Saturday, January 30, 2010

Star Wars Party!

Today was the big party day. I'm so glad that we decided to do it early in the day. I got up, got ready, then cleaned the house while Ian took the boys to get a donut. When they came home it was basically time to party. Here's how the timeline was a supposed to play out. Actual timeline differed. The games didn't take as long as I had planned for them and we were basically done by 11:30ish, but that was ok. Weston had a great time and I think the other kids did too.

10-10:15am- Gather, play in Weston's room, eat snacks.
This actually more or less happened. I was impressed that everyone was mostly on time, especially considering they came from Lehi, Ogden, Saratoga Springs, and Midvale.

Davin was a fan of the popcorn and M&M's we had for snack. Makenzie, on the other hand loaded up her plate with M&M's while telling Natalie that she didn't want any popcorn because it isn't really healthy. Funny kids.
10:15- 10:25- Play Light, Light, Saber.
This game is just like duck, duck, goose. For some reason the kids didn't really get it. They also couldn't seem to form a circle in the middle of the room, so there wasn't much room for running around the outside of the circle.

10:25-10:35- Play "Restore Order to the Galaxy" game.
I bought this game at the party store. I didn't blindfold the kids because I thought they were too little. They weren't. I should have used a blindfold. I did spin them before their turn and I think they still liked blowing up rebel star ships with their stickers.
10:35-10:45- Play musical chairs.
This was supposed to be a non-competitive version, but I didn't get it quite right. We put a picture of a different Star Wars character on each chair, then I picked one out of the hat and whoever was sitting on it was supposed to get a little prize and then be out, but alas, I forgot to get little prizes for this, so we ended up doing it more like traditional musical chairs with taking away a chair each time. It was ok. The kids had fun marching around the chairs like storm troopers to the Star Wars theme music.

10:45-11:10- Destroy the Death Star (pinata)
This was a big success. We had everyone put on their jackets and go outside to do the pinata. They loved hitting it with the lightsaber. It took about 4 rounds through the line before we finally let the kids just rip it apart with their hands. Darn indestructible Death Star.

Weston taking his best shot. He seriously could hardly wait in the line for his next turn. So much fun.
Davin took a turn near the end too. He barely nudged it, but he felt special.
In hindsight filling the pinata with individual bags of mini cookies wasn't such a great idea. The fruit snacks survived the beating just fine. Chips Ahoy, not so much.
11:10-11:30- Open presents.
Of course this was one of Weston's favorite parts of the party. He got some fun new things from his friends. He has already beat me once at Connect 4.
11:30-11:45- Do cake.
The lightsaber cake was a little bit of a process, but I was very pleased with how it turned out. It was my first attempt at a shaped cake and I think I'm glad I started with such an easy shape. At least Weston knew what it was and thought it was cool.
My friend, Natalie, was kind enough to share her cake with Davin. Mmmm.
11:45-12:00- Play in Weston's room. Say goodbye. May the force be with you!
We had a good time visiting with friends while Weston played with his new things in his room with the kids. He has some cute little friends. I am so glad that they were all able to come. We ended up with 9 kids (including Weston and Davin) and 8 adults (including us). It was a full house, but a big success.

Ian and Christian hanging out post-pinata.
One of many lightsaber duels, which we tried to confine to the bedroom. It looks like a close one between Lincoln and Kyler.
Weston with some of his friends. (Claire, Weston, Lincoln, and Bryce)
I am oh so glad that the party is now over, but I'm also oh so glad that we did it. Weston had a blast. And it was actually kind of fun making the pinata and the cake. I wish we had gotten a picture of all the kids together. I also wish that the games had gone a little more according to plan, but really no major complaints. A huge thanks to Tara and Natalie for helping corral and feed kids, and for taking pictures. :) I'm sure glad that Davin doesn't require as much fanfare for his birthday. I am going to go lay down on the couch now. For the rest of the weekend.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Weston!

Weston has been looking forward to this day for months now. I think he can hardly believe it's here. I can hardly believe that it was 4 whole years ago that he was born. Time sure flies when you're a parent. I am so thankful to have to privilege to be Weston's mom. He is one of the most sweet, fun, and easy kids I've ever seen. He sleeps great. He makes me laugh. He is smart and loves to talk. He is a very kind (most of the time) big brother. He loves his Heavenly Father and going to church. He has the most amazing eyes. He's one special guy and I'm glad he's part of my family.

When he woke up this morning he came in and asked if he could open his presents. He was very patient and let us take a picture before he ripped into them. He liked getting to pick which one to open next. He was pretty nice to Davin too who just wanted to help and be part of the action.
Weston loves his new Star Wars book. He also got an army guy outfit and a set of army guys to play with. He got a new influx of Mega Bloks from my parents and a new game from Ian's parents. He got the movie "Up." To which he looked up and said "Thanks guys!!!" It was adorable. He played all morning with his new stuff. He almost didn't want to go on his birthday outing because he was having so much fun playing. But we did end up going to Jumpin' Jacks to play and then out to lunch at McDonald's. All Weston's choices. It's about time for naps, but tonight we are ordering pizza for Weston's birthday dinner and watching Madagascar 2, which he picked out at Blockbuster. I think he's having a truly wonderful day. And that's the whole point! We are also all getting excited for the big Star Wars party tomorrow!

In other news. Yesterday Davin got a haircut. He did SO much better than last time. He only cried a little bit. Here's a before and after. Although it's not a great comparison because he has a bath mohawk in the before picture.
Well I sure hope that my light saber cake turns out good. I will be decorating it tonight, so send me good, creative vibes. I'm sure the party will be fun. I might be a little stressed, but Weston will have a blast. Stay tuned for the party pictures!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Storm Trooper

Weston's birthday week has officially begun! Today when he got home from school he had a birthday card to open from his great Grandma & Papa Squire. They sent him some birthday money and he immediately knew what to do with that. He wanted to go to the store that second. First off he said "I want to go to DI!" I laughed and told him we could go to the toy store where they had more toys. He decided that was an ok alternative to DI.

I had a super productive day today. After I dropped Weston off at school I came home and made my grocery list and rotated the laundry. Then Davin and I did some shopping. Walmart for groceries and party food. Then Zurchers (the party store) for additional party stuff. I am a lame-o and didn't count my own 2 children in the birthday party head count. Also everyone we invited is coming, so we are going to have more kids than I was really planning on. Oh well. I'm sure it will be fun for all. :) I did need some more treat bags though. Anyway, we came home and put the groceries away then went and got Weston from school.

The kids both took great naps! Woohoo! While they slept I rotated and folded laundry, baked Amish friendship bread (and let me tell you it is SO yummy!), cleaned the bathrooms, cleaned the stove, emptied the dishwasher, weeded out all my old magazines that there's no chance I will get to, painted the first coat on the baseball soon-to-be Death Star pinata, and looked for Star Wars character pictures online. It was quite the afternoon. When Weston woke up we watched Jungle Book together. It was fun to snuggle with him without interruptions or feeling like there was something else I should be doing.

Ian knew he was going to be working late, so we decided we would get dinner and take it to Daddy's work. We ate together and then Ian came with us and we all went to the toy store. Weston had fun looking around and trying to decide what to spend his money on. He ended up picking out a Storm Trooper dress-up outfit, one of those robot arms that's like a claw, and a little cheap plastic cement mixer truck. Thanks to our Toys R Us Birthday Club coupons it all cost less than $20.

When we got home, after dropping Ian back at work, I let Weston put on his new Storm Trooper suit (as he calls it). Someone is in love. He just thinks he's the coolest and he was extra excited when I told him he could wear the outfit for his Star Wars party on Saturday. I am impressed with how well the costume fits him and with it's quality. It is thicker than most outfits like that and has velcro up the back rather than the tie string. Isn't he the cutest Storm Trooper you ever did see???
Not to be left out is the little brother who wanted his picture taken too. You can see Weston's other toys in the background. It was certainly a fun kickoff to birthday week! Thanks for funding the toy shopping trip G&G Squire!!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Kiddo Update

Davin is just about the cutest thing ever right now. He is finally picking up more and more words. I was getting worried since he speaks so much less and less clearly than Weston did at this age, but once I made a list of his words I felt better. He has quite a few and I'm sure he will start speaking more and more clearly in the coming months. Here's his word list (more for my own record): Buzz, car, hey, hi, bye, eat, eyes, Weston, mama, dada, grandpa, turtle, Nemo, thank you, toy, ball, yum, amen, dog, moo, meow, frog, star, duck, quack, bear, go. There might be more, but so far that's all I've got on his list. He also can sign more and please, but I haven't gotten him to try out the real words yet. Here's a video of Davin talking.

Weston is also quite the cute preschooler. He is slightly more annoying because he has been talking back and giving me some attitude lately, but I'm thinking it just goes with the territory of being almost 4. He thinks he's very funny and is always wanting to tell us "silly jokes." They are usually just little stories involving weird characters (like baked potatoes talking to crabs), but every once in awhile he tells one that is actually pretty funny (for a preschooler). After Davin did his video Weston wanted a turn, so here's his current stand-up routine.

On the parents side. I am bored. Still. It is snowing and cold. I did, however, get a very fun book from the library a couple days ago. It's called "A Little Bit Wicked" by Kristen Chenoweth. She is one of my favorite actresses and I love seeing her on talk shows and stuff because she's just so cute and funny. Her book is exactly the same. I'm really enjoying hearing her own "coming to fame" story with all the wit and down-home southerness that is Kristen Chenoweth. If you're looking for a fun, interesting non-fiction book I highly recommend this one.

Ian has been working long hours at the office and is spending this weekend at a scouting training of some sort. It was all last night and all day today until 1pm. I wish we had some extra money to go see a movie tonight. That sounds so nice. Sigh. I guess it will have to wait, but I have some theater trips to make before Oscar night, so it can't wait forever. Just in case you were wondering . . . the Oscars are on March 7th this year. Put it on your calendars! ;) I know it's weird, but it's like my Superbowl.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Old Movies

I finally got the CD with all the pictures from our Oregon trip on it, but I just don't feel like sifting through it and posting a bunch of pictures tonight. I will work on that one tomorrow. Tonight I have been thinking about how much I love old movies. My Grandma and Grandpa Snowball were famous for owning hundreds of movies. Many of them oldies. We pretty much always watched a movie whenever we went to their house. I fell in love with several of them. Here is a list of my favorite old movies. If you haven't seen them, then get yourself to Blockbuster (or the library) pronto!

In no particular order . . .
1. High Society-with Grace Kelly, Bing Crosby, and Frank Sinatra
2. Most Shirley Temple movies, but I especially love Heidi.
3. Meet Me in St. Louis-with Judy Garland (I just picked this one up from the library to watch later when the kiddos are asleep)
4. Singin' in the Rain-with Gene Kelley and Debbie Reynolds
5. Charade-with Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn
6. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
7. Pillow Talk-with Doris Day and Rock Hudson
8. White Christmas-with Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney
9. Gone With the Wind
10. Roman Holiday-with Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck

There are certainly more old movies that I love, but that is the short list off the top of my head.
Happy movie watching!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Family Night!

Family Home Evening is something that was always very important to my family growing up. It was understood that you didn't make plans with friends or anything on Monday evenings. We didn't even play with friends on Monday afternoons so that we had time to do our homework before dinner. Because after dinner it was time for Family Night! Usually I really enjoyed FHE as a kid. We had fun lessons, games, treats. We also read scriptures together as a family. I always assumed I would have a similar tradition of FHE in my own home.

Flash forward 10 years and that is finally becoming a reality. I'm sure we should have been doing regular Family Home Evenings that whole time, but let's me honest. We didn't. Ian and I never much saw the point of doing it with just us and then when we had a baby who didn't speak or anything we still saw little point. Let me clarify. I still felt twinges of guilt for not making more of an effort. For that last couple years I have tried harder, but it still ended up being sporadic. One of my goals for this year is to make Monday night Family Home Evenings a priority. So far we are doing great and having lots of fun.

In the past we used the Nursery manual to help us with lessons, but lately we have been looking for inspiration elsewhere. The first week when it was my turn I used a concept and idea I read about in the Ensign. It was great. Last week Ian did a really fun lesson about listening and obeying using Simon Says. This week the pressure was on to come up with another fun and interesting lesson. I found a bunch of ideas on this new website. I didn't even look at them all. I used the lesson on manners. It was perfect for the boys because each of the manners were a different superhero. Weston wore his cape for the lesson and we talked about how we can all be superheroes in our home by trying to be more like Power Please and Thunder Thank You or Cool Can I Help. Anyway, I just wanted to share this website with you if you are looking for FHE ideas.

We are also working on reading scriptures daily as a family. For Christmas we got the Book of Mormon for Latter Day Saint Families. It is great because it has lots of pictures, definitions of hard words, and applicable quotes from general authorities. I highly recommend it.

I definitely can tell a difference in the spirit of our home as we are implementing these habits. They bring us closer to each other and closer to our Heavenly Father. I am certainly grateful for the example my parents set of bringing our family together each week to learn about the gospel and enjoy each other's company. I hope that my kids end up with as fond memories as I have of Family Night.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Identity Crisis

This weekend was completely empty. Nothing on the calendar. No plans. Nothing I actually wanted to get done around the house. Sure, there's always something that needs to be done, but something I remotely felt motivated to do? No. It made me a twinge depressed. Ian asked, "what do you want to do tomorrow?" on Friday night. I laughed. Seriously, is this even a question in my life. I don't do what I want to do hardly EVER. I don't even hardly know what I would want to do even if I could do whatever I wanted.

It shone the light more fiercely than normal on the part of me that feels hollow and empty. I love my children. This isn't even remotely about that. I have no regrets about having kids. They are fabulous, smart, funny, and seriously adorable. But somehow I still feel like I lost myself in the process of becoming a mother. I go through the motions. I do the same things I have done for the past 4 years. Some of it fun and a little exciting, and some of it so mundane it makes me want to scream. Since being a mom is all I do these days, all I seem to have room for in my life, it leaves me wondering what is left of ME. Who I was before I had kids. I don't even recognize myself anymore. Every once in awhile I get glimpses of the "old" me and it makes me smile and laugh and feel a little more carefree for awhile.

I am going to be 27 this year. Yipes. So I know I'm not alone in the little crisis I was having this weekend, so if you have any advice or insights let me know. For now my plan of action is to figure out something to do (a hobby, if you will) and someone to do it with (a friend. Anyone???). I'm hoping that spending a little more real time being Shannon and not Mommy will help me reconnect with that "old" self and make the current me more happy, more filled rather than hollow, and then, maybe then, I will be able to really figure out how to move forward and be the best person I can be now.
Don't give up on the dreams you never had

Friday, January 15, 2010

Screaming Deal

I just have to share/gloat . . .
I have mentioned Target in the past, right? Oh yes, I have. Anyway, I went there today with both kids to get some stuff for Weston's Star Wars birthday party that's coming up soon. Last time I was there they had a bunch of toys on sale, so I decided to swing through that aisle again. Totally worth it. Everything was now 75% off. I got Davin's birthday all wrapped up for $16.66. Regular price his presents would have cost $66.98. Go me. He did see them, but he'll forget by the end of March. Weston wasn't even an ounce jealous because he was so excited about his party and the stuff we got for it. One of Davin's birthday presents a Fisher Price Little People ride on toy . . . $9.18

Davin has been a major pill the last few days. He screamed most of the time we were at Target. I was embarrassed. My kids are usually exceptionally well behaved. Sigh. It could be that he never finished his antibiotic when he was throwing up and therefore he still has an ear infection. Possibly. I'm going to just wait it out though since we already have a doctor's appointment scheduled for early next week.

Since Davin has been a little cranky lately he has also been mostly waking up crying. I think. Our baby monitor is completely shot. I took the one in our room out because it mostly just shut off randomly and didn't work anyway. I ordered a new monitor off Amazon a few days ago. I was bummed because it said it wasn't going to be delivered until early February!!! However, it came today! I'm so excited to have a monitor that works. :) It was a really good deal too.

Weston is so excited for his birthday. He, of course, wants it to be today. Instead we are going to order a pizza for dinner and watch some of Dad's new Star Wars movies tonight. Should be fun. I also need to get crackin' on my Christmas thank you's. We don't have anything planned for this weekend though, so hopefully I will make some good progress.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


The word sweet has so many different meanings these day. It is the equivalent of "awesome" or "cool." It also can describe a kind person or the way a food tastes. It can also be a noun. As in let's eat some sweets! Today the kids and I visited the Sweet's Gourmet Candies factory. The do free tours Mon-Thurs. It was so fun. I couldn't bring my purse or camera with me inside the tour, so no pictures, but let's just say it was a big hit with Weston. He kept saying "This is just too cool for me." :)

We got to sample the candies we saw being made. Like an unfinished jelly bean, a fresh orange stick, and some fresh taffy. After the tour they let you loose in the factory store. Well we had to try a few other things, of course. We got some caramel nut patties and Boston baked beans. The kids got free bags of their Valentine candy assortment.

All in all definitely a successful outing. When we were back in the car Weston said "It would be so fun to have a pass to there. Then we could go whenever we wanted." Sigh. I explained that we could go back sometime because it was free. Anyway, if you live nearby I highly recommend a tour of the Sweet's candy factory.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Life's a Dance Party

Good news! Davin hasn't thrown up since Saturday night. Today he seems all the way better, with the exception that he thinks he should still be allowed to watch movies non-stop. Oops.

I don't know that Ian is feeling much better from his cold and he had to go to work today regardless, so hopefully he will be back to normal soon too.

I am feeling pretty productive today. I finally got all the laundry done and put away. I tidied and vacuumed the house. Did the dishes. Cleaned the stove. Disinfected all the door handles and light switches. Swept the kitchen. Gathered up all the toys from under the couch and swept under there.

After all that I picked up Weston from school and we all went to the library to pick out some new books. I got us all fed lunch and then took my much deserved computer break while the kids "napped." I finally started working on my blog books! I have never done one, so I am going to do 2. One of all my blog posts from 2007 and 2008 and a separate book for 2009. The plan will be to do each year from now on. I am pretty excited, but am having a little bit of a hard time with the stupid software lagging. Sigh.

During my computer break I also updated my goodreads lists and joined It's pretty cool. I went through my bookshelves and listed about 14 books that I had that I didn't particularly want to read again. Once you post 10 books you get 2 credits to start out with. I used both my credits and ordered a hardback copy of The Lovely Bones. I hope it's good. I also ordered a paperback of The Giver. It's one of my all-time faves.

I still wanted to get some more cleaning done, but alas my kiddos seem to think it's my job to entertain them this afternoon. Sometimes they drive me nuts and sometimes when that happens I do a little something to get all our minds off of being bored.
We have a dance party!
And sometimes we wear hats.

Our favorite dance party songs are:
"Single Ladies in Mayberry," (by Party Ben) "Buddy Holly," (by Weezer) "Jai Ho," (from Slumdog Millionaire) and "Great DJ" (by The Ting Tings).

Bonus! Having a dance party is about the
equivalent of a 20 minute Denise Austin workout video!

Our other fun indoor boredom buster is the new Playhut fire truck. The kids really like it, especially Weston. He always tries to get Davin to go in there with him. Last night he begged us to take this picture of him.
So, that's what we have been doing around here. I sure hope your weekend was more fun and involved less puking than ours did.

****Since so many of you are asking . . . I am using to do my blog books. I can't say if it's the best option yet since I haven't actually done them, but so far my first book of posts are all uploaded. Membership and the book-making software are both free. The books range in price depending on how long they are. The first one I am doing is 284 pages so far, but that has each post on it's own page and they aren't that long, so I am going to try to consolidate it. I'm hoping that in the end the book will be closer to 200 pages and then it will cost about $35 in hardcover. There are other sites that will upload your blog posts to a book, so feel free to look around. I chose based on my friend, Sharlyn's recommendation.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I know it's been a few days since my last post, but Davin has been sick and now Ian is too. It was throw-up sick too. The worst kind. Poor Davin just couldn't hold ANYthing down. He's better today. No puking at all today. Hooray!

Ian just has an icky cold. Which actually worked out ok because he stayed home from church with Davin today. I had a lovely time at church without having to deal with Dav. :) Weston is so well behaved and easy. I even had time to snuggle my friend's 6 week old baby during Sacrament meeting. Sigh. So cute.

I am hoping that Weston and I stay healthy. We shall see.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ode to Target

Why do I love Target?
It is the best store. It has everything (especially if you have a SuperTarget).
Cute clothes.
Tons of baby stuff.
Cute and not-lame-looking greeting cards for 99 cents.
The dollar spot. Need I say more?
The $1.50 popcorn/drink combo is a must. It keeps Davin busy and happy so I can browse to my heart's content. I go to Target pretty much every week while Weston is in school. Shall we say it's my guilty pleasure?

Since it is post-Christmas they have tons of stuff on Clearance.
As much as I love Target. I love their Clearance even better.
In the past I got a pair of all time favorite jeans on Target clearance for $7.00.
This week I got this adorable plum sweater for $6.25.
I also got a kelly green hoodie for $7.50.
You all know I love a good deal.
And because of that, I love Target.


Monday, January 4, 2010


Ok, so I have really been wanting to post, but it pains me to post things out of order. We forgot the CD of pics from Oregon in Oregon, so I haven't had the rest of the OMSI and grandparent pics to show you. I will just have to put them up when they come. Lo siento.

Anyway, we drove home from Oregon ALL day on the 30th. It had snowed in Oregon, so it was slow (like 40mph) going and took much longer than the drive there. BUT we made it home safe and sound and that's what counts. Right??? My seester Mel and her hubster Brad got to our house around midnight that night. We spent New Year's together! It was so fun. I loved having them with us. Let it be admitted that we barely stayed awake until midnight. We were all pretty exhausted from our travels, but we persevered. We played Bananagrams, Guesstures (in which Ian and I got our trash kicked), and watched some random shows. There was also lots of fried foods and sweets involved. It was awesome.

New Year's Day we got ourselves all ready and went to the bookstore to get our 2010 (twenty ten is the correct pronunciation I am told) calendar. Then we went to the new In N Out. No better way to start the new year than that.
yes I am aware that Davin looks drugged. thank you.
Today is life back to normal. I have to admit I kind of missed the routine of it all. I am weird like that. Weston was excited to go back to school and told me that school is more fun than home. Sad. I will have to work on that.

We are a few days into our (not committed to paper or even necessarily spoken aloud) New Year's Resolutions. Let's just say we are making use of our new Family Book of Mormon. We love all the pictures and definitions it has!

Weston had his first day of Sunbeams yesterday. He was so excited. He wore a new burgundy church shirt and tie and marched into the primary exuding confidence. I wish I had taken a picture. He cracks me up, but really I am just so proud of him for being such a brave, smart little kid. He didn't sing much and I could tell that he was getting antsy/bored/tired by the end, but he did great and seemed to have fun. I am also loving Primary! Just sitting and playing the piano is so fun. I get to observe my kids from a distance too.

I am finally making progress with the Christmas returns and exchanges. I only have 2 things left to take care of. Whew! Next step: thank you notes. They seem so daunting this year for some reason. I think I just need to get out the stuff and start writing. Maybe while the kids are asleep.

Finally I am feeling stuck in a rut with my winter meals.
Please please leave a good/easy/cheap dinner recipe for me!!!
I will love you forever.
Thanks! And Happy New Year!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Family in Oregon

As you already know we decided last minute to drive out to Oregon to visit the Bowles side of the family. The drive out there was uneventful and fast. We made it in 13 hours and with only 3 stops. Hallelujah for our new portable DVD player and minivan!

Everyone came over Saturday night for dinner and some Wii, but we were really exhausted after getting up at 3:30am and driving all day, so we turned in pretty early. Sunday we all went to church. It was nice to attend a normal ward with Sacrament meeting first. I also randomly ran into a girl from my home ward when I was young. She is married to a guy from Ian's home ward. Small world.

Anyway, Sunday dinner was wonderful. We had such a nice time playing and visiting.

Me and my sisterIL Aly.
Auntie Shannon and Ivy
Baby cousins playing
Davin loved all the animals. The big dog is Aly and Ryan's baby and the black cocker spaniel is Ian's parents' dog.
The whole Bowles clan. Merry Christmas!!!
Back: Emilee, Eli with baby Ivy, Ryan, Aly, Ian, Shannon with Davin
Front: Grandma Bowles, Denny, Jim, Weston