If you can't tell . . . I'm trying to get all caught up on my blogging before Christmas/the New Year. I think this might be the last "catch up" post!
Beckett turned 3 months old on Friday! I really cannot believe that he's already three whole months old. He's barely still a newborn. It has it's pros and cons.
-He no longer snuggles like a little lump. Just like all of my babies he will NOT lay his head down on my shoulder unless he is already dead asleep. He wants to have his head up looking around.
-He is awake more often and consequently needs to be held and played with more often. I debated putting this in the con list, but it does make it harder to get things done around the house.
-He doesn't poop every 10 minutes!
-He smiles!
-He has started to sometimes take naps in his bassinet in his room. I like this because I feel like we aren't working around him as much.
-He sort of giggles/snorts.
-He sleeps a little more consistently and even if he is up twice in the night he goes right back to sleep.
-He takes a bottle!
-He kicks and coos and is seriously getting cuter by the day. See for yourself!
We all adore Beckett. I am so grateful that he is part of our family. He makes us feel complete. I'm looking forward to watching him continue to learn and grow each day. I can't wait to see what kind of little personality he will have!
How To Develop Value-Based Spending Habits
1 year ago