My Mom's Act of Generosity
One August day my mother decided to be generous. She'd had an extra-bountiful harvest from her gardening efforts. Plump tomatoes and zucchini were bursting forth from their many green stems. She wasn't in the mood for canning. We'd already eaten enough zucchini to make us sick that season. Zucchini bread, fried zucchini, zucchini in our pasta, zucchini in our soup - what was next? Zucchini milk shakes? The zucchini had to go, but my mother did not believe in wasting a thing.
She decided to share with complete strangers. The neighbors had already accepted more zucchini than they could handle. We couldn't possibly ask them to accept more of the big green gifts. No - it would have to be strangers who would be the recipients of Mom's generosity this time.
"How can I carry out this kind and generous deed?" she wondered. She tore some cardboard off of a box in our garage and created a sign with black magic marker.
It read:
"Please take - FREE!"
Proud of herself, she went into the back yard and dragged one of her picnic benches all the way to the front yard - to the street. We lived on more of a rural highway than a street. Cars would whizz by at about 50 mph on the average. I'm not sure how she expected anyone to be able to see her little sign and stop in time.
She enlisted me to help her carry the bounty of tomatoes and zucchini out to the bench, and when we were done, we looked proudly at our display. Mother was teaching me a lesson about sharing.
Back inside the house, we waited for a time at the front window with proud anticipation. Cars sped by - no one stopped.
The morning wore on and we got tired and just a bit disappointed. At one point, I recall someone finally stopping and taking many of the vegetables, leaving a few behind.
We lost track after a while - forgetting about the display.
Evening fell - and when Mom went out to retrieve the picnic bench, it was gone.
For the longest time, we scratched our heads and wondered what could have happened to it - and we laughed when we realized what had probably happened.
We found nothing but her cardboard sign laying on the ground.
Someone must have come along and taken the last of the vegetables - and left the sign propped up on the empty picnic bench - the one that had read:
"Please take - FREE!"
So someone took the bench!
It was the last time we shared that way.