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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What rule of civil procedure am I?

As a law student, I am obligated to take this quiz.

Which Federal Rule of Civil Procedure Are You?

YOU ARE RULE 11!You were designed to make sure that attorneys in federal cases make reasonable inquiries into fact and law before submitting pleadings, motions, or other papers. You were a real hardass in 1983, when you snuffed out all legal creativity from federal proceedings and embarassed well-meaning but overzealous attorneys. You loosened up a bit in 1993, when you began allowing plaintiffs to make allegations in their complaints that are likely to have evidenciary support after discovery, and when you allowed a 21 day period for the erring attorney to withdraw the errant motion. Sure, you certainly won't get any brownie points for being outgoing, but you keep things on the up and up. It's pretty clear that the whole operation would fall apart without you around.
Take this quiz!

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Monday, October 30, 2006

Environmental Economics

See previous post.

Now we even have a leading British Government Economist saying that it makes good economic sense to protect the environment and take measure to prevent climate change.

He predicts that if we do not prevent global climate change, world economic growth will begin to slow considerably. While he concedes that it is not certain that this will happen, he finds the economic risks far outweigh the uncertainty. He believes there is a need for the world governments to set regulations to encourage a move away from a carbon based economy through taxes or carbon trading. He also believes this can be done for as little as 1% of the global economic output and will create enormous opportunity for investment, not kill investment like some say.

In my view, there is a more pressing economic risk of staying depending on carbon based fuels, specifically oil: China and the rest of Asia is continuing to develop and increasing their demand for oil. As that demand increases, the price of oil increases. As our economy is do dependent on oil, that any increase in the price has a significant impact on spending, travel, transportation, and many other facets of our economy. The sooner we get off our dependence on oil, the better economic position we will be in when the price of oil really goes through the roof.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Abortion? Not in Nicaragua.

Eeek! Nicaragua has joined 2 other Latin American Countries as being the only countries in the Western Hemisphere that completely ban abortion. No exception. Not even for rape or incest. Glad to know we are SO much more progressive than these countries...a complete ban could NEVER happen here.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Private Police Force

I LOVE these guys. They provide a bit of entertainment, though their views a little ummm......scary.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Monday, October 09, 2006

Ok, where does a 13 year old get an AK-47?

Parent's using children as weapons and now 13 year olds bringing AK-47s and Bombs into school.

Now my question: Where does a 13 year old get an AK-47? His parents had one. Why? Because they need to protect themselves from skunks.

There is no reason an AK-47 should be anywhere a 13 year old boy (or girl) could reach it. For that matter there shouldn't be any reason a 13 year old has access to any sort of weapon unless properly supervised by a parent. I am not against hunting, I am against guns in the hands of kids without proper adult supervision. I also do not think there is any reason why anyone should have an AK-47!

Since everyone is posting about N. Korea

I will share something scary a bit closer home.

This is very disturbing.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Palestine in Civil War?

Hmmm.....two factions of the government fighting against each other.....sounds kinda like a certain other middle eastern country.