matter how awesome or not as awesome that may be sometimes.
Anyway, I was doing some guilt about the fact that I honestly could not remember the last time Weston had actually chewed up AND swallowed a vegetable, so last night for dinner I made chicken stir fry and Weston actually ate baby corns, pea pods, broccoli, a couple pieces of chicken and one little carrot shred (which he said he didn't like). It helped that right before dinner we watched a Sesame Street DVD about eating healthy foods. :) So here are a few pics of what dinnertime looks like at our house:

Davin in the bouncer watching all the goings on and the ceiling fan.Weston "cooking" with the fridge magnets and a couple bowls and pans.
The finished product! Look at all those veggies. It really actually tasted great. I used the sauce that came with the frozen veggies and it was really yummy. Go us for eating healthy! :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

True Confessions of A Busy Mom

This post is prompted by my experience this afternoon. A friend and I took our kids (3 kids between us) to McDonalds for lunch and to play in the playplace this afternoon. We had a good time even though it was kinda hectic and my friend was feeling sick. So anyway we got ready to leave and Weston was crying hysterically because he didn't want to leave, so I was getting annoyed. We got to the car and I was like "Weston, stop crying. You need to say thank you when we go on a fun outing, not cry when we leave." Anyway, so I finally get him settled and realize he is actually crying because I had hustled him out without his little toy, so I told him I would run back in and get it. So I toss the keys over the seat and throw the diaper bag in the backseat with the 3 kids. My friends goes to get in the car and her door is locked. This happens as I close Weston's door. I try my door and it's locked too. So now Dawnie and I are locked out of the car and the 3 kids are all locked inside the car with my cell phone. Luckily Dawnie has her backpack out and has her phone, so I called Ian and he came over (in record time, I might add) to rescue the children. Dawnie and I did have a nice chat with no kids bugging us for 10 minutes while we waited outside the car. Anyway, we got rescued and home just in time to nap the toddlers. This incident got me thinking about all the things we do and don't do as parents and especially as Moms. Here goes:

-In all honesty, Weston watches at least 2 movies every single day. Usually a long Disney movie and a short Elmo movie, but sometimes more.
-Weston hasn't had a vegetable in I dont know how long (unless you count spaghetti sauce)
-In my defense, he eats lots of fruit.
-I have, on more than one occasion, but not more than five, discovered upon arriving somewhere that my child was in their carseat but not buckled.
-I often wonder if I spend enough time teaching my kids. I like to think they are learning and I think they are, but I have to give credit where credit is due: thanks Elmo for teaching Weston his ABC's.
-It's been a month and the batteries on Davin's swing are already running low (meaning he's in it a lot).
-I sometimes make a different meal for Weston than Ian and I are eating because I know he won't like what we are having and I'm not up for the battle of trying to get him to eat it.
-I wish I had the determination to be more consistent with my punishments with Weston. Sometimes I just have to let things slide or he'd be on time out all day long. :)
-I often use naptime to just sit and blog and read blogs and check email and facebook, etc. and do nothing productive. At this very moment there are 2 loads of laundry on my bed waiting to be folded.
-I get annoyed when Weston wants my attention all day long; can't he entertain himself already?!? ;)

Ok, well I think you get the idea. I could go on and on, but I can't tell you the really deep dark secrets. Kidding. There's nothing too terrible. Anyway, it was a long morning and I'm bushed so I think I'll go get on top of that laundry situation and call my sister. I hope that everyone feels better about their parenting skills after reading this.
Oh and shout out THANK YOU to Dawnie for bringing me fresh tortillas. I have totally been craving them. I am so making chicken quesadillas for dinner tonight!

Here is a picture that Ian snapped when he came to rescue me today. There really are 3 children under the age of three alone in that backseat and amazingly none of them were crying!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Stickers, Baths and the Boppy

The last few days have been significantly better with Weston. I wonder if he was just a bit off from having someone else here all the time and his schedule off a bit. Anyway, I am ready to provide you with some Weston-isms.

-Whenever we are getting ready to go somewhere and someone's not ready, like Ian. He will go up to his dad and say "It's go time Dad!"

-He is going to be quite the ladies man someday. He will compliment me a lot. "I like your hair Mom." or "Good dinner Mom."

-Weston loves to shop. He thinks everything is "that so cute!" and he wants to try on all the shoes. (we were recently shoe shopping) My mom even claims that he is a fun boutique shopping buddy (a 2 year old?).

-"Get my helmet" really means he wants to go and get a potato head with no face, take off the bum piece (as we call it) and put it on his hand as a mitt to play catch.

-Weston loves "The Incredibles", "Toy Story", and most Elmo DVD's. He watches one of these every single day, pretty much. (not sure what that says about my parenting, eh oh well)

-Weston's favorite song is "Happy and Know It", but he also can sing "Twinkle, Twinkle" and the "ABC Song"

Ok, well I think that's all for now. Weston is a funny little kid, but so much fun and I love him to death. I am excited to see what kind of silly personality Davin will end up with. So far Davin is a sweet baby and pretty mellow. He's still up in the night and making me quite tired, but such is life with a one month old infant. I have been keeping pretty busy with my boys. I'm amazed I ever was bored staying home with Weston. It's a totally different ball game with 2.
I'm so excited because this weekend, Ian pulled down a big section of our fence to make way for the new one that will be going in post tax rebate. :) The yard is currently a bit of a mess, but I'm hoping it will be in good shape come June and the hot weather. I spent the weekend baking, mothering, and watching my cousin, Blake's baseball game on KBYU (he is the pitcher). It was pretty nice. I didn't spend the weekend finishing the baby announcements, mopping the floor or cleaning the shower (sorry to those of you waiting for a baby announcement, I swear they will go out this week!). Here are a few pictures from our weekend.

Weston hanging with baby brother in the den. He loves to hold Davin's hand and give him kisses.
I loved this sad face picture in the bath. He quite likes his baths now, but always cries when I wash his face. Poor baby.
This is sticker face Weston. He got a page of stickers from Grandma B when they came to visit and he decided to put them all on his face. It was so funny when he came in like that. I had to get a picture, but he wouldn't smile normally, so this is what we got. :)
Snuggling with my boys Saturday afternoon. I have this crazy annoying eye infection so I spent the last several days in my glasses which was driving me a little nuts.
Davin James-4 weeks old. I love this picture of my sweet baby. He hangs out like this quite a bit.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

One of those Mornings . . .

We are having a nice week with Aunt Aly visiting before she goes back up to school in Rexburg. I was going to share some of Weston's funnier moments, but I'm just not feeling it. He's been such a brat today: talking back, not being obedient and none of my "punishments" seemed to faze him. Finally as we were getting ready to go run an errand and he wouldnt pick up his toys I told him if he didn't pick up his toys then he couldn't go, he threw a toy at me. I told him he wasnt going anywhere and sent him to his room. He cried and cried and wouldnt go sit on his bed but wanted to snuggle with me. Finally he went to his room. He was so sad. I went in and talked to him and told him if he came out and could be happy, clean up the rest of his toys and get his shoes on then he could come with us and that was that. Apparently the threat of being left behind on an errand or outing did the trick. Ugh.
It was still an exhausting and frustrating morning. We did have success with our shoe shopping though, so that was good. I am really hoping Davin will cooperate and nap this afternoon too cause I could really use a good power nap. Here are a few pics of Davin (3 weeks old) and one of Weston being silly. :)

Davin checking out the ceiling fan light in the den.
Weston mid-jig while playing with his horsey and being a cowboy.
I realized that my last post didn't really have much of Davin in it, but this is from while we were at the pool at the hotel. He was hanging out in his PJ's while we swam. What a mellow good baby.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Fun Times

Grandma B and Grandpa Bob came to visit last weekend and we had a fabulous time! It was all that we were expecting and more. They got here on Thursday afternoon before naptime and stayed until Sunday morning. Thursday was my dad's birthday, so we decided to go bowling and get pizza and then do cake and ice cream at our house. It was really fun to bowl and luckily we got there early enough to actually get a lane. Grandpa Bob got a fun new knife block for his birthday. Friday we had a visit from Aunt Barbara and Uncle Terry and Jessica. It was fun to see them too. Then that afternoon Mom and I went shopping which is always a blast. My mom and sisters are the best shopping buddies ever. I feel incapable shopping without them and therefore have to wait until someone is in town visiting me to shop. :)
Anyway, we left the boys home with my dad while we did our outing and then that night we went swimming over at the hotel. Weston hadn't been swimming in a big pool since before we moved into our house, so he was a little cautious at first but ended up having a great time. Saturday we went to Gardner Villiage and shopped some more, saw the animals at the petting zoo, had a pony ride and ate lunch. It was great and completely exhausted Weston. That night we went swimming again. Grandma B and Grandpa Bob had to leave pretty early Sunday morning so we said our goodbyes Saturday night, but they ended up stopping by on their way out of town to deliver some forgotten stuff. All in all we had a great time playing and visiting and holding the baby. It was Grandpa Bob and Davin's first meeting, so that was pretty exciting. I had a hard time deciding on pics, but here are some highlights.

Right after my parents got here. Weston had been looking forward to it all day.
Grandpa Bob meeting Davin for the first time. He proclaimed him a job well done. :)
Weston bowling with Grandpa Bob.
Grandma B and Weston doing the victory dance after Weston got a spare on the 10th frame!
Weston helping Grandpa open his present.
Weston helping Grandpa blow out his candles.
Grandma B doing pudding finger paint with Weston. This is fun but pretty messy.
The boys playing in the pool.
Daddy and Weston in the big pool. Weston was shivering but didn't want to stop playing.
Grandpa Bob and the boys hanging out outside the quilt shop. Amazingly they weren't real interested in coming inside.
Weston being a cowboy and riding the horse all by himself. He is still talking about it.
At the petting zoo.
By the donkey that hee-hawed really loud a second before. It startled Weston but he thought it was cool.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Weekend Update

I am so excited for my parents to come for their Spring Break visit this weekend; well technically, Thursday to Sunday, but close enough. I'm working on planning fun activities to do, including a birthday party for Dad, a possible trip to the petting zoo and quilting store at Gardner Village, a bowling outing and swimming at Mom and Dad's hotel. Thrown in there will be plenty of playing and downtime with Davin and Weston. Maybe I will even get in a little shopping with Mom. It's so hard to shop by myself/with 2 little ones.
Anyway, not a ton going on with us this week. We enjoyed a relaxing Conference weekend. Weston was practically perfect playing on his own through most of both morning sessions and then napping through most of both afternoon sessions, so I actually got to listen to most of conference this year. To be honest I also got in a little nap during half of one session too. Oops! :) Davin is still up 2 times each night so I'm not sleeping much yet, but at least he usually just eats then goes back to sleep. I am feeling good. Yesterday I overdid it a bit and was hurting by the end of the day. I am trying to remember my limitations and that just because I feel energized in the morning I shouldn't plan too ambitious of a day.
We all went to visit Ian at work this morning and show off the baby then we went out to lunch. It was nice to see Ian in the middle of the day and we had a good little visit with his coworkers while they held Davin. Anyway, I will definitely post pics and stories after our weekend visit from my parents. Yay!
On Sunday after Conference we had a little "Davin Announcement Picture" photo shoot, so here are some of the cute results.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Mama of 2

So, my Mommy left me on Tuesday morning, which seems like a lifetime ago already. I was pretty nervous about my first day home by myself with the two boys, but it was mostly a success. We went to the library in the morning and looked at books for a little while and then Weston refused to eat lunch, so took a nap instead. Once everyone was up from their naps I corralled the troops and headed out on a miserable little adventure to the doctor's office to check on Davin's circumcision. Nice, right? Oh goodness, I won't go into the frustration of it all since it will just get me riled up again, but needless to say I am soooo glad that we are done there until the 2 month checkup. I realized that I don't really have the hang of this mama of 2 thing yet when at 7pm I changed Weston's diaper for the first time since 8am. Oops. It weighed about 8 pounds I think.
Anyway, the rest of the week has kind of crawled, but I've had some visitors and some outings and we have done ok. Today was one of the hardest days because I didnt have any visitors and only one short outing all day. Poor Weston was driving me nuts and I think I was making him a little crazy too. We'll get it figured out eventually. PS-In case you are family and want to know these things: Davin was 8lbs. 5oz. at his 2 week check up (even though he was only 10 days old at the time) and 21.5 inches long.

Typical Davin sleeping the day away so that he can be wide awake and fussy all evening.My friend Dawnie came to visit and play. Weston seriously adores her. So cute.