Christmas Day started at 6:45am at our house, which isn't too bad considering Talia has been known to wake up as early as 5am some days. She came and woke us up and was pretty patient while I put in my contacts and brushed my teeth. She still thought she was going downstairs to watch a show though and was disappointed for just a minute when I told her we were going to stay upstairs and open our stockings. Then she realized what that meant. The boys were awake but were obediently staying in their room until 7. Talia and I went in and told them to come on out. After that it was present and candy chaos.
Beckett couldn't be bothered with opening stocking stuffers, but he was very interested in the M&M's all over the floor and tried to shove as many into his mouth as he could before I noticed and gathered them up. He also thought the oranges from the stockings were really fun balls and carried them around all morning. He did like his new toy phone and the Little Einstein DVD that were in his stocking. The other kids had fun opening their stockings. Everyone was happy with their loveys. And the boys got little Nerf guns which were a hit. Talia got her own chapstick and blue nail polish. She has had blue nails ever since Christmas day.
Once the stockings were opened we headed downstairs to see what Santa had left for us. Talia was the first one down. She saw the bike and kept asking if it was for her. She hasn't figured out how to work the pedals just yet, but in a few months when it's warmer outside I'm sure she will figure it out. We all must have been good because Santa brought us lots of fun things.
The boys got Disney Infinity. They also each got a big Lego set they had been wanting. Davin's was the Ninjago Temple of Light which came with the golden mech (that's all he asked Santa for). Weston's was the Lord of the Rings Battle at the Black Gate set. Talia also got a Boo doll from Santa, which she and Beckett both love. Santa brought Beckett a big stuffed Sully lovey and a Little People farm.
We took turns opening presents from under the tree and got so many fun gifts! The kids got books from grandparents and games from aunts and uncles. There was even a gift certificate for a visit to their favorite Children's Museum from the Garcia's. The other Bowles' gave us some fun mustache straws that we used with Christmas breakfast. I got Ian a Jambox speaker and an RC helicopter and I was so happy that he loves them. My giant present turned out to be a new outside freezer! Hooray! I can finally shop at Sam's Club and have a place for the food! I also got a new iphone 5S. It's pretty and fast. Love it.
Weston got a chess set and has been playing with anyone who will sit and play with him (luckily Ian is a fan of playing Chess). Davin got a bow and arrow set and has been practicing his aim. Talia got a dress up Minnie Mouse who she will only let wear the blue outfit. Beckett's favorite thing is his Little People farm. He plays with it for hours every day. He also got his very own slinky from Davin and he thinks it's so cool. We got a couple of movies, Despicable Me 2 and Monsters University, that we have been watching over the break. The whole present opening process only took an hour. By 8am we were ready to eat breakfast and start playing!
We took it slow and stayed in jammies all morning. I made souffle and cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Then we opened the toys and the boys got started building Lego's. We watched one of our movies and talked with family on FaceTime. The boys tried out their new Wii games. It was a really nice, mellow Christmas at home.
That night I made ham with a red currant glaze (which turned out really yummy), cheesy potatoes, rolls and grated carrots for dinner. I didn't get out the china again. It's just so much work! We did enjoy our nice Christmas dinner though and curled up to finish watching Despicable Me 2 before bed. I just loved being home with my family and relaxing all day. It was a wonderful holiday and I am so very thankful I was feeling well enough to participate and have fun. Merry Christmas!